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WAIST is a well-known game at cards, which requires great attention and silence: hence the name. It is played by four persons, who cut the cards for partners. The two highest and the two lowest are together, and the partners sit opposite to each other. The person who cuts the lowest card is to deal first. In cutting, the acc is lowest.

Each person has a right to shuffle the cards before the deal; but it is usual for the elder hand only, and the dealer after.

The pack is then cut by the right hand adversary; and the dealer distributes the cards, one by one, to each of the players, beginning with the person who sits on his left hand, till he comes to the last card, which he turns up, being the trump, and leaves on the table till the first trick is played.

The person on the left hand side of the dealer is called the elder hand, and plays first; whoever wins the trick, becomes elder hand, and plays again; and so on, till the cards are played out.

The tricks belonging to each party should be turned and collected by the respective partner of whoever wins the first trick.

All above six tricks reckon towards the game.

The ace, king, queen, and knave of trumps, are called honours and if three of these honours have been played between, or by either of the two partners, they reckon for two points towards the game; and if the four honours have been played between, or by either of the two partners, they reckon for four points towards the game. The game consists of ten points.

No one, before his partner has played, may inform him that he has, or has not, won the trick: even the

attempt to take up a trick, though won, before the last partner has played, is deemed very improper.

No intimations of any kind, during the play of the cards, between partners, are to be admitted. The mistake of one party is the game of the other. There is, however, one exception to this rule, which is in case of a revoke. If a person does not follow suit, or trumps a suit, the partner is at liberty to inquire of him, whether he has none of that suit in his hand. This indulgence must have arisen from the severe penalties annexed to revoking, which affects the partners equally, and is now generally admitted.


Finessing, is the attempt to gain an advantage thus: if you have the best, and third best card of the suit led, you put on the third best, and run the risk of your adversary's having the second best: if he has it not, which is two to one against him, you then gain a trick.

Forcing, is playing the suit of which your partner, or adversary, has not any, and which he must trump in order to win.

Long Trump, means the having one or more trumps in your hand, when all the rest are out.

Loose Card, is a card of no value, and consequently the most proper to throw away.

Points, ten of them constitute the game: as many as are gained by tricks or honours, so many points are set up to the score of the game.

Quart, is four successive cards in any suit.

Quart Major, is the sequence of ace, king, queen,

and knave.

Quint, is five successive cards in any suit.

Quint Major, is a sequence of ace, king, queen, knave, and ten.

See-Saw, is when each partner trumps a suit, and when they play those suits to each other for that purpose.

Score, is the number of points set up. The following is the most approved method of scoring:

1 2 3 4 5

[blocks in formation]







0 00 000 0000 00 000

Slam, is when either party wins every trick.

[blocks in formation]



Tenace, is possessing the first and third best cards, and being last player: you consequently catch the adversary when that suit is played: as, for instance, in case you have ace and queen of any suit, and your adversary leads that suit, you must win two tricks, by having the best and third best of the suit played, and being last player.

Terce, is three successive cards in any suit.

Terce Major, is a sequence of ace, king, and queen.


As the great art of playing this game well, depends on a proper recollection of the cards that have been played, and also of those remaining in the hand, we particularly recommend the following seven Rules to the attention of the learner :

1. Place your trumps on the left of all other suits in your hand; your best or strongest suit next; your second best next; and your weakest last on the right band.

2. If, in the course of play, you find you have the best card remaining of any suit, place it to the right of them, as it will certainly win a trick, after all the trumps are played.

3. When you find you are possessed of the second best card of any suit to remember, place it on the right hand of that card you have already to remember as the best card remaining.

4. When you are possessed of the third best cards of any suit, place a small card of that suit between the second best card and your third best.

5. In order to remember your partner's first lead, place a small card of the suit led, entirely to the left of your trumps.

6. When you deal, put the trump turned up, to the left of all your trumps, and keep it as long as you are able, that your partner may know you still have that trump left.

7. As a revoke is of material consequence in the game, a strict observance of the following rules will enable you to discover when and in what suit your adversary has revoked.

Suppose the two suits on your right hand to represent

your adversaries in the order they sit, as to your right and left hand.

When you have reason to suspec: that either of them have made a revoke in any suit, clap a small card of that suit among the cards representing that adversary. By this means you record, not only that there may have been a revoke, but also, which of them made it, and in what suit.


Of Dealing.

1. If a card is turned up in dealing, the adverse party may call a new deal, unless they have looked at or touched the cards, so as to occasion it—but if any card is faced except the last, there must be a new deal.

2. If any player have only twelve, and does not find it out till several tricks are played, and the rest have their right number, the deal stands good, and the person who played with the twelve cards is to be punished for each revoke he has made. But if either of the players should have fourteen cards, the deal is lost.

3. The dealer should leave his trump card upon the table, till it is his turn to play; and after he has mixed it with his other cards, no one has a right to demand what card was turned up, but may ask what is trumps.

4. If any player take up, or look at the cards while they are dealing out, the dealer, if he should misdeal, has a right to deal again, unless it is his partner's fault. 5. If the dealer does not turn up the trump card, the deal is lost.

Of playing out of turn.

6. If any person plays out of his torn, it is in the option of either of his adversaries to call the card so played, or to require of the person who ought to have led, the suit the said adversary may choose.

7. If a person supposes he has won the trick, and leads again before his partner has played, the adversary may oblige his partner to win it if he can.

8. If a person leads, and his partner plays before his turn, the adversary's partner may do the same.

9. If the ace or any other card of a suit is led, and the last player should play out of his turn, whether his partner has any of the suit led or not, he is neither entitled to trump it, nor to win the trick.

Of Revoking.

10. If a revoke is made, the adversary may add three to their score, or take three tricks from the revoking party, or take down three from their score; and if up, notwithstanding the penalty, they must remain at nine: the revoke takes place of any other score of the game.

11. If any person revokes, and discovers it before the cards are turned, the adversary may call the highest or lowest of the suit led, or call the card then played.

12. No revoke can be claimed till the trick is turned and quitted, or the party who revoked, or his partner have played again.

13. If a revoke is claimed by any person, the adverse party are not to mix their cards, upon forfeiture of the revoke.

14. No person can claim a revoke after the cards are cut for a new deal.

15. No player is to play the card called, if it cause a revoke.

Of calling Honours.

16. When you are eight, if you have two honours dealt you, you may ask your partner before you play a card, if he has one, if he has, he shows it, and the game is won.

17. If any person calls except at the point of eight, the adversary may call a new deal.

18. If the trump card is turned up, no person must remind his partner to call, on penalty of losing one point. 19. If any person calls at eight, after he has played, it is in the option of the adverse party to call a new deal.

20. If any person calls at eight, and his partner answers, and the adverse party have both thrown down their cards, and it appears they have not the honours, they may either stand the deal or have a new one.

21. If any person answers without having an honour, the adversary may consult and stand the deal or not. 22. No honours in the preceding deal can be set up, after the trump card is turned up, unless they were before clamed.

Of separating and showing the Cards.

23. If any person separates a card from the rest, the adverse party may call it, provided he names it, and

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