| William Shakespeare - 1773 - 554 Seiten
...him, and Voi. I. [£} " he •' he drew them not laborioufly, but luckily : when " he defcribes c.ny thing, you more than fee it, you " feel it too. Thofe,...commendation : he " was naturally learned: he needed not the fpeftacles " of books to read nature; lie looked inwards, and " found her there. I cannot fay he is... | |
| Samuel Johnson - 1774 - 374 Seiten
...fent to him, and he drew them not laborioufly, but ' luckily: When he defcribes any Thing, you more 4 than fee it, you feel it too. Thofe who accufe ' him...Commendation: He was naturally learned: He * needed not the Spectacles of Books to read Na* ture ; he looked inwards, and found her there. ' I cannot fay he is... | |
| Samuel Johnson - 1774 - 412 Seiten
...him, and he drew them not laborioufly, but luckily: When he defcribes any Thing, you more than lee it, you feel it too. Thofe who accufe him to have...Commendation: He was naturally learned: He needed not the Spectacles of Books to read Nature ; he looked inwards, and found her there. I cannot fay he is every... | |
| Samuel Johnson - 1774 - 374 Seiten
...luckily: When he defcfibes any 1 hing, you more ' than fee it, you feel it too. Thofe who accufc •' him to have wanted Learning, give him the greater...Commendation: He was naturally learned: He ' needed not the Spectacles of Books to rea<i Na'* ture$ he looked inwards, and found her there. ' I cannot fay 'he... | |
| William Shakespeare - 1778 - 748 Seiten
...*c he drew them not laborioufly, but luckily : when M he defcribes any thing, you more than fee ir, you " feel it too; Thofe, who accufe him to have wanted...he «« was naturally learned : he needed not the fpedtacles «' of books to read nature; he looked inwards, and " found her there. I cannot fay he is... | |
| Samuel Johnson, John Hawkins - 1787 - 504 Seiten
...luckily : when he defcribes any thing, you more tc than fee it, you feel it too. Thofe, who accufc tc him to have wanted learning, give him the greater...commendation : he was naturally learned : he " needed not the fpeftacles of books to read na" rure; he looked inwards, and found her there. *' I cannot fayhe is... | |
| William Shakespeare - 1788 - 346 Seiten
...luckily : when " he describes any thing, you more than see it, you " feel it too. Those, who accuse him to have wanted " learning, give him the greater...commendation : he *' was naturally learned: he needed not the spectacles " of books to read nature ; he looked inwards, and " found her there, I cannot say he is... | |
| Vicesimus Knox - 1797 - 516 Seiten
...laborioufly, but luckily : when he defcribes any thing, you more than fee it, you feel it too. Thofs who accufe him to have wanted learning, give him the...the fpectacles of books to read nature ; he looked inwardi and found her there. I cannot fay he is every where alike ; were he fo, I Ihould do him injury... | |
| 1797 - 522 Seiten
...laborioufly, hut luckily : when he describes any thing, you more than fee it, you feel it too. Thols who accufe him to have wanted learning, give him the...commendation: he was naturally learned ; he needed not '.ht fpectacles of books to read nature ; h: looked inwards and found her there. I cannot fay he is... | |
| William Shakespeare - 1800 - 330 Seiten
...him, and lie drew them not laborioufly, but luckily : when he defcribes any thing, you more than iee it, you feel it too. Thofe, who accufe him to have...commendation ; he was naturally learned ; he needed not the fpeclades of books to read nature ; he looked inwards, 2nd found her there. I cannot fay he is every... | |
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