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On this, and the following pages, is reproduced the Deed of Cession giving the island of Tutuila to the United States. The English version is on the left, the Samoan, on the right.

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We desire to make known with the greatest re8-pect to your Susuga and His Afioga the President of the United States of America, we are now exceedingly grate-ful to the Great Powers for the care and protection in this country in past days, we will continue thus to be thankful. We rejoice with our whole hearts on account



2 APRIL 1900


Iland Susuga

a Commander B Tilley

O le SUI.KOVANA o le Unaite Setete o Amelika mo Tutuila.

Lau Susuga e :


Ua matou te fia faasilasila atu ma le ava tele i lau susuga ma lana Afioga, le Alii Taitai o le Malo o le Unaite Setete o Amelika, o lenei matou te matua faafetai atu i Malo Tetele ona o latou tausisi ma faamamalu i lenei atunuu 1 aso ua mavae, ua taupeapea matou ma le faafetai tele. Ua olioli nei matou mo lo matou loto atoatoa ona o tala ua ma ua ai matou ua faaiu nei fili-filiga o Malo Tetele ona o Samoa, ua faapea lo latou tautinoga "Tau ane le Malo o Amelika o le a pule i Tutuila ma Manua, ua le toe aia si isi Malo Papalagi iai Matou to faafetai atu i Malo Tetele ona o lena iuga, ua talia foi lena tautinoga ℗ i matou ma loto fisfia, O Ienei, IA SILAFIA LAU SUSUGA, UA SILAFIA FOȚ LANA API


of the tidings we have received, the Conventions of the Great Powers concerning Samoa are ended, their Declara-tions are thus :- Only the Government of the United States of America shall rule in Tutuila and Manua, other foreign Governments shall not again have authority there." We give great thanks to the Great Powers for that result that Declaration is accepted by us with glad hearts. NOW THEREFORE, LET YOUR SUSUGA KNOW, AND LET ALSO HIS AFIOGA THE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA KNOW, AND LET ALL THE NATIONS OF THE EARTH KNOW AND ALL PEOPLE DWELLING THEREIN, that in order to set aside all possible doubts in the future concerning our true desire at this time on account of the Rule of the United States of America in Tutuila and Manua, We now, rightly appoin-ted according to the customs of Samoa to be the repre-sentatives of all the different districts in Tutuila we do confirm all the things done by the Great Powers for Tutuila, we do also cede and transfer to the Govern -ment of the United States of America the Island of Tutuila and all things there to rule and to protect it. We will obey all laws and statutes made by that Govern-ment or by those appointed by the Government to legis-late and to govern.

Our whole desire is to obey the laws that honor and dwe— -lling in peace may come to pass in this country.

We depend on the Government and we hope that we indeed


AFIOGA, LE ALII PULE O LE MALO O LE UNAITE SETETE O AMEL -IKA, IA SILAFIA FOI MALO UMA I LE LALOLAGI, MA TAGATA ■ UMA O LOO I AI, ina ia tea ese lava masalosalo uma lava i aso amuli ona o lo matou. loto faamaoni i ona po nei ona o le pule o le Malo o le UNaite Setete o Amelika i Tutuila ma Manua, o i matou nei, ua matou tofia tonu e tusa ma le tue masani ai Samoa, matou te faamaoni mea uma sa faia e Malo Tetele ona o Tutuila, o i matou foi matou te to atu ma foai atu i le Malo o Unaite Setete o Amelika le Motu o Tutuila ma mea uma e i ai e pule i ai ma faamamalu i ai. Matou te usiusitai tulafono ma faaton -uga uma o le a faia e lena Malo poo e i latou ua tofia e le Malo a fai tulafono ma pule.

O loo matou loto atoatoa sei ustusitai tulafono uma ina taunuu i lenei Atunuu le mamalu ma le nofolelei. Matou to faalagolago atu i le Malo ma faamoemoe atu foi o lea manuia lava tatou uma ma le Malo, o le a Taitai tonu mai ma faatonu mai lelei le Malo i a matou ina ia matou. te mafai ona tausi ma leoleo mo' le lelei mo le tonu lo ma-tou nuu eseese ma lo matou itumalo foi

Seli fai tulafono lelei ma aoga, se!i mautu faavae o le Malo ma le faavavau.

Ia soifua, lau Susuga le Sui-Kovana

Ia soifua lana Afioga le Alii Pule i le Malo

Amelika ma le Malo uma.

O i matou, o auauna faamaulalo a outou

72-478 O 72-7


and the Government will be prosperous, that the Govern-ment will correctly guide and advise us in order that we may be able to care for and guard well and uprightly our different villages and also our districts.

Let good and useful laws be made, let the foundations

of the Government stand firm for ever.

May your Susuga, the Acting-Governor live!

May His Afioga the President of the Government of Amor

[blocks in formation]

(note. The Sua ma lo Vaifanua

and embracing the whole of the stern district of Tutuila. )

FOFO and AITULAGI (Term applied to and embracing the

Tuitele of Leono

whole of the western district)



is the term applied to

Faiivan of Leono

Latuli of Iliili.

Fuimaono of Vailoa

Satolo of Vailoa

Looso of Loona

010 of Leono

Namo a of Malacola

Malota of Malachoa

Tunaitaui of Pavaiai

Lulomana of Asu

Amituanai Ituau

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