The $109 million requested for Thailand includes $10 million for cost overruns on previously approved projects (i.e., 5 percent of the original estimate), $10 million for port facilities, $19 million for roads from the Port of Sattahip to various military installations in Thailand, $10 million for utilities, $7 million for personnel facilities and $53 million for other operational, supply and support facilities. The $32 million requested for other Pacific areas includes $5.4 million for ship repair facilities, $9 million for airfield facilities (including a cost overrun of $3 million for previously approved projects in Taiwan), $3 million for POL storage, $2.3 million for hospital improvements (primarily air conditioning in Japan) and $12 million for maintenance, communications utilities, and other support facilities. The $75 million requested for projects in the United States includes $51 million for training facilities (Navy aviation, Army and Marine helicopter training, and SEABEE training), $5 million for Military Airlift Command (MAC) facilities, $7.3 million for personnel facilities (primarily for the Marine Corps), and the balance for a large number of relatively small facility improvements throughout the country. REVOLVING FUNDS Last year we had estimated that total stock fund inventories at the end of FY 1967 would amount to about $5.2 billion, based on net sales during the fiscal year of about $9.9 billion. Because of the increased effort in Southeast Asia, we now estimate stock fund sales at about $12.7 billion, $2.8 billion more than previously estimated. To support this higher volume of sales, inventories will have to be increased to about $6.6 billion at the end of FY 1967, about $1.4 billion more than previously estimated. All but $535 million of this increase in inventories can be financed from the cash balances already available in the stock funds. The $535 million will have to be provided by new appropriations and is included in our FY 1967 Supplemental request. ADDITIONAL AUTHORIZATIONS The additional amounts requested to be authorized for aircraft, missiles, naval vessels, tracked combat vehicles, and RDT&E are shown in Tables 4, 5 and 6. TABLE 1.-Recapitulation of military and civilian personnel strength, fiscal year 1967 Direct hire civilian personnel: Active duty military personnel: Army...... Air Force... Total..... 1,159, 043 1, 233, 693 854, 498 853, 359 1,206, 574 1,199,046 1, 454, 200 1, 368, 233 +40,003 748,938 +20,746 +220,507 +161,659 277,545 +11,608 +2,440 +4,949 900, 136 +31,852 +45,241 +44,717 2,987, 343 3,093, 109 3,058,740 3,091, 552 3,386, 818 3, 294, 852 +104, 209 +293,709 +236,112 Army.. 359, 632 357,923 Navy (including USMC). 357, 601 362,893 Air Force. 301, 378 308,717 Defense agencies.. 68,505 63,848 360,066 371, 121 426,164 393, 998 +11,489 +68,241 +33,932 381,189 -857 +35,715 +21,795 319,462 319, 349 +5,533 +10,745 +10,363 68,923 72, 361 71, 256 +418 +8,513 +7,695 Total.. 1,087, 116 1,093, 381 1,092,007 1, 103, 699 1, 216, 595 1, 165, 792 +16,583 +123,214 +73,785 TABLE 2. Financial summary of fiscal year 1967 budget including the proposed supplemental for southeast Asia [In thousands of dollars] New obliga- (1) Military personnel: Military personnel, Army- Military personnel, Navy-- Reserve personnel, Army - Total, military personnel. Operation and maintenance: 6, 164, 400 36,500 346, 533 18, 731, 044 Operation and maintenance, Army. 5, 122, 427 325,600 Operation and maintenance, Air Force... 4, 943, 100 Operation and maintenance, Defense Agencies. 806, 500 Operation and maintenance, Army National Guard. Operation and maintenance, Air National Guard.. National Board for Promotion of Rifle Practice, Army. Claims, Defense. Contingencies, Defense Court of Military Appeals, Defense 231,000 25,000 Total, operation and maintenance.... 15, 703, 321 TABLE 2.-Financial summary of fiscal year 1967 budget including the proposed supplemental for southeast Asia-Continued Research, development, test, and evaluation: Research, development, test, and evaluation, Army. Research, development, test, and evaluation, Defense agencies. Emergency fund, Defense.. Family housing: Family housing, Defense..... Civil defense: Operation and maintenance, civil defense. Total, civil defense.. Special foreign currency program.. Revolving funds: Army stock fund. Total, revolving funds.. Department of Defense totals: Total, military functions.. Military assistance.... Total new obligational authority, Department of Defense.. Total expenditures, Department of Defense.... 507, 196 66, 100 101, 100 17, 279, 079 16,959,018 21, 024, 395 3, 784, 550 101, 100 59, 148, 142 792,000 59, 940, 142 58,300,000 74-035-67-3 |