A quibble is the golden apple for which he will always turn aside from his career or stoop from his elevation. A quibble, poor and barren as it is, gave him such delight that he was content to purchase it by the sacrifice of reason, propriety, and truth.... The Monthly Review, Or, Literary Journal - Seite 2871765Vollansicht - Über dieses Buch
| Samuel Johnson - 1765 - 80 Seiten
...unfinilhed. A quibble is the golden apple for which he will always turn afide from his career, or ftoop from his elevation. A quibble poor and barren as it...which he loft the world, and was con.tent to lofe it. It will be thought ftrange, that, in enumerating the defects of this writer, I have not yet mentioned... | |
| Several Hands - 1765 - 624 Seiten
...unfinifhed. A quibble is the golden apple for which he will al ways turn afide from his career, or ftoop from his elevation. A quibble, poor and barren as...A quibble was to him the fatal Cleopatra for which be loft the world, and was content to lofe * it.' Quaintly as all this is cxprcflcd, and boldly as... | |
| William Shakespeare - 1768 - 676 Seiten
...unfinifhed. A quibble is the golden apple for which he will always turn afide from his career, or floop from his elevation. A quibble poor and barren as it...propriety and truth, A quibble was to him the fatal a 4 Cleopatra Cleopatra for which he loft the world, and was content to lofe it. It will be thought... | |
| William Shakespeare - 1773 - 554 Seiten
...unfinished. A quibble is the golden apple for which he will always turn afide from his career, or ftoop from his elevation. A quibble, poor and barren as...content to purchafe it, by the facrifice of reafon, proprietyj and truth. A quibble was to him the fatal Cleopatra for which he loft the world, and was... | |
| Samuel Johnson - 1774 - 374 Seiten
...unfinifhed. A Quibble is the golden Apple, for which he will always turn afide from his Career, or ftoop from his Elevation. A Quibble, poor and barren as...Delight, that he was content to purchafe it by the Sacrifice of Reafon, Propriety, and Truth. A Quibble was to him the fatal Cleopatra for which he lou... | |
| Samuel Johnson - 1774 - 412 Seiten
...unfinifhed. A Quibble is tbe golden Apple, for which he will always turn afide from his Career, or ftoop from his Elevation. A Quibble, poor and barren as...Delight, that he was content to purchafe it by the Sacrifice of Reafon, Propriety, and Truth. A Quibble was to him the fatal Cleopatra for which he loft... | |
| Samuel Johnson - 1774 - 374 Seiten
...unfinifhed. A Quibble is the golden Apple, for which he will always turn afide from his Career, or ftoop from his Elevation. A Quibble, poor and barren as it is, gave him fucli Delight, that he was content to purchafe it by the Sacrifice of Reafon, Propriety, and Truth.... | |
| William Shakespeare - 1778 - 748 Seiten
...unfinished. A quibble is the golden apple for which he will always turn afide from his career j or ftoop from his elevation. A quibble, poor and barren as...which he loft the world, and was content to lofe it. It will be thought ftrange, that, in enumerating I ' the defedts of this writer, I have not yet mentioned... | |
| 1804 - 536 Seiten
...fays Dr. Johnlbn, with more folemnity and dignity than the fubjeil requires, " was to him the htil Cleopatra, for which he loft the world, and was content to lofe itj" yet he has few of what may be termed real bargains ; which is iingular enough, if we confider... | |
| 1784 - 514 Seiten
...chara£kr) ; "VA quibble is the golden apple ' for which he will always turn afidefromhis career, or iloop from his elevation. A quibble, poor and barren as...is, gave him fuch delight, that he was content to purchafc it, by the facritice of reafon, propriety, and truth. A quibble was to- him the fatal Cleopatra... | |
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