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and astonishment to the world by a moral and descriptive poem in blank verse!

Jan. 26, 1809.

ART. XVIII. Bibliographical Catalogue.



In the library of the Earl of Egremont at Petworth, are some curious political pamphlets of an early date, which have been bound up in several volumes. I have copied the titles of these for your Bibliographical Catalogue, and make a few extracts. I. S.C.

Art. 1. A Consideration of the Papist's Reasons of State and Religion, for toleration of Poperie in England, intimated in their supplication unto the King's Maiestie, and the states of the present Parliament. At Oxford, Printed by Joseph Barnes, and are to bee sold in Paules Church yarde at the signe of the Crowne, by Simon VVaterson. 1604. By Gabriel Powel, of St. Marie Hall. Pages 128.

It concludes with the "auctor's teares and humble petition unto Almightie God."

Art. 2. The Order of Equalitie, contrived and divulged as a generall directorie for common sessements, seruing for the indifferent defraying, taxing, and rating of common impositions and charges, lyable to citties, townes, or villages, that they may be done in some equall and proportionable order, for the benefit of the Common-wealth. Very necessarie for all per


sons, to whome the execution and apprehension of this businesse appertaine. Printed by John Legat, Printer to the Vniversitie of Cambridge, 1604, and are to be sold at the signe of the Crowne in Pauls Churchyard, by Simon Waterson. Pages 32.

In the Preface, signed C. Gibbon, he thus addresses himself to all judiciall and indifferent readers. "It was no mervaile that the heathen man Xenophon willed euery one æqualitatem colere, to honour equalitie, seeing it serueth so much to the commending of a ciuill life, to the managing of common affaires, to the conseruing of popular vnitie, which is so excellent in comparison, so generall in comprehension, so necessarie in all. actions, that no Commonwealth can doe well without it yet such is the error of this age, that more are readie to confesse than to expresse this equalitie in any of their actions."

Art. 3. Anti-Coton, or a refutation of Cotton's Letter Declaratorie: lately directed to the Queene Regent, for the apologizing of the Jesuites doctrine, touching the killing of Kings. A booke, in which it is proued, that the Jesuites are guilție, and were the authors of the late execrable parricide, comnitted vpon the person of the French King, Henry the Fourth of happy memorie.-To which is added, a Supplication of the Vniuersitie of Paris, for the preventing of the Jesuites opening their schooles among them: in which their King-killing doctrine is also notably discouered, and confuted. Both translated out of the French by G. H. Together with the Translator's animadversions vpon Colton's Letter. London. Printed by T. S. for Richard Boyle, and are to be solde at his shop in the Blacke Fryers. 1611. Pages 88. Extract,

Extract, page 35.

"That in the yeare 1594, the 27 of December, John Chastell, clarke, brought vp in the colledge of the Jesuites, having giuen the late King a stab with a knife in the mouth, thinking to have giuen it in the breast, was taken and committed to the prouost of the King's house, and brought into the bishop's prison, where vpon an interrogatory, hee confessed, that long agoe he had proposed in himselfe to giue this stabbe, and missing of his purpose, he would doe it yet if he could, being persuaded that it would be for the good of the Catholique Apostolique and Roman religion."

ART. XIX. Further Bibliographical Catalogues.

Art. 1. Coopers Chronicle contenynge the whole discourse of the histories as well of thys realme, as all other countreis, with the succession of theyr kynges, the tyme of theyr raign, and what notable actes were do ne by the newely enlarged and augmented, as well in the first parte wyth diuers profitable Histories: as in the latter ende wyth the whole summe of those thynges that Paulus Jouius and Sleigdane hath written of late yers that is, now lately ouersene and with great dilligence corrected and augmented vnto the vii yere of the raigne of our most gracious Quene Elizabeth that now is. Anno 1565 the first day of Augustę. 4to. b,l.

Originally published as an Epitome of Chronicles in 1549; ten years afterwards it was surreptitiously printed, with a continuation by Robert Crowley, which occasioned the editor to republish his work in the year following (1560.) Then followed the present edition without any printer's name. Back of the title is "an admonition to the reader" against Crowley's work, then a Preface addressed" to the ryghte honorable Lorde Russell Earle of Bedforde, and ope


of the Queenes Maiesties most honorable counsell [to whom] Thomas Cooper wisheth long continuance of prosperous life and muche honoure;" the table; and a dissertation" of the vse and profite of histories, and with what iudgemente they ought to be redde." The volume is divided into four parts with the running title of " Lanqvettes Chronicle;" which is explained in " an Epistle to the Reader " prefixed to the third part. "From the beginning of the world, to this time of the birth of our Sauiour Christ, the studious young inan Thomas Lanquet, not withoute great labour and diligence, brought his chronicle." He" was than attached with a greuous sicknesse, whereof he died, whan he was of age xxiiij yeres; on whose soule god haue mercie; and the same followed and finished, by Thomas Cooper." The work has the folios to 376 (exclusive of the introductory matter which occupies 30 leaves), then follows one sheet differently printed, the marginal dates being omitted, making the whole volume 384 leaves. Part, if not all, of this last sheet aprears to have been castrated from time to time as suited the sale of the work and continuation of the history. The solemn exequie, or funeral, kept at St. Pauls the 3d day of October, 1564, for the Emperor Ferdinand, is the last article in my copy, but there are copies of the same title and edition that bring the chronicle to a later period.

Mr. Dibdin has a short notice of the earlier editions, in his late elegant specimen of a Bibliothecæ Britannica, a plan that combines utility and entertainment, and it is to be hoped he will receive sufficient encouragement to pursue the work. If confined to the seventeenth century, it would form a valuable continuation to the Typographical Antiquities.

Art. 2. To the Queenes Maiesties poore deceyued Subiectes of the North Countrey, drawen into rebellion by the Earles




of Northumberland and Westmerland. Written by Thomas Norton. Seen and allowed according to the Quenes Iniunctions. Colophon. Imprinted at London, by Henrie Bynneman for Lucas Harrison. Anno Domini 1569, small oct. 28 leaves.

Norton, the poet, commences this address abruptly, with the following specimen of his prose style: "Albeit I knowe not by what name wel to call you, sithens you haue loste the iuste name of Englishmen by disturbing the common peace of Englande, with cruell inuasion and spoile like enimies: and the Queenes subiectes ye can not well be named, hauing throwne away your due submission and obedience: and yet her subiectes still must you be, and cannot enioy the name of lawfull enimies, being vnder her highnesse authoritié of correction, not to be raunsomed, nor by the curtesie of Marshall lawe to be dealte with as iust enimies; but to be executed as traitours and rebels: Christians I cannot term you that haue defaced the communion of christians, and in destroying the booke of Christes most holie testament, renou ced your parts by his Testament bequethed vnto you: yet I remember what you haue ben, by contrie englishmen ; by nature our kinsmen and allies; by allegeaunce subiects by profession christian men; I pitie what you now are, by crueltie and spoile of the land worse than enimies, by vunaturall doings farther from duties of loue than extreamest strangers, by rebellion traitors, by blaspheming Christ our Sauiour, and destroying the monuments of his religion, worsse than Jewes and Infidels: Lastly I doe not wholly despeire, though you be far gone, what by good aduise and repentance hereafter you may be, if you shall ceasse from outrages, assay the dayly mercie of our God, and the oft approued clemencie of our most gracious Queene, wherby you may become againe preserued Englishmen in Englande, reconciled kinsmen and frendes, pardoned subiectes, and


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