The Diplomacy of International Relations: Selected WritingsMartinus Nijhoff Publishers, 17.06.1998 - 230 Seiten This work brings together a selection of articles written by Johan Kaufmann, which follows Kaufmann's career as a diplomat for the Netherlands, mainly involved in trade negotiations. Every article is prefaced by a brief introductory note, which sets out what the rationale is of including the article. The selection covers the following topics: International Negotiation Issues; the UN System; the NIEO and International Trade Policy. The work is an interesting collection of academically sound and interrelated pieces of work. The brief introductory notes to the essays are to the point and in Kaufmann's usual succinct style. The work is aimed at academics in the field of international law, international organizations and international relations. |
Economic Theory Economic Policy and the Need for | 3 |
Multilateral Negotiation A Methodological Summary 1985 | 11 |
Neglected Issues | 31 |
1987 | 41 |
Conference Style 1989 | 59 |
The Middle East Peace Process 1993 | 65 |
The Unique Circumstances of the Marshall Plan 1997 | 79 |
The Story of the UN Special | 99 |
Principles and Realities 1994 | 125 |
The United Nations at 50 Some Unsolved Problems 1995 | 147 |
New Tasks of the United Nations System in the Changing | 155 |
On Words and Acts Issues Around a New International | 165 |
The Economic and Social Council and the New International | 175 |
International TradePerspectives at the End of the Kennedy | 189 |
E JAPAN | 207 |
223 | |
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The Diplomacy of International Relations: Selected Writings Johan Kaufmann Eingeschränkte Leseprobe - 2023 |
Häufige Begriffe und Wortgruppen
action activities adopted agenda agreement Article Assembly bodies Boutros Boutros-Ghali Charter Committee Conference Diplomacy confidence factor conflict consensus coordination decision-making decisions delegation Deshima developing countries discussed Dutch Economic and Social economic development economic policy ECOSOC effort establishment European example executive head experts financing GATT global Governing Council Group of 77 human rights IBRD important initiative international economic order International Monetary Fund international negotiations involved issues Jackson report Japan Japanese Johan Kaufmann Kennedy Round less-developed countries Marshall Plan meeting ment Minister multilateral Nagasaki Netherlands NIEO North-South negotiations opperhoofd organizational participation peace peacekeeping political positions President problems procedures programme projects proposal psychological question recommendations regional representatives result role secretariat Secretary-General Security Council situation Social Council Special Fund Special Session specialized agencies specific summit SUNFED tariff technical assistance UN Charter UNCTAD UNDP UNICEF United Nations Charter United Nations system various vote Western World Bank York