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ART. XIII. Answers to remarks and Queries of the 6th Article, p. 371.

The printer has just sent me for perusal the preceding sheet; it may not be incurious to add upon the notice respecting "noone-meate," at p. 369, I some time since was invited by the lady of a house, in Brunswick Square, to partake of "noonings," i. e. luncheon.

P. 371. Sytches means "a little water course that is dry in summer." See Kersey.

Is not the shovenett the common drag nett; the trodenett such as are placed in narrow channells, a weir or mill; and the small pytches casting netts?

The great ancestor of Venables is supposed to have been Galiard Venables, who came over with the Conqueror. The Colonel served in the Parliament army in Cheshire, and in 1644 appears to have been made Governor of Chester. His book was first published 1662, and went through five editions.

"Discussions upon manufacturing flies," may be found in every work that attempts to disclose the art of fishing. Upon the second point, "threading a live bait;" surely enough is known. What "lover of angling" can venture to ridicule modern philosophers for their disgusting experi ments on frogs, cats, &c. who derives continual amusement from writhing worms or tortured bleak and minnows? Acquire a fine finger, and let false flies and paste content thee, Piscator!

The European Magazine probably obtained the lines on taking a Salmon," from the same source as myself, a provincial paper of that period. The signature is J. H.

P. 372. There is no poetical licence visible in "Bonus noches." Llewellyn first bids anglers farewell, or "good night;" and then humoursomely assigns his reasons. The

Swidge is used in Suffolk and Norfolk to signify a small quantity of standing water.


poems were also "printed for Will. Shears, Junr. at the Blue Bible in Bedford-street, in Covent-Garden, 1656."

A poem, however antiquated in appearance, printed during the last century, is not " an old poem."

What means the observation on the boke of Justices except to mislead by error? Is there any engagement that articles in the CENSURA shall be written from first editions, or describe those subsequent? The work was printed by Robert Copland, or Coplande, in 1515 (see Herbert, p. 346) and perhaps again in the following year; but there is no authority to talk either of Coplands or Robin Redman. If such an authority exists from mis-print, it had better be communicated gratis (i. e. post paid) to the Editor of the new edition of Typographical Antiquities. I have one of the editions, unnoticed by Herbert, entituled "the boke for a Justyce of Peace, neuer so wel and dylygently set forthe. Londini in edibus Roberti Redman." It appears to have been printed subsequent to the one forming the article at p. 156, and proves the reference upon hawking (p. 164) was originally an error of the press; instead of 13 Hen. 2, it should have been 13 R. 2.; this is confirmed by consulting the statute. The benefice should read "x li. by yere," and at p. 165 "ne geasse" should be " ne grasse." It is doubtful if there is any work which refers to statutes ante Magna Charta.

Before I conclude with this anonymous writer I freely acknowledge, from a tardiness of discovering its enigmatical allusion, the words "noble braue rest," have not the original distinguishment of italics; but this splenetic correspondent might have discovered a less venial error than any noticed had he been deep read in ancient lore upon angling, from the omitting to suggest that near the whole extract is a close copy by Venables, from the earlier treatise on Angling by Juliana Berners.

At some future period the articles on Hawking, &c. will be formed into a small volume, and to that probably attached


the catalogue of "near two hundred various publications" on Angling, and which have been inspected by a correspondent of the CENSURA, a gentleman that has long made Angling, &c. a subject of research; and while on the eve of planning a new edition of the work by Juliana Berners (from a perfect copy, in my possession, printed on vellum, by Wynkyn de Worde, 1496,) I was in expectation of finding in him an able associate. Unfortunately such an undertaking might interfere too seriously with his prior literary engagements, and, with regret, I announce the circumstance of his declining, for the information of the circle where it had been reported. As the task has now become doubly arduous, from the want of such assistance, it may defer the completion but will not deter me from the undertaking, if it appears probable the work will bear attendant expenses, For a very limited edition I shall seek to give a verbal copy of the text, confident of finding readers who will not stamp an inadvertent transposition of figures “ assertion." P. 373.

a false

P. 378. The "authority," J. F. refers to is by chance right; for it is seldom that a single catalogue may be depended upon. It is the same edition as I had noticed. Herbert, or any work upon early typography, would have pointed out that the name of "Roykes" was a misprint for Wykes." No. 1 and 2, "The obedyence, &c." seem unconnected with the antecedent.

J. H.

ART. XIV. The Mother's Blessing, or the godly Counsell of a Gentlewoman, not long since deceased, left behinde her for her Children. Containing many good exhortations and good admonitions profitable for all Parents to leave as a Legacie to their Children. By Mris. Dorothy Leigh. London: Printed for Thomas Lambert, at the signe of the Horsshone, neare the Hospital Gate, in Smithfield. 1638. 12mo.'

I am not aware of any particular value being attached to this book, but never having heard of any other copy, conceive my time not thrown away, in a description.

It is dedicated to the High and Excellent Princesse, the Lady Elizabeth, her Grace, Daughter to the High and mightie King of Great Brittaine, and Wife to the Illustrious Prince, the Count Palatine of the Rhine, D. L. wisheth all grace and prosperity here, and glory in the world to come."

Prefixed is


"Counsell to my Children.

My sons,* the readers of this book,
I doe you not intreat

To bear with each misplaced word:
for why? my pain's as great
To write this little booke to you
(the worlde may thinke indeed)
As it will be at any time
for you the same to reade.

But this I much and oft desire,
that you would do for me,

To gather honey of each flower,

as doth the lab'rous bee.

She looks not who did place the plant,

nor how the flower did grow;

Whether so stately up aloft,

or neare the ground below.

But where she finds it, there she works,

and gets the wholesome food,

And beares it home, and layes it up,

t doe her country good,

• George, John, and William Leigh,


And for to serve herself at need, when winter doth begin:

When storme and tempest is without, then she doth find within

A sweet and pleasant wholesome food an house to keepe her warme;

A place where softly she may rest, and be kept from all harme : Except the bee that idle is,

and seekes too soone for rest, Before she filled hath her house, whereby her state is blest.

And then as she did rest too soone,

too soone she sorrow knowes:

When storms and tempests are without

then she herself beshrowes;

Shee looketh out, and seeth death

ready her to devoure;

Then doth she wish that she had got

more of the wholesome floure.

For why, within, her store is spent

before the winter's past,

And she by no meanes can endure

the stormy winter's blast.

She looketh out, and seeth death,

and finds no lesse within:

Then too too late for to repent,
you see shee doth begin.

Therefore see you not idle be,
this I would have you know,
Be sure still that the ground be good,
whereon the plant doth grow:

Then gather well, and lose no time,
take heed, now you doe see,


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