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own turn to call, to mix the trump card with your other cards before you assort your hand, or make your discard for sometimes, when you run for a flush or blaze, it will be necessary to throw away your trump card;but in such a case, you should be careful to let no one know it.

If you are not dealer. and the dealer should leave his trump card on the table till he has made his call, observe whether that card be included in his discard or not. If it is, you may be sure that he runs either for a blaze, or for a flush, in a suit that is not trumps: and if he do not obtain a flush or blaze, it is almost certain that he has a weak haud,

Of discarding the Dealer's sixth Card.

1. If you have one or more trumps and have a single card of any other suit, discard that single card, unless it be an ace. Because when that suit is led, you will probably get safe by transposing it

2. If you have no trump, discard the lowest card, in that suit of which you have the most. Because, as you cannot trump, you must endeavour to keep a card in every other suit, that you may have as many chances as possible of getting safe. You will seldom have more than one chance of saving yourself on the same suit.

3. If, however, you have two or three high trumps, and are sure of getting safe, it will be as well not to discard a good card, though it be a single card of any suit. Because, as your high trumps will give you the lead, when all the trumps are out, the high cards of other suits will then be neariv as good in your hand as trumps.

4. Never show the card that you throw out, nor let any one know to what suit it belongs. Because, the conclusion would be, that it was the only card you had of that suit the elder hand would, of course, avoid leading from that suit-whereas it is for your interest that he should lead from it, as you would be almost certain, from being last player, of taking the trick by trumping it.

Of knowing the state of your Adversaries' Hands.

In order to play with judgment, it is necessary to have some idea of the state of each person's hand.

This is

to be obtained, partly from the run of the cards, but principally from observing what number of cards each person calls in. Some assistance may be derived from the following observations.

1. If you have been able to keep the run of the cards with tolerable accuracy, you may calculate from your own call, what are the cards which others have called in.

2. If any person call for only one card, he probably had four flush or blaze cards (generally the latter) and it is three to one that they are not trumps; so that if he does not get a blaze or flush, you may safely calculate that he has not more than one trump: it is three to one that he has none.

3. If any one call for two, he probably had three low trumps: and it is three to two that he did not obtain another trump.

4. If any person call for three, it is beyond a doubt that he had two trumps, one of which, at least, is a good one; and it is an equal chance that he called in another trump.

5. If any one call four, he had probably either pam, ace, or king; and it is about six to five that he called in another trump.

6. The dealer will always stand on a poorer hand than any other person.

From these calculations you may be able to play in such a manner, as to get safe on a weak hand; and you may, from the same knowledge, frequently loo one or two persons more than you otherwise would.

Of playing your Cards.

In playing your cards, there are three objects which you should always have in view. The first, and principal one, is to get safe. Consequently, if you have not pam, or some other sure card in your hand, you must, in the first place, endeavour to win a trick. The second and next important object, after being safe, is to loo as many persons as you possibly can, even though you lose several tricks by it. This is called playing for the good of the loo, and is invariably practised by generous and honourable players. The third and last is, when all are safe, or when there is no chance of looing any one, to win as many of the remaining tricks as possible.

Always recollect what number of cards each person called in, and play accordingly.

Elder Hand.

If you are elder hand, and have only one or two low trumps (especially if you have but one) lead a trump. For if you should lead from a suit that is not trumps, it is almost certain that it will be trumped by somebody; in which case, the winner will (according to an invariable rule, "as soon as you are safe, play for the good,") lead a trump; and whoever wins that trick will lead another trump, which will bring out both of yours; and as they are low, it is impossible that they should win either of the tricks. Whereas, if you begin by leading a trump, you not only loo a greater number, (which is particularly in your favour, as you will deal next,) but you bring out the trumps sooner, and by that means have a much better chance of getting safe on some other suit that may be led, of which probably you hold the best card, and which might otherwise be trumped. It is also generally understood, that a person has a good hand when he leads a trump; consequently the other players will not be so likely to endeavour to loo him.

If you have no trump, lead from a suit in which you have no high card; unless there should be but two or three playing, in which case lead your best card.

If you have ace and king, call pam be civil, and lead the ace, after which lead your king, and if you have another trump left lead that.

If you have pam and king, lead pam; after which lead the king, as the ace, you being safe, will not be played upon it.

If you have a safe hand, always lead a trump.

If you have the ace of trumps, and not the king or pam, do not lead your ace.

If you have pam and no other trump, do not lead pam. If you have pam and another trump, lead pam; after which, lead your other trump.

General Rules for Playing.

As soon as you are safe, play for the good of the loo. If you are safe, lead a trump, if you have one; otherwise, lead your best card.

If a trump be led, and you have ace and king, say pam be civil, and play your ace; after which lead your king.

If a trump be led, and you have pam and another trump, play pam; after which lead your trump.

If a trump be led, and you have pam and no other trump, do not play pam.

If the ace has been played in a previous trick, and you have king and queen remaining, lead or play your king, calling pam be civil.

If the ace, king, or queen be led or played, without calling pam be civil, put on pam, whether you have anether trump or not.

After winning a trick, if you have the best trump in, always lead or play that trump; whether pam be out

or not.

Always endeavour to prevent any one that is not safe, from winning a trick, especially if you are last player. It is a general rule, never to take a winner's lift, unless all are safe. That is, if you are last player, and the trick belongs to one who is safe, you ought not to waste your valuable cards by taking it. Or if a winner lead

or play a card which you know to be the best in, except what you hold in your own hand, you ought to pass the trick. This rule, however, is not to be observed, if you think that by taking such a trick you can loo a greater number than by passing it.

If you have pam and queen, with no other trump, and the ace or king be led or played with the call pam be civil, play pam notwithstanding; after which, lead your queen, as the king will not be played on your queen, if the holder have any other trump.

You will do the same, if a person who is safe lead the king, whether the ace be out or not.

You will do the same, if you have pam and king only, and one who is safe should lead or play the ace.

If you have the ace, or the king, or the queen, with only one or two low trumps, and are not safe, be cautious of playing your high card while the higher ones are in; especially do not lead it, nor play it the second hand.


THIS game is played with an entire pack of cards, which rank as at Whist, except the knaves and nines, which are called braggers, and rank the same as any cards they may be held with. Thus, an ace and two knaves or nines, or one of each, are called three aces; a deuce and two braggers three deuces; a king and one bragger, two kings, and so on. The number of players is usually from four to eight. The cards are cast round for the deal, and the first bragger deals first, and afterward in succession to the left. The person on the left of the dealer then puts into the pool any sum he pleases, which is called the ante. If the next player chooses, he may put in double the sum, the third may double again, and so each in his turn; but this must be done before the deal commences. The ante being paid, three cards are dealt to each player, one by one. Each player, in rotation, having examined his hand, decides whether he will go in, if he does, he puts into the pool the amount of the ante; if he does not go in, he throws up his cards, unexposed, and waits for the next deal. The dealer then gives to each player who goes in, as many cards from the pack as he discards from his hand, which completes the deal The eldest hand, that is, the first on the left of the dealer who goes in, then begins the play. He must either brag, pass eldest, or bolt; if, on examining his cards, he dares to brag, he must put into the pool any sum he pleases, (not less than the whole ante) naming the amount; or, he may say, “Ipass," retaining his cards, and becoming youngest hand; or if his cards are bad, he may bolt, that is, throw up his cards, and forfeit his interest in the pool for that deal. If he bolts, the next player becomes eldest, and has the same right, and so on until some one brags. None but eldest hand can pass. If the elder hand pass, the next player must brag or bolt. After any player has bragged, the rest

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