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It was but a short time after this interview, and during the agreeable intercourse between the families, that Nubley opened his whole generous intentions to me. He again re verted to his want of family, and the silliness of his wife, and then informed me that, under all the circumstances, and having no relations who had any claims upon him, he would, pending the investigation of the complicated affair of Chipps, Rice, Hiccory, and Co., put Cuthbert entirely at his ease; “to do which," added the good old man," he must be put in the position to put you at your ease, too." This gave me the highest opinion of Nubley's generosity at the moment: what, then, were my feelings when I saw him, as usual, stubble his chin before the chimney-glass, and think out" and every shilling I have shall be yours when I die."

This "oozing" placed me in an extremely awkward position -that I had heard the words, and was consequently aware of his intentions, is most true; but I felt it necessary to make my gratitude subservient to my civility, and therefore it was that I could not venture to admit that he had given utterance to thoughts which he had not meant to express.

I certainly communicated to Harriet what had fallen upon my ears; and the involuntary expression was completely corroborated, as she told me, by the avowals of Mrs. Nubley, who declared, "Lauk, he was sich a man when once he took a thing into his head," &c. &c.

We had gone on for some fortnight in this way, Cuthbert apparently unconscious of what was the state of the case, but, nevertheless, anxiously fidgety about Mrs. Brandyball, whose rage and disappointment at the frustration of her hopes were most awful. She wrote him one letter, which we, Nubley and I, under the circumstances of his health, felt ourselves justified in opening and answering: it was coarse, insolent, unfeeling; and, even while attempting to threaten him into some pecuniary sacrifice, admitted her only object in her intended marriage to have been securing his money; but, what was worse than all, it contained some anecdotes of Kitty, and allusions to her conduct while under her care, which, if any care had been taken, could never have occurred.

Nubley wrote her an answer; and, when we saw in the Saturday week's newspaper, quoted from the "Gazette" List of Bankrupts,-"Sarah Brandyball, boarding-house-keeper, Montpelier, Bath, Co. Somerset, to surrender at the Lamb Inn, Bath, Thursday, February 14, at ten; Attornies, Messrs. Grab and Worry, Gay street;" we did not feel more pity than could be reasonably afforded to a mass of unprincipled humanity,

whose whole efforts under the cloak of kindness, refinement, sentimentality, were to undermine and pervert the principles of the unfortunate victims for the instruction and edification of whom she had neither the means nor the inclination.

Well, and here am I come to the end of another note-book; and here, therefore, must I stop; but, happy as I am in the restoration of my brother, and his affection to me-delighted as I am to find Kate redeemed, and, as I hope, in a fair way of happiness-pleased as I am to find Jane all that I ever hoped her to be, my wife faultless, and my family circle most agreeable; Sniggs our own again, the Wellses the best-natured and kindest, and the Nubleys all we could desire; still I feel some apprehension that I may be for a time unsettled. Nubley lets out that I might do a great deal of good by going out to Calcutta-that he is too old himself to undertake the voyage, and that Cuthbert's removal would be annihilation; so I hold myself in readiness.

I received in the morning of to-day, the last I can record, a most extraordinary letter from Daly, who has married his "fortune," and is most zealous in his calling. Hull has also written to me, not choosing to travel back this road with his aunt, and tells me that matters will turn out better than we think with Chipps, Rice, Hiccory, and Co., as he "happens to know:" and the newspaper announces the death at sea of "Mellicent, wife of Lieutenant Merman, of the 146th foot." What a prospect opens as my book closes! all I can say is, that I am thankful to Providence for the successes which have arisen to me out of evil, and for that mercy and goodness which it extends even to the least worthy of human beings.

P. S. I see by the "Sun" of to-night, that Captain Thompson, alias Jemmy Dabbs, alias Bluff Jim, was last Tuesday sentenced to fourteen years' transportation for horse-stealing, having been apprehended, committed, tried, and condemned in the short space of twenty-eight hours.


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