Abbildungen der Seite

Lands, public-Continued.

Doc. No. 123.

intrusion on 107, 123, 137, 351, 353, 526, 1344, 1388.
cutting timber on 137, 350, 860, 880, 1388.

mode of survey 235, 273, 490, 495, 1391, 1443, 1468.

mode of location 235, 312, 444, 559, 577, 705, 726, 1179, 1204, 1301, 1304, 1335, 1397, 1440.
mode of sale 676, 1262, 1272, 1387, 1412, 1444, 1459, 1466.

warrants 46, 200, 227, 237, 312, 403, 408, 725, 867, 869, 889, 1383, 1391, 1400.

patents for 24, 46, 103, 217, 227, 237, 334, 408, 524, 566, 575, 584, 665, 725, 764, 867, 1027,
1207, 1304, 1350, 1373, 1383, 1391, 1415, 1428, 1431, 1440, 1442, 1471.

pre-emption rights in 59, 79, 211, 576, 779, 789, 1028, 1060, 1164, 1165, 1169, 1172, 1187,
1244, 1267, 1342, 1373, 1378, 1411, 1421, 1423, 1429, 1434, 1440, 1442, 1446, 1451, 1453,
1460, 1463, 1479.

obtained from Indians 345, 576, 751, 775, 1162, 1353, 1402, 1406, 1419, 1451.

three per cent. fund from 481, 719, 1346, 1385, 1419.

under French and Spanish grants 491, 539, 589, 1139, 1192, 1198, 1248, 1265, 1301, 1304,
1347, 1378, 1379, 1390, 1393.

ceded by Georgia 573.

Yazoo 573.

subject to entry 577, 676, 764, 779, 1179, 1244, 1412, 1456.

conveyances by pre-emptors 1373, 1421.

between Roberts and Ludlow's lines


purchase of, by John Cleves Symmes 705.

granted for the cultivation of the vine and olive 1027, 1267, 1428.

scrip 1089, 1220, 1300, 1338, 1414, 1426, 1428.

in what money to be paid for 1090, 1444.

General Land Office 1160, 1442, 1444, 1445, 1450, 1466.

for canals 1201, 1334, 1352, 1396, 1412.

offices 1358.

leases of 258, 309, 441, 935, 994.

given to New Madrid sufferers 263, 273, 277, 331, 402, 559, 1199, 1301, 1423, 1431.
reserved for military sites 1429.

floating pre-emptions 1373, 1378, 1411, 1440, 1453, 1460, 1470.

for public works 194, 199, 233, 240, 282, 469, 777, 816, 831, 845, 870, 874, 898, 920, 957,
1149, 1344, 1362, 1400.

for military bounties 126, 131, 237, 276, 312, 566, 793, 846, 869, 889, 1068, 1220, 1299,
1337, 1383, 1400, 1414, 1428.

reservations of 57, 258, 309, 665, 680, 705, 775, 1061, 1149, 1164, 1182, 1205, 1207, 1352,

1357, 1385, 1388, 1397, 1402, 1403, 1406, 1407, 1410, 1411, 1412, 1419, 1420, 1428, 1429,
1432, 1451.

jurisdiction of States over 101, 469, 1387, 1398, 1420.

registers and receivers 212, 426, 601, 1422, 1428, 1434, 1442, 1444, 1459.

Larceny 138.

Law of nations-diplomatic privilege under 9, 22, 25, 26, 29, 41, 45, 69, 89, 300, 732, 786, 1005,
rights of aliens under 1142.

territorial immunity under 15.

rights of public vessels under 26, 54, 108, 133, 247, 379, 603, 1065.

neutral duties under 33, 35, 135, 181, 551, 1065, 1216.

civil 280.

delivery of fugitives under 40, 48, 77, 169, 298, 385, 718, 832, 902, 1289.
Learning-three per cent. fund to encourage 481, 719.

Lease-occupation under 789.

of public lands 259, 309, 441, 935, 994, 1158, 1182, 1467.

of public buildings 1297.

of lots in the city of Washington 308.

Letter of marque 120, 123.

Letters 746.

Libel-against a foreign minister 29,41.
License-British 117, 121.
coasting 393.

Lien--on goods, for duties 563, 582.

of judgments 745.

on stock, by a corporation 971.

Light-house 233, 272.

Limitation-of actions 280.

Lincoln, Levi 59.

Little Belt 133.

Loan-by the Bank of the United States 294.

public, transfer of 605, 660.

commissioner of 605, 661.

Location-of public land 235, 273, 312, 444, 566, 705, 763, 1179, 1204, 1301, 1335, 1357, 1397,


of New Madrid claims 263, 273, 277, 334, 402, 559, 1199, 1304, 1423, 1431.

[blocks in formation]

Marine corps 130, 140, 258, 279, 363, 430, 533, 597, 609, 691, 746, 771, 773, 781, 796, 812, 1064,
1145, 1192, 1310.

Maritime-seizures 108, 128.

contracts 106, 153, 179.

Market overt 713.

Marque, letter of 120, 123.

Marriage-of widow of a pensioner 549, 1030, 1048, 1153, 1216, 1284.

Marshal-appointment of 710.

duties of 23, 123, 234, 338, 351, 353, 455, 478, 761, 851, 951, 1054, 1351, 1388, 1397.
emoluments of 121, 805, 836, 842, 1173, 1273, 1298, 1322.

obligation of his bond 265, 281, 810, 1351.

Martial--courts 110, 114, 118, 130, 136, 140, 151, 171, 202, 214, 215, 224, 238, 280, 350, 353, 368,
467, 522, 709, 731, 737, 765, 770, 808, 837, 889, 944, 1177, 1229, 1276, 1315, 1329, 1331, 1332,


Menomonies 1178.

Mexico treaty with 1066.

Miamis 1397, 1406, 1407.

Michigan 99.

Michilimackinac 119.

Military-(see Army-- War.)

academy 202, 255, 350, 709, 749, 944, 1149.

employed in civil cases 107, 164, 351, 471.

employed to remove intruders 115.

reservations 680, 705, 1429.

pensions 124, 139, 199, 255, 276, 305, 337, 525, 667, 744, 765, 793, 851, 877, 892, 900, 909,
920, 924, 934, 982, 1031, 1041, 1068, 1074, 1076, 1078.

their acts examined in civil courts 164, 1276.

subject to civil authority 556, 1276, 1299.

Millinery 1213.

[blocks in formation]

payment of 891, 897, 996, 1069, 1081, 1179, 1302, 1317, 1333.

acting under State authority 164.

Mines 57, 258, 309, 441, 935, 994, 1467.

Ministerial acts 721, 866.

Minister, foreign-his privilege 9, 18, 22, 25, 26, 29, 41, 69, 89, 300, 732, 786, 1005.

libel against 29.

compensation 410, 469, 678, 833, 847, 869, 879.

Minors-right of, to pensions and bounty 131, 139, 296, 533, 549, 608, 781.

right to redeem land 277.

Mint-public money at 1072.

security of officers of 19.

Missouri--land claims in 539, 589, 1248, 1304, 1378.

Mistake--effect of, upon contracts 1019.

Mitchell, David B. 326.

Mitigation (see Pardon-Remission-Sentence.)

Money-in the Treasury, conflicting claims to 106, 298, 455, 456, 465, 507, 509, 525, 528, 1002,

1028, 1084, 1103, 1280, 1320.

[blocks in formation]

Nations, law of--diplomatic privilege under 9, 22, 25, 26, 29, 41, 45, 69, 89, 300, 732, 786,


rights of aliens under 1145.

territorial immunity under 11.

neutral rights under 11, 135, 181, 193, 603.

rights of public vessels under 26, 54, 108, 133, 247, 379, 603, 1065.

neutral duties under 33, 35, 93, 135, 170, 181, 551, 603, 1065, 1216.

delivery of fugitives under 40, 48, 77, 169, 298, 385, 423, 718, 832, 902, 1289.

Naturalization--laws respecting 132, 219.

treaty stipulations concerning 219.

Nautilus 133.

Navigation--laws respecting 266, 339, 343, 358, 366, 370, 393, 395, 795, 811, 817, 830, 851.
Naples--treaty with 1001, 1035.

Navy-appointments in 236.

allowances to officers and seamen of 104, 135, 363, 423, 433, 438, 440, 443, 504, 722,
728, 796, 812, 887, 1002, 1068, 1103, 1105, 1134, 1145.

enlistment of seamen in 113, 383, 452, 771, 796, 1330.

petty officers in 142.

agents 131, 220, 466, 751, 799, 1102, 1360, 1361.

yard 777, 816, 832, 845, 1167, 1354.

pensions 1105, 1109, 1112, 1134, 1155, 1156, 1157, 1180, 1189, 1207, 1213, 1253, 1274,
1278, 1445.

commissioners 466, 853, 866, 868, 902, 915, 921.

pensions 254, 260, 333, 341, 402, 533, 519, 608, 766, 781, 798, 851, 887, 888, 894, 896, 897,
910, 924, 931, 951, 963, 1002, 1030, 1018, 1049, 1076, 1080, 1101, 1104.

prizes 32, 39, 45, 51, 66, 69, 71, 121, 129, 246, 296, 337.

regulations 458, 522, 737, 765, 771, 1177, 1234.

Negroes--free, citizenship of 383, 452.

support of captured 478, 778.

free, admission of 493, 817, 850.

restoration of 651.

removal to Africa 230, 231, 241, 334, 722, 778, 1306.
restoration under a treaty 778, 1289, 1306.

witnesses 1315.

Neutrals-territorial immunity of 15.

duties of 33, 35, 98, 135, 170, 181, 551, 603, 1065, 1176.
rights of belligerents among 39, 45, 551, 603.

their liability to capture 106.

Neutrality--seizure of vessels for violating 26, 1216.

New Madrid grants 263, 273, 277, 334, 402, 559, 1199, 1304, 1423.

New Orleans--claim of United States to land there 257, 584, 1351, 1401.

Noah, M. M. 139, 142.

Nolle prosequi 266, 301, 335, 336, 468, 584, 723, 855, 862.

Non-intercourse--violation of, by public vessels 108.

Norfolk-navy yard at 832.

Northwestern Territory 64, 79, 99.

Notes of the Bank of the United States 195.

Treasury 1161.

bank 1089, 1104.


Occupancy 789, 1165, 1169, 1172, 1225, 1342, 1421, 1422, 1436, 1446, 1451, 1452, 1463.
Offences--at sea 114, 120, 134, 262, 718, 902, 919.

against Indians 138.

against State laws, by officers of the United States 178.
of the military against the civil authority 556.

in the Indian territory 865, 984.

Office-bonds of 19, 119, 140, 226, 346, 480, 531, 757, 799, 810, 1156, 1350, 1357, 1358, 1361, 1368,

tenure of 157, 445, 475, 516, 567, 806, 1099, 1168.

termination of 254, 475, 480, 505, 591, 758, 759, 803, 806, 810, 866, 883.
commencement of 326, 758, 759, 803, 945, 1061, 1068, 1080, 1352.

Officers-commissions of 236, 326, 511, 516, 567, 600, 709, 710, 866, 937, 950, 998, 1061, 1068,

1258, 1347, 1352.

removal of 338, 591, 597, 708.
compensation of 445, 921, 943.
allowance to army and navy

104, 121, 135, 254, 347, 370, 396, 403, 428, 438, 527, 533, 555,
564, 593, 722, 740, 749, 796, 812, 887, 903, 937, 946, 950, 961, 986, 991, 1004, 1063, 1068,
1075, 1134, 1155, 1204, 1228, 1241, 1344.

navy, allowances to in cases of prize 121, 129, 246, 296, 337, 342, 400, 403, 428, 433, 438,
443, 685, 689, 691, 708.

[blocks in formation]

of the customs 335, 806, 1181, 1185, 1255, 1263, 1341, 1357, 1358, 1359, 1368, 1374
of navy, offending against State laws 178.

[blocks in formation]

exchange among 772.

military, engaged in civil duties 853, 866, 868, 902.

military, employed in Indian agency 955, 963, 991.

Offset 437, 448, 481, 504, 523, 525, 528, 922, 965, 1045, 1194, 1243.
Ogden, Thomas L. 345.

Ohio-terms of admission into the Union 310.

public lands in 309, 481, 705, 1335, 1386, 1412.

canals in 1396.

Olive 1027, 1267, 1428.

Ordinance establishing the Northwestern Territory 64, 99.

Ordnance Department 914, 1158.

Orphan-(see Child-Heir.)

Orr, Benjamin G. 189, 196.

O'Sullivan, John 1115.

Otis, William 1301, 1314.

Ollowas 906, 1111, 1418.

Outfit--of a foreign minister, 410, 469, 678, 833.


Pagan, Thomas-case of 8, 11, 18.

Papers-vessels' 246, 342, 343, 404, 1372.

Pardon 30, 44, 238, 251, 263, 299, 340, 344, 358, 366, 382, 672, 681, 707, 723, 731, 865, 919, 989,
1033, 1241, 1382.

Parker, General 708, 740, 956.

Partnership 97, 161, 225, 429, 440, 525, 530, 552, 677, 811, 835, 965, 1002, 1040, 1153, 1243, 1253.
Passage--through a neutral country 193.

Passport 343.

Patents for useful improvements 37, 69, 114, 116, 123, 169, 241, 245, 268, 275, 427, 539, 583,
617, 834, 873, 911, 912, 1086, 1125, 1261, 1320, 1365.

for lands under Virginia warrants 46, 200, 227, 403, 566, 1383.

for lands may be revoked 103, 217, 237, 408, 524, 559, 575, 584, 665, 764, 867, 1305, 1440.
for lands in Western Territory 24.

for lands under New Madrid grants 263, 273, 334, 402, 559, 1199, 1304, 1423.

rules respecting 235, 237, 334, 408, 524, 559, 566, 666, 725, 764, 1027, 1198, 1304, 1350,
1383, 1415, 1423, 1428, 1431, 1440, 1442, 1459.

to Indian reservees 1061, 1207, 1239, 1277, 1415, 1418, 1440.
to confirmees of French or Spanish grants 1198, 1350.
to assignees of pre-emptors 1373, 1421.

Pay-(see Allowance-Compensation--Emoluments.)

Paymaster 346, 527, 567, 591, 597, 600, 689, 937, 1075, 1076, 1252.

Pea Patch


194, 199, 240, 282, 920, 957, 1156.

Pellerin, Bartholomew 1347.

Penalties-distribution of 236, 479, 1130.

under the revenue laws 120, 252, 337, 756, 774.

remission of 120, 152, 188, 252, 337, 352, 479, 725, 757, 855, 1242.
under the laws against the slave-trade 227, 244, 267, 362.

Pensée, La 402.

Pension-(see Bounty.)

army 124, 139, 199, 255, 276, 305, 337, 525, 667, 744, 765, 769, 793, 851, 877, 892, 900, 909,'
920, 924, 934, 982, 1041, 1068, 1074, 1076, 1078, 1215, 1252, 1283, 1325, 1384, 1389, 1395,

navy 254, 260, 296, 333, 341, 402, 533, 549, 766, 781, 798, 851, 887, 888, 894, 896, 897, 910,
924, 934, 951, 963, 1002, 1030, 1048, 1049, 1076, 1080, 1101, 1104, 1105, 1109, 1112, 1134,
1155, 1156, 1157, 1180, 1189, 1207, 1213, 1253, 1274, 1278, 1445.

privateer 254, 887.

agency 922, 1285.

Perdido-district west of 1347.

Pereira, Barrozo 732.

Perjury 153, 1411.

Perry, Mrs. 1080, 1107.

Persico, Luigi 671.

Petersburg 510.

Pinkney, William 113.

Piracy--in carrying off slaves 10.

by foreigners 48, 50, 181, 262, 718.

where to be tried


by privateers under foreign flags 181, 262, 342, 343.

proceedings in cases of 297, 342, 400, 428, 434, 438, 561, 718, 902, 919, 951, 1065.

Pitchlynn 1277, 1311.

Platina 1155.

Pocket-the brig 1165.

Polari 832,851, 855, 862.

Police-regulation of, by the States 493, 820, 851.

Polish exiles 1357.

Portugal 732.

Post Office Department-regulations of 747, 1011, 1074, 1085, 1088, 1131, 1253, 1282, 1293, 1300,

1344, 1350.

controversy with Stockton & Stokes 1011, 1128.

Pottawatomies 1402, 1413, 1418.

Practice-in civil cases 187, 348, 401, 739, 794, 913, 973, 1053, 1136.

in criminal cases 51, 252, 280, 298, 299, 312, 335, 336, 377, 382, 531, 919, 958, 989, 1148,'

Pre-emption-right of 59, 79, 211, 576, 779, 1028, 1060, 1162, 1165, 1169, 1172, 1187, 1244, 1267,
1342, 1352, 1411, 1421, 1422, 1434, 1440, 1442, 1446, 1451, 1452, 1460, 1463.
floating 1373, 1378, 1411, 1440, 1453, 1460, 1470.

how decided 213, 1422.

in Indiana and Illinois 59.

in Arkansas 576,742.

at Detroit


in Indian lands 1162, 1206, 1236, 1429, 1434.

in Louisiana 1244, 1265.

in reservations 1352, 1451.

to cultivators of the vine and olive 1027, 1428.

to purchasers under John Cleves Symmes 705.
on bounty lands 211.

conveyances of 1373, 1421.

to aliens 1421.

Press-liberty of 41.

Printing 1278, 1285, 1324.

Priority-of the United States 305, 425, 465, 686, 840.
Prisoners-maintenance of 234.

at Algiers 142, 340.

Privateers 120, 123, 171, 181, 254, 262, 342, 533, 549, 608, 887, 951.
Privilege-diplomatic 8, 22, 25, 41, 45, 69, 89, 300, 732, 786, 1005.

of aliens in our courts 27.

of members of Congress 244, 958.

exclusive 617.

Prizes 32, 39, 45, 51, 66, 69, 71, 121, 129, 246, 296, 337, 342, 428, 533, 603, 951, 959, 1264.
Process-may be served on board of foreign public vessels 57.

against corporations 158, 160, 187.

against public defaulters 187.

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