Abbildungen der Seite

the appropriations already made for that pur


JONATHAN DAYTON, Speaker of the House of Representatives.

SAMUEL LIVERMORE, Prefident of the

Senate pro tempore.

APPROVED, June the first, 1796:


Prefident of the United States.


backs in



An Act limiting the Time for the Allowance of Drawback on the Exportation of domestic diftilled Spirits, and allowing a Drawback upon fuch Spirits exported in Veffels of less than thirty Tons, by the Millippi.

Sec. I.


E it enacted by the Senate and Houfe of Reprefentatives of the United States of America, in Congrefs affembled, That what cafes from and after the first day of July next, no drawback fhall be allowed on any of the fpirits diftilled in the United States, which fhall not be exported, purfuant to regulations heretofore enacted, and in force, within twelve months from the time when fuch spirits were diftilled, to be afcertained by the dates of the certificates which may and ought to accompany the faid fpirits, at the time of exportation.

Sec. 2. And be it further enacted, That the restriction in the fifty-fixth fection of the act,

a fuf

gard to the

intitled, "An act, repealing after the last day 56 fection
of June next, the duties heretofore laid upon of certain
diftilled fpirits imported from abroad, and lay-
ing others in their ftead; and alfo, upon fpi- with re-
rits diftilled in the United States, and for ap- Ohio and
propriating the fame," fhall, from and after the Mississippi.
first day of July next, be suspended, and cease
to operate for the fpace of one year, fo far as
the faid restriction respects any distilled fpirits
which may be exported from the district of
Louisville, in the state of Kentucky, or from
any diftrict which may be hereafter established
on the rivers Miffiffippi or Ohio, or the branches

the House of Representatives.

SAMUEL LIVERMORE, Prefident of the

Senate pro tempore.

APPROVED, June the first, 1796:


Prefident of the United States.


An Act making further Appropriations for the
Year one thousand feven hundred and ninety-fix.

Sec. 1,



E it enacted by the Senate and Houfe Additional of Reprefentatives, of the United appropriStates of America, in Congress affembled, That 100 for in addition to the fums heretofore appropriated, there be further appropriated for and during the present year, the following fums, that is to fay: In the Department of State,

Loan office elerks.

Foreign in

for the compenfation of clerks, two hundred dollars: In the Department of the Treasury, for the compenfation of clerks, four thoufand dollars: In the Department of War, for the additional falary of the accountant, four hun. dred dollars; and for the additional compenfation of clerks in the faid Department, feren hundred dollars; and in the mint of the United States, for the additional falary of a clerk, two hundred dollars.

Sec. 2. And be it further enacled, That for the compenfation of clerks in the feveral Loan Offices; and for defraying the expenses of books and stationary for the faid offices, during the prefent year, and during the year one thousand feven hundred and ninety-five, there be appropriated a fum not exceeding fourteen thousand dollars.

Sec. 3. And be it further enacted, That there be further appropriated towards defraying the tercoufe extraordinary expenfes which may be incurred during the year one thousand feven hundred and ninety-fix, for foreign intercourfe, a fum not exceeding twenty-three thoufand five hundred dollars, in addition to the fum already appropriated for that purpose, by the fecond fection of the act of the prefent feffion, intitled, "An act making further provifion for the expenfes attending the intercourse of Contingent the United States with foreign nations; and expes of to continue in force the act, intitled, "An act providing the means of intercourfe between the United States and foreign nations."

[ocr errors]

Sec. 4. And be it further enacted, That there be appropriated for the contingent expenfes of the government of the United States, a fum not exceeding twenty thousand dollars,


fubject to the difpofition of the Prefident of
the United States, and for the payment of
fuch miscellaneous demands against the Uni-
ted States, other than thofe on account of the
civil department, not otherwife provided for,
and which fhall have been afcertained and ad-
mitted in due courfe of fettlement at the Trea- out of
fury, and which are of a nature, according to what funds
the ufage thereof, to require payment in fpe-
cie, a fum not exceeding two thousand dol-
lars; and that the feveral appropriations here-
in before made, be, and the fame are hereby
directed to be paid out of the proceeds of the
duties on imports and the tonnage of fhips
and veffels, and the duties on domeftic diftil-
led spirits and on ftills, which fhall accrue un-
til the clofe of the prefent year.

the House of Reprefentatives.

SAMUEL LIVERMORE, Prefident of the

Senate pro tempore..

APPROVED, June the firft, 1796:


Prefident of the United States.

[blocks in formation]

An Act making Appropriations for the Support
of the military and naval Establishments for
the Year one thousand feven hundred and nine-

Sec. I.


E it enacted by the Senate and Houfe of Reprefentatives of the United States of America, in Congrefs affembled, That including the appropriation of five hundred

Appropri- thousand dollars, made for the military eftabations for lifhment for the year one thousand seven hun. military ef dred and ninety-fix, by an act of the present tablishment. feflion, there be appropriated for the military and naval establishments, a fum not exceed ing one million, three hundred and eighteen thoufand, eight hundred and feventy-three dollars; that is to fay: For the pay of the army of the United States, the fum of two hundred and feventy-three thousand, fix hundred and fixty-fix dollars: For fubfiftence of the officers of the army, the fum of forty-five thousand fix hundred and fix dollars: For the fubfiftence of the non-commiffioned officers and privates, the fum of three hundred thousand dollars: For forage, the fum of fixteen thousand five hundred and ninety-two dollars: For clothing, the fum of feventy thousand dollars: For purchase of horses for the cavalry, the fum of three thousand feven hundred and fifty dollars: For bounties, the fum of ten thoufand dollars: For the hofpital department, the fum of thirty thousand dol lars: For the ordnance department, the fum of forty thousand dollars: For the Indian department, the fum of fixty thousand dollars: For the quarter-mafter's department, the fum of two hundred thousand dollars: For contingencies of the war department, the fum of thirty thousand dollars: For the defenfive pro tection of the frontiers, the fum of one hun dred thousand dollars: For the completion of the fortifications, magazines, ftore-houses and barracks at Weft-Point, the fum of twenty thousand dollars: For the pay and fubfiftence of three captains in the naval department, the fum of five thousand dollars: For the pay.

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