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Rules for Playing

1. The game consists of ten points. After cutting for deal, at which either the highest or the lowest card wins, as may have been previously agreed upon, six cards are to be given to each player, either by three or one at a time. The thirteenth card is turned up, and is the trump card.

2. If the card turned up should be a knave, the dealer scores one point to his game.

3. If the eldest hand should not like the cards dealt him, he may say, "I beg." when the dealer must either give him a point, or deal three more cards to each, and turn up the seventh for trump: but if that should prove of the same suit as the first turned up, then three cards more must be given, and so on until some different suit


4. The cards rank as at whist, and each player should strive to secure his own tens and court cards, or take those of the adversary; to obtain which, except when commanding cards are held, it is usual to play a low one; in order to throw the lead into the opponent's hand.

5. Endeavour to make your knave as soon as you can. 6. Low is always scored by the person to whom it was dealt but jack being the property of whoever can win or save it, the possessor is permitted to revoke and trump with that card.

7. Win your adversary's best cards when you can, either by trumping them, or with superior cards of the same suit.


SPECULATION is a noisy round game. It may be played by several persons, with a complete pack of cards, ranking the same as at whist, with fish or counters, on which such a value is fixed as the company may agree upon.

The highest trump in each deal, wins the pool; and whenever it happens that not one is dealt, then the company pool again, and the event is decided by the succeeding coup.

After determining the deal, &c. the dealer pools six fish, and every other plaver four: in the next place, three cards are given to each by one at a time, and another turned up for trump; the cards are not to be looked at except in this manner; the eldest hand shows the uppermost card, which, if a trump, the company may speculate upon or bid for; the highest bidder buying and paying for it, provided the price offered is approved of by the seller.

When this is settled, or if the first card does not prove trump, then the next eldest shows the uppermost card, and so on; the company speculating as they think proper, till all are discovered; when the possessor of the highest trump, whether by purchase or otherwise, gains the pool.

In order to play this game well, little more is required than to recollect what superior cards of that particular suit have appeared in the preceding deals, and calculating the probability of the trump offered proving the highest trump out.

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LOTTERY may be played by a large company, with two complete packs of cards, one for the prizes, the other for the tickets, and dealt by any two of the party, as the dealer has no advantage. Each player takes a certain number of counters, on which a settled value is put: these are placed in a pool, as a fund for the lottery after shuffling the cards they are cut from the left hand, one dealer gives each a card, face downwards, for the prizes, on which are to be placed different numbers of counters from the pool, at the option of the per son to whom such card has been given: afterward the second dealer distributes, from the other pack, a card to each player, for the tickets: next the prizes are turned by one of the managers, and whosoever possesses a corresponding card receives the stake placed thereon, and those remaining undrawn are added to the fund in the pool; the dealers then collect the cards and proceed as before, until the fund is exhausted, when the party pool again. and those who have more counters than they want, receive the difference in money.

Another method is, to take, at random, three cards out of any pack, and place them, face downwards, on a board or in a bowl upon the table for prizes; then every player purchases, from the pack, any number of cards for tickets as may be most agreeable, paying a fixed sum, or certain quantity of counters, for each, which are put in different proportions, on the three prizes to be gained by those who may purchase corresponding cards; those not drawn are to be continued till the next deal.

It may be played with a single pack, separating it into two divisions, each containing a red and black suit.



POPE, a game somewhat similar to that of Matrimony, (see p. 116) is played by any number of people, who generally use a board painted for this purpose, which may be purchased at most turners' or toy shops.

The eight of diamonds must first be taken from the pack, and after settling the deal, shuffling, &c. the dealer dresses the board by putting fish, counters, or other stakes, one each to ace. king, queen, knave, and game; two to matrimony, two to intrigue, and six to the nine of diamonds, styled Pope This dressing is, in some companies, at the individual expense of the dealer, though in others, the players contribute two stakes each towards the same. The cards are next to be dealt round equally to every player, one turned for trump, and about six or eight left in the stock to form stops; as for example, if the ten of spades be turned up, the nine consequently becomes a stop: the four kings, and the seven of diamonds, are always fixed stops, and the dealer is the only person permitted, in the course of the game, to refer occasionally to the stock for information, what other cards are stops in their respective deals.


f either ace, king, queen, or knave happen to be turned-up trump, the dealer may take whatever is depope posited on that head; but when is turned up, the dealer is entitled both to that and the game, besides a stake for every card dealt to each player.

Unless the game be determined by pope being turned up, the eldest hand must begin by playing out as many cards as possible; first the stops, then pope, if he have it, and afterward the lowest card of his longest suit, particularly an ace, for that never can be led through; the other players are to follow when they can, in sequence of the same suit, till a stop occurs, and the party


134 having the stop thereby becomes the eldest hand, and is to lead accordingly, and so on. until some person part with all his cars, by which he wins the pool, and becomes entitled besides to a stake for every card not played by the others, except from any one holding pope, which excuses him from paying: but if pope has been plaved, then the party having held it is not excused. King and queen form what has been denominated Matrimony queen and knave make intrigue, when in the same hand; but neither these, nor ace, king, queen, knave, or pope, entitle the holder to the stakes deposited thereon, unless plaved out: and no claim can be allowed after the board be dressed for the succeeding deal; but in all such cases the stakes are to remain for future determination.

This game only requires a little attention to recollect what stops have been made in the course of the play; as. for instance, if a player begins by laying down the eight of clubs, then the seven in another hand forms a stop, whenever that suit be led from any lower card, or the holder, when eldest, may safely lay it down, in order to clear his hand.

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