Senator HILL. In other words, in the language of the law, "they do not assume a defiant attitude." General NORSTAD. That is right, sir. Senator SALTONSTALL. I would say, Mr. Chairman, that if these gentlemen are going to give us an expense account, a proposed cost account, that it would be extremely helpful if it could be given in broad, general terms of comparison with what exists now, so that an opportunity would be presented to us to compare present costs and present budget estimates with the future. In other words, what you would have to draw up, in broad, general terms, would be a comparison of the set-ups in the new and old forms, where they coincide and where they do not. The CHAIRMAN. Are there any other questions? Senator RUSSELL. General Norstad will be back at subsequent meetings? The CHAIRMAN. He will be here at subsequent meetings. Yes; I am sure he will be here, as well as Admiral Sherman. The committee will now go into executive session. (Whereupon, at 12:10 p. m., the committee went into executive session.) (UNIFICATION OF THE ARMED SERVICES) HEARINGS BEFORE THE COMMITTEE ON ARMED SERVICES UNITED STATES SENATE EIGHTIETH CONGRESS FIRST SESSION ON S. 758 A BILL TO PROMOTE THE NATIONAL SECURITY BY PROVIDING PART 2 APRIL 8, 9, 15, 18, 22, 24, AND 25, 1947 Printed for the use of the Committee on Armed Services COMMITTEE ON ARMED SERVICES CHAN GURNEY, South Dakota, Chairman STYLES BRIDGES, New Hampshire LEVERETT SALTONSTALL, Massachusetts RAYMOND E. BALDWIN, Connecticut MILLARD E. TYDINGS, Maryland HARLEY M. KILGORE, West Virginia BURNET R. MAYBANK, South Carolina JOHN G. ADAMS, Clerk CONTENTS Statements of Page Carney, Vice Adm. Robert B., Deputy Chief of Naval Operations 298-310' Grow, Maj. Gen. Malcolm C., Air Surgeon, Army Air Forces - 409-472 377 Kenney, Hon. W. John, Assistant Secretary of the Navy- 247-278 447 303 347 Royall, Hon. Kenneth C., Under Secretary of War. Swanson, Rear Adm. Clifford A., Surgeon General, United States. 461-484 Vandegrift, Gen. A. A., Commandant, United States Marine Corps 411-433 April 8, 1947: CONTENTS BY DATES Statement of Assistant Secretary of the Navy, W. John Kenney 247 Insertion: Speech by the Honorable Oliver Lyttleton before the House 259 April 9, 1947: Insertion: Editorial, Washington Post, "Merger Security". 277 278 Insertion: Article by David Lawrence entitled "Move to Undermine 296. Statement of Vice Adm. Robert B. Carney, Deputy Chief of Naval 298. Statement of Maj. Gen. Lauris Norstad, Director of Plans and Opera- 303. Statement of Vice Adm. Robert B. Carney, Deputy Chief of Naval 310 Excerpts from testimony given by Gen. George C. Marshall, Chief of 311 A unified logistic support plan for the National Defense Establish- 332 Chart of National Defense Establishment, logistic support plan facing 346 April 15, 1947: Statement of Hon. Kenneth C. Royall, Under Secretary of War---- 347 facing 369 April 18, 1947: Statement of Hon. Thomas C. Hart, former United States Senator 377 Statement of Maj. Gen. Norman T. Kirk, Surgeon General, United 398 Chart giving General Kirk's plan for functioning of Medical Services 408. April 22, 1947: Statement of Maj. Gen. Malcolm C. Grow, Air Surgeon, Army Air 409 Statement of Gen. A. A. Vandegrift, Commandant, United States 411 April 24, 1947: Page Statement of Gen. A. A. Vandegrift, Commandant, United States 433 Statement of Melvin J. Maas, president, Marine Reserve Officers Association, Washington, D. C.. 447 Insertion: Letter of Hon. Henry L. Stimson, former Secretary of War, dated April 21, 1947 457 April 25, 1947: Statement of Rear Adm. Clifford A. Swanson, Surgeon General, Chart showing proposed Navy plan for coordination of the Medical 461 facing 464 Personal statement of Maj. Gen. Malcolm C. Grow, Air Surgeon, Chart showing proposed Air Force plan for coordination of the Medical 472 476 482, 483 Insertion: Statement of Navy, Army, and Air Force regarding present Brief submitted by Maj. Gen. Norman T. Kirk, re establishment of a 484 486 |