NATIONAL DEFENSE ESTABLISHMENT (UNIFICATION OF THE ARMED SERVICES) HEARINGS BEFORE THE COMMITTEE ON ARMED SERVICES EIGHTIETH CONGRESS FIRST SESSION ON S. 758 A BILL TO PROMOTE THE NATIONAL SECURITY BY PROVIDING 60266 PART 1 MARCH 18, 20, 25, 26, APRIL 1, 2, AND 3, 1947 Printed for the use of the Committee on Armed Services STANFORD LIBRARY MAY 12 1947 DOCUMENT DIV. UNITED STATES WASHINGTON: 1947 COMMITTEE ON ARMED SERVICES CHAN GURNEY, South Dakota, Chairman STYLES BRIDGES, New Hampshire LEVERETT SALTONSTALL, Massachusetts RAYMOND E. BALDWIN, Connecticut MILLARD E. TYDINGS, Maryland HARLEY M. KILGORE, West Virginia JOHN G. ADAMS, Clerk CONTENTS Nimitz, Fleet Admiral Chester W., United States Navy. Norstad, Maj. Gen. Lauris, Director of Plans and Operations Division, Page 129 Sherman, Vice Admiral Forrest, United States Navy-- Letter of President Truman (January 16, 1947) to Secretaries Forrestal Joint letter of Secretaries Forrestal and Patterson (January 16, 1947) to the President containing agreement on bill establishing a single department of national defense.. Executive order outlining functions of the armed forces.. Chronological statement of prior proposals, studies, and legislation in connection with the establishment of a single department of national Summary of major proposals: 1944 War Department proposal Report of Joint Chiefs of Staff Special Committee for Reorgani- Statement of the Honorable James V. Forrestal, Secretary of the Navy- Letter of Secretary of Navy Forrestal to Senator Gurney (March 19, 1947) in support of statement made to committee that consideration has been given to adequate safeguards for morale and autonomy of the Navy and its components. - Letter of Secretary of Navy Forrestal to Senator Gurney (March 19, 1947) in response to questions put by Senator Tydings at committee hearing regarding Cabinet attendance during wartime.... Statement of the Honorable Robert P. Patterson, Secretary of War...... Original law establishing War Department Original law establishing Navy Department- Statement of W. Stuart Symington, Assistant Secretary of War for Air (presented by Eugene M. Zuckert, Special Assistant to the Secretary |