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without reference to past time; a frequent use of quondam and olim in similes.

192. fistula, an instrument consisting of a row of pipes, like a child's harmonicon: these pipes were of different lengths, so as to give different tones. (See Fig. 42.)

Fig. 42.



Fistula and Double Flute.

193. lino, ceris: he fastened the lower ends of the feathers together with wax, and sewed or tied the broader outer part of the wings with thread. (See Fig. 43.)

199. mollibat: an early form for molliebat.

205. ignis, sc. solis.

206. Boöten: the constellations, Bootes (Arctophylax), Helice (the Great Bear or "Big Dipper "), and Orion are, perhaps, the most striking groups of stars in the northern heavens. 208. pariter, at the same time.

212. non repetenda, destined never to be repeated.

215. artes: the accusative of the thing taught with erudio is used in poetry and late prose. The usual construction is the acc. of the person and the abl. of the thing.

Fig. 43.

Dædalus and Icarus.

217. arundine, fishing-rod.

218. baculo, like stiva, depends upon innixus (§ 254, b, 1; G. 401, N.o; H. 425, I, N.).

219. -que connects obstupuit and credidit.

220. Junonia: Samos was sacred to Hera (Juno).

221. relictae, sc. fuerant: they had flown north over the Cyclades (Delos, etc.), and then easterly, leaving Samos upon the north; though why they should pursue such a course (unless to suit the metre) is not clear.

225. rapidi (rapio), burning. 226. odoratas, i.e. from the melting. 227. nudos, sc. alis, stripped of his wings.

228. percipit, catches in such a way as to be supported.

230. nomen: the waters west and south of Samos were called the Icarian Sea.

[merged small][merged small][graphic][merged small]

237. elice, a ditch, for draining a field.

239. unica, only one of its kind. (See argument.)

240. longum crimen, a long (i.e. perpetual) reproach; in appos.

with factaque nuper avis.

241. huic, i.e. to Dædalus.

242. germana, i.e. of Dædalus.

243. bis senis: (§ 95, c; G. 97, R.2; H. 174, 2, 2). - puerum, i appos. with progeniem. — animi, genitive of quality.

245. traxit in exemplum, took as a model.

246. perpetuos, a row of.

247. ex uno nodo, starting from one hinge. The instrument decribed is, of course, the compasses.

248. aequali spatio, at an equal distance.

249. duceret orbem, drew a circle.

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250. arce Minervae, the Acropolis of Athens.

251. lapsum, sc. esse eum.

253. reddidit, turned him into.

illis, abl. absolute.

254. ingenii quondam velocis, of his once quick mind.
259. antiqui, agrees with casus.



VIII. 260. tellus Aetnaea: Sicily, where Dædalus found a refuge with King Cocalus; his native land, Athens, not being safe for him.

261. Daedalon, Greek form of the acc.; so Meleagron, v. 270. 262. mitis habebatur, was friendly, inasmuch as he took up arms to protect Dædalus from the pursuit of Minos.

263. Thesea (adjective), of Theseus.

265. sanguine, i.e. of victims.

267. Argolicas, Achaïa: both names are used as equivalent to the whole land of Greece.

268. Theseos, genitive.

272. infestae, offended.

273. Oenea, acc. of Oeneus. - successibus, abl. with pleni (§ 248, 477. II. c, 2; G. 405, N.3; H. 421, ii.).

274. Lyaeo, an epithet of Bacchus.

275. Palladiōs latices, olive-oil, sacred to Pallas (Minerva).

278. Latoïdos, the daughter of Lato (Latona), i.e. Diana.

280. quaeque, etc. = et nos, quæ inhonoratæ dicimur, non, etc.: the person speaking is Diana, who speaks of herself in the plural by a common license.

281. Oenēōs, adj.; the genitive form is (Eněŏs.

282. quanto, sc. tantum, so great that.

283. Epiros: both Epirus and Sicily were famed for cattle, but it seems that those of Epirus were the largest.

285. horrent, stand erect.

287. dentibus Indis, i.e. elephants' tusks.

292. Cererem, grain, as Bacchus is put for wine.

294. fetus, produce (of the vine).

297. non armenta, not even, etc.: armenta are herds of large cattle, as distinguished from the pecudes (sheep and goats), which were gathered in flocks (pecora).

299. una, with him.

300. lecta, chosen, not from that country alone, but from all Greece. The hunt of the Calydonian boar is represented as about a generation earlier than the Trojan war, several of whose heroes were sons of those who took part in this, as Achilles (son of Peleus) and Ajax (son of Telamon).

301. Tyndaridae: these were the Dioscuri, or twin sons of Jove, Castor and Pollux, children of Leda, wife of Tyndarus. Castor was famed for horsemanship, and Pollux for skill in boxing.

302. Iason: see the story of the Argonautic expedition, which is represented as the beginning of seafaring.

303. concordia, in apposition with Theseus cum Pirithoö: their friendship was proverbial, like that of Damon and Pythias.

304. Thestiadae: Toxeus and Plexippus, sons of King Thestius of Ætolia, who was brother of Althæa, mother of Meleager. Lynceus and Idas were sons of Alphareus, king in Messenia.

305. Caeneus: he had been a woman, but was changed to a man.

306. Leucippus was brother of Aphareus; Acastus was the son of King Pelias of Iolcus; Dryas was a son of Mars; Amyntor, king of the Dolopes; the Actoridae were Eurytus and Cleatus; Phyleus was the son of King Augias; Telamon and Peleus (creator Achilles) were sons of King Eacus of Ægina; Pheretiades was Admetus, son of Pheres, king of Pheræ, in Thessaly; Iolaus was the son of Iphicles; Echion, son of Mercury; Nestor, son of Neleus of Pylos, was the famous orator and counsellor of the Trojan war. Some of the names here mentioned by Ovid are mere names, of whose bearers nothing is known.

310. Phe|retia | dé || et Hy ante o Io lao: before et and aut, preceded by the chief cæsura in the third foot, Ovid sometimes uses a short syllable for a long, and allows hiatus; and hiatus is also allowed in the thesis of the fifth foot before a Greek name.

315. socer: Penelope was wife of Ulysses, whose father (her fatherin-law) was Laërtes. — Parrhasio Ancaeo: hiatus (see on v. 310). 316. Ampycides: this was Mopsus, a soothsayer of the Lapitha. 317. Oeclides, Amphiaraus, an Argive soothsayer, who was betrayed through the vanity of his wife Eriphyle. - Tegeaea, Atalanta of Tegea, famed for her skill in hunting and her speed in running.




318. mordebat, hooked.

321. telorum custos


pharetra; hence feminine.

325. renuente deo, without the approbation of the gods: an ill-omened love.

330. devexaque, etc.: i.e. it rose from the plain, so as to look down upon the cultivated fields.

331. tendunt, etc., the plural agreeing with the plural sense of pars (§ 205, c, 1; G. 211; R.1 exc. 1; H. 461, 1).

333. pedum, i.e. apri.

335. tenet, singular, agreeing with its nearest subject (§ 205, 2, d; G. 285, exc. 1; H. 463, i.).—ima, bottom (acc.). 343. ut quisque, whichever of them.

347. mittentis, i.e. if the sender had not, etc.

348. visa est haesura (sc. fuisse; not visa esset, because the condition and conclusion belong to the dependent sentence), it seemed that it would have struck, etc., if, etc. (§ 337, b; G. 659, 2; H. 527, iii.). 349. it, for iit, perfect.

350. Phoebe (voc.): the soothsayer Mopsus calls upon Phoebus, the god of prophecy.

352. qua, so far as.

357. moles, the block of stone hurled by a balista or catapult against a wall or a wooden tower. These machines were constructed on the principle of a bow, with cords (nervi).

361. cornua, wings, as in an army; the hunters moved upon the boar in a crescent-shaped line.jacentes, sc. eos.

364. liquerunt, failed.

365. citra Trojana, before the Trojan war, where the Pylian Nestor won his chief renown.

366. sumpto conamine, giving himself a start. - posita ab hasta, by bracing his spear.

369. dentibus tritis, whetting his tusks.

370. recentibus armis, these fresh weapons.

[blocks in formation]

372. nondum: Castor and Pollux became the constellation Gemini; they were always represented as mounted on white horses.

376. saetiger, the bristle-bearer, i.e. boar.

377. jaculis equo, dative after pervia; loca, in apposition with silvas.

380. Tegeaea, Atalanta.

399. jactis, sc. telis. — ictus, the hits, antecedent of quos.

391. Arcăs, an Arcadian; his name, Ancæus, is given in v. 401.

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