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TIME PERIOD - 1982-2000 will cover an Observance of the Constitution's Bicentennial in 1987, an Observance of the Bicentennial of the Bill of Rights in 1991, the high innovation of computers and telecommunications throughout society and a Celebration of Telecommunicating Democracy in 2000.

Reasons For a Two-Decade Observance

1. It will take at least this much time to integrate human, social, economic and political development with technological development and with Constitutional development. This integrated approach is the appropriate testimonial to the value of our Constitutional system for participatory experimentation and development with the informed consent of the people.

2. To start with a clear intent to celebrate the mature development of our form of Constitutional democracy in our third century and the world's third milenium creates a climate of hope and optimism, much needed at the start to generate public participation.

3. It is the most cost effective education of the young, of adults and all professional educators that our nation could possibly produce under present fiscal restraints, and with the underdevelopment of knowledgeable personnel to guide and to teach what this second stage of the American experiment with informed self-government can be and must be about.

A TRILATERAL CITIZENS COMMISSION FOR THE OBSERVANCE shall be composed of representatives of: (1) organized and independent citizens, (2) academic and technical specialists germaine to these considerations and (3) the business sector of small and large companies all who volunteer to cooperate to fulfill this important public need.


A. It is a non-governmental body but it shall work with the Governors and Departments of Education in the fifty states to create, implement and refine the Observance programs over two decades.


Qualifications for appointment by the President in the first instance and subsequently will be established through Congressional inquiry and testimony. The legislation will establish the terms for representative perceptions, beliefs and interests in American society to be continuously expressed and consensualized in the decision of this body over two decades.


The body is responsible for its own self-governance, fund-raising and generation of public education and participation programs. It will operate openly with full public participation and report.

D. The body is charged with the responsibility to fulfill the purpose established for this Observance to the best of its ability. This responsibility entails serving the interests of all Americans fairly and with equal opportunity to learn, to influence and to contribute to this national rite of passage into America's third century.

Reasons For A Non-Governmental, Non-Federally Funded Commission


Members of Congress and the Administration are fully challenged and overworked with their present responsiblities during this critical era. The burden of thinking ahead about the opportunities for developing the citizenry for more mature constitutional governance is not assigned to any governmental agency. The matter is clearly in the realm of citizen rights

and responsiblities.

2. Present restraints on public funds do not permit public funding of this Observance on the scale that is needed to be effective. Following the position of President Reagan's Administration, the citizens and the private and economic, technical and commercial sectors are called upon to provide the funds and other resources that will be needed to achieve the important mission of uniting Americans for choosing our common future through the Observance.


A. The Trilateral Citizens Commission will receive and administe the funds and account to the public.

The Observance and Observance programs cannot be bought or

commercially sponsored in media. The Commercial Sector, particularly 19 19 !

the 51% of U.S. economy in the information/communication fields, will
naturally be the primary financial contributors since they are the


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