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and you will easily win; but if

you were to play Q. Kt. P two sq. for the first move, you would not win; for example

[blocks in formation]

It is evident that if you do not advance your R. P. two sq. you cannot possibly win, because he will play his K. alternately to his K. B. 2d sq., and to his own sq. Perhaps on looking attentively you may think you ought to advance the P., because he will be obliged to take it with his Q. Kt. P., you then advance your Q. Kt. P. towards Queen, and though he will make a Q. first, yet your Pawn on becoming a Q. will check his King, and compel him to move to Q. 2d. sq., or to K. B. 2d sq.; and then you make a second Q. with vour K. P., at the same time checking his K., and you would



We do not suppose a

casily win, having two Q. to his one. very young player would calculate so far, but there are many players who seeing all this and no more, would not hesitate to make the move, being sure of winning the game. We shall proceed to show you that it would be very bad play, as Black will be able to make a move that will frustrate your plan and cause you to lose the game. Suppose then that on your second move you play

2. Q. R. P. two.

3. Q. Kt. P. one.

4. Q. Kt. P. one.

5. Q. Kt. P. one.

2. P. takes P.

3. P. to Q. R. 6th.

4. P. to Q. R. 7th.

5. K. Kt. P. one, becomes a

Q. and checks; this is the decisive move which wins the game. If you do not take the Q., he will move her to his Q. Kt. 3d sq., and will then take your Q. Kt. P., therefore

6. K. takes Q.

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6. P. Queens and checks, and afterwards plays Q. to Q. Kt. 7th, checking and winning Q. Kt. P. and the game.

This is a very improving situation, and we request you to study it attentively. If Black on the 5th move had ad

vanced his P. to your Q. R. sq. instead of first sacrificing the K. Kt. P., you would certainly have won the game, because your P. at the moment of making a Q. would have checked his K.; but Black by judiciously sacrificing a P., forces you to move to a square which enables him to check you at the moment he advances to Q., and prevents your P. from becoming a Q. You observe that it is not enough to know that each will make a Q., you must also ascertain whether he attack your King the moment he makes a Q., or whether by a previous move he can force you to a square that will be attacked by the new Q.



For a proper understanding of the principles developed in this lesson, it will be necessary first to instruct the student how to ascertain whether his King, when at some distance, can prevent a Pawn from becoming a Q., and this without resorting to the very objectionable habit of counting every square with the fingers.

The rule is, that when your K. is in the quadrangle formed by the square on which the Pawn stands, and the square where it will become a Q., he will stop the Pawn, whether he have the first move or not; for example:

[merged small][merged small][graphic]

Here the four corners of the quadrangle formed by Pawn and the square where it will become a Queen, are Black's Q. Kt. 4th sq., K. B. 4th sq., and White's Q. Kt. sq., and K B. sq. The white King at his B. 5th is evidently in the quadrangle, and can therefore stop the Pawn, or take it if it become a Queen, whether he have the first move or not. If he white King were at his Kt. 3d sq., that is, beyond the quadrangle, he will not be able to stop the P. unless he play first, in which case it is indifferent whether he move to K. B. 2d, 3d, or 4th sq., as all those squares are in the quadrangle.

[merged small][merged small][graphic][merged small]

In this position, though the K. is in the quadrangle forme l Dy the P and White's Q. Kt..sq., yet he will not stop the P.

unless he have the move; this is solely owing to the Pawn being able to move two sc. at first; for if Black begin, he will move to Q. Kt. 4th sq., and White will be two moves beyond the sq., and therefore cannot prevent the P. from winning

L:, however, often happens that your own pieces or your adversary's prevent your K. from moving the shortest way, for example:

[subsumed][merged small][merged small][graphic][subsumed][merged small]

In this situation, his B. prevents your K. from moving to Q. E. 3d sq., so as to be in the quadrangle; therefore if you had no Pawn you could not prevent his Pawn from becoming a Queen, but having a Pawn at Q. B. 6th, you will draw the game by sacrificing it; you should therefore play,.

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