4 PERSONS REPRESENTED. KING HENRY THE FOURTH : HENRY, Prince of Wales, afterwards King Henry V.; THOMAS, Duke of Clarence; PRINCE JOHN of Lancaster, afterwards his Sons. (2 Henry V.) Duke of Bedford; PRINCE HUMPHREY of Gloster, after wards (2 Henry V.) Duke of Gloster; Earl of Warwick; Earl of Westmoreland; of the King's Party. GOWER; HARCOURT; Lord Chief Justice of the King's Bench. A Gentleman attending on the Chief Justice. Earl of Northumberland; SCROOP, Archbishop of York; LORD MOWBRAY; LORD HASTINGS; LORD BARDOLPH; SIR JOHN Colevile ;. Enemies to the King. TRAVERS and MORTON, Domestics of Northumberland. FALSTAFF, BARDOLPH, PISTOL, and Page. POINS and PETO, Attendants on Prince Henry. SHALLOW and SILENCE, Country Justices. DAVY, Servant to Shallow. MOULDY, SHADOW, WART, FEEBLE, and BULLCALF, Lords, and other Attendants; Officers, Soldiers, Messenger, Drawers, Beadles, Grooms, &c. SCENE. England. SECOND PART OF KING HENRY THE FOURTH. INDUCTION. Warkworth. Before Northumberland's Castle. Enter RUMOR, painted full of tongues.1 Make fearful musters, and prepared defence; That the blunt monster with uncounted heads, In a mask on St. Stephen's Night, 1614, by Thomas Campion. Rumor comes on in a skin coat full of winged tongues. 2 The stops are the holes in a flute or pipe. Can play upon it. But what need I thus Among my household? Why is rumor here? Who, in a bloody field by Shrewsbury, Hath beaten down young Hotspur, and his troops, But what mean I wrongs. ACT I. SCENE I. The same. The Porter before the Gate. Enter LORD Bardolph. Bardolph. Who keeps the gate here, ho?-Where is the earl? Port. What shall I say you are? Bard. Tell thou the earl, That the lord Bardolph doth attend him here. Port. His lordship is walked forth into the orchard. 1 Northumberland's castle. Please it your honor, knock but at the gate, Bard. Enter NORTHUMBERLAND. Here comes the earl. North What news, lord Bardolph ? Every minute now Should be the father of some stratagem; Bard. Bard. As good as heart can wish.The king is almost wounded to the death; And, in the fortune of my lord your son, Prince Harry slain outright; and both the Blunts Killed by the hand of Douglas: young prince John, And Westmoreland, and Stafford, fled the field; And Harry Monmouth's brawn, the hulk sir John, Is prisoner to your son. O, such a day, So fought, so followed, and so fairly won, Came not, till now, to dignify the times, Since Cæsar's fortunes! North. Saw you the field? Came How is this derived? you from Shrewsbury Bard. I spake with one, my lord, that came from thence; A gentleman well-bred, and of good name, North. Here comes my servant, Travers, whom I sent On Tuesday last to listen after news. Bard. My lord, I overrode him on the way; And he is furnished with no certainties, More than he haply may retail from me. Enter TRAVERS. North. Now, Travers, what good tidings come with you? Tra. My lord, sir John Umfrevile turned me back North. Had met ill luck! Bard. My lord, I'll tell you what; If my young lord your son have not the day, Upon mine honor, for a silken point 2 I'll give my barony; never talk of it. North. Why should the gentleman, that rode by Travers, Give then such instances of loss? Bard Who, he? He was some hilding 3 fellow, that had stolen Spoke at a venture. Look, here comes more news. Enter MORTON. North. Yea, this man's brow, like to a title-leaf, Foretells the nature of a tragic volume; 1 Exhausted. 2 A silken point is a tagged lace. 3 i. e. Hilderling, base, low fellow. |