Abbildungen der Seite



ORDERED, That three hundred and fifty copies of the foregoing report, resolve, and accompanying papers, be printed for the use of

the Legislature.



No. 16.]



THE joint standing committee on the insane hospital, to whom was referred so much of the governor's message as relates to the insane hospital, together with the reports of the superintendent, trustees, and steward of that institution, and other matters relating to that subject, have had the same under consideration, and ask leave to submit the following


In making their annual visit had the pleasure of meeting the trustees of the hospital at the institution, and in company with them were conducted through the different apartments, whereby your committee had an opportunity of conversing freely and familiarly with the patients, and your committee take great pleasure in being able to say, that they are satisfied, from personal observation, and by making use of every means in their power to get the facts in relation to the treatment of the patients, and the manner in which the affairs of the hospital are managed, that no suffering exists there, either mental or physical, which it is possible for the institution to relieve. Your committee would further say, that in in their opinion, the hospital for the insane is a monument alike honorable to the worthy citizens who made liberal donations towards defraying the expenses of erecting, and the state who have completed the

building first contemplated, and have since made and are still making important additions and improvements.

It will be seen, by a reference to the report of the trustees of the insane hospital, that two or more of them have, in accordance with the law, which regulates the government of the institution made monthly visitations, and that they announce with pleasure. Its continued prosperity and usefulness, and with that announce ment your committee fully and heartily concur.

The report of the superintendent shows an increased number of admissions and recoveries as undiminished public confidence in the institution, but frankly and manfully spreads the information before the world that the increased number of recoveries which have beer effected the last year, compared with former years, are not owing to any peculiar management on the part of those who have the care of the institution, but attributes it entirely to the effect of the following order, passed by the board of trustees :

"Ordered, That the superintendent be authorized to require of those offering patients for admission to the hospital, to stipulate for their continuance at the hospital for a period of six months at least. unless they be sooner restored to a sound mind, or so far recovered. as in his judgment to render it proper that an earlier discharge be granted."

Your committee have copied the above order for the purpose of giving it as wide a circulation as possible, that people, who may be under the necessity of applying for admission for friends or others. may know before leaving their homes, that a stipulation for a six month's residence at the hospital, will be required, in order to get admittance for an insane person, and also that it may be understood that the prospect of recovery is much better under the above order than otherwise.

The land, the purchase of which was contemplated and provided for by the last legislature, has been purchased by the state. and the deed of the same is on file in the office of the secretary of state. This land furnishes a good, sufficient, and convenient pasture for the cows and horses kept for the sustenance, health, and pleasure of the inmates.

There are at present six cows kept at the hospital, which afford a sufficient quantity of milk to supply all the wants; there are also two horses kept for the benefit of those connected with the institution, by the use of which, and the carriage purchased by the state for the purpose, the officers are enabled to take the patients frequently out on an excursion of pleasure, which is found very conducive to the health as well as happiness of the patients.

The average number of patients for the first six months of the present year, is over one hundred, which is a much larger number than an average, for any six months since the creation of the hospital. The new wing is now laid up to the flooring over the basement story—the materials have been furnished promptly, as deeded -the weather through the spring and summer up to this time, has been, on account of the frequent storms, very unfavorable for the prosecution of the necessary work, by which the masons have been very much impeded, but the work is going forward with great despatch in all suitable building weather-competent and efficient men are employed-every necessary arrangement made for the delivery of materials when needed, and from present appearances the anticipations of the trustees in their report will be realized. Should this desirable result be obtained, the new building must be furnished in order to render it useful the coming winter, and for that purpose the sum of about two thousand dollars will be required.

The trustees have taken efficient means to remedy the defect in the apparatus for bringing the water from the great spring-forty rods of logs have been laid down near the fountain, of 24 inch bore, and other improvements made with a view to force the water through the lead pipes already laid down. The work is not yet complete, and it cannot at present be ascertained how much expense wiH be incurred-upwards of two hundred dollars have been expended in accomplishing what is now done. One thing is certain, abundance of water must be had, and we have no doubt the trustees will carry judiciously into effect, their resolve to obtain the needed supply. Should the whole distance require the laying a new pipe, the probable cost will be about one thousand dollars

To enable the trustees to furnish the necessary furniture, repair the aquaduct, repaint the hospital, and in fine to discharge their duty in accordance with the requirements of the laws, and the necessary wants of the institution, your committee herewith submit a resolve. making an appropriation for the benefit of the hospital, to be expended under the direction of the trustees.

At the suggestion and assistance of the superintendent and trustees of the hospital, your committee have revised and embodied the laws regulating that institution; a bill as prepared by advice of the superintendent and trustees will be submitted hereafter to the consideration of the legislature.

THOMAS GORE, Chairman.

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