African Yearbook of International Law / Annuaire Africain de Droit International: 1994Abdulqawi Yusuf Martinus Nijhoff Publishers, 01.01.1995 - 307 Seiten Founded in 1993, the African Yearbook, now published under the auspices of the African Foundation for International Law, is the only scholarly publication devoted exclusively to the study, development, dissemination and wider appreciation of international law in Africa as a whole. Through the scholarly analysis of international legal issues of particular relevance to the African continent, it also contributes to the acceptance of, and respect for the rule of law in intra-African relations, and for the principles of international law in general. Its uniqueness however goes beyond this, for through its special themes and general articles, it has succeeded over the years to serve as an intellectual forum where the development of international law is viewed as being integral to Africa's own development. Through the study and analysis of emerging legal issues of particular relevance to Africa, such as the creation of viable continental institutions capable of promoting unity and security for the peoples of the continent, the effective protection of human rights, the need for accountability for mass killings and massive violations of the rule of law, the promotion of a rule-based democratic culture, the role of African countries in a globalizing world economy and in international trade relations, the Yearbook strives to be responsive to the intellectual needs of African countries in the area of international law, andtothe continuing struggle for creating an environment conducive to the rule of law throughout the continent. The Yearbook also provides ready access to the basic documents of African international organizations by regularly publishing the resolutions and decisions ofregional and sub-regional organizations as well as the conventions, protocols and declarations adopted by pan-african agencies. Through the study and analysis of emerging legal issues of particular relevance to Africa, such as the creation of viable continental institutions capable of promoting unity and security for the peoples of the continent, the effective protection of human rights, the need for accountability for mass killings and massive violations of the rule of law, the promotion of a rule-based democratic culture, the role of African countries in a globalizing world economy and in international trade relations, the Yearbook strives to be responsive to the intellectual needs of African countries in the area of international law, andtothe continuing struggle for creating an environment conducive to the rule of law throughout the continent. The Yearbook also provides ready access to the basic documents of African international organizations by regularly publishing the resolutions and decisions of regional and sub-regional organizations as well as the conventions, protocols and declarations adopted by pan-african agencies. |
Reflections on the Fragility of State Insitutions in Africa | 3 |
Is there a Right of Humanitarian | 9 |
viii | 23 |
The Angolan Experience | 47 |
Le Mécanisme de lOAU pour la Prévention la Gestion et | 71 |
Legal and Institutional Dimensions | 95 |
The Convention | 109 |
LUnion du Maghreb Arabe | 141 |
157 | |
La Contribution des Etats Africains á la Renaissance | 173 |
La Charte Africaine des Droits de lHomme et des Peuples | 293 |
Häufige Begriffe und Wortgruppen
Acordos de Paz action adopted African countries Angola Angolan armed forces Assembly biodiversity biological diversity biological resources Burundi cease-fire Charter Chefs d'Etat civilian Conférence des Chefs conflict Conseil conservation and sustainable continue Convention cooperation d'une debt Déclaration demobilization developing countries droit ECOMOG economic économique ECOWAS efforts elections established Etats membres été ex-situ conservation force genetic resources human rights humanitarian assistance humanitarian intervention Ibid implementation international community International Law international peace l'organe central l'Organisation l'OUA l'UMA Liberia Maghreb maghrébine mandate measures Mécanisme Member military mission Mogadishu monitor Mozambique MPLA ONUMOZ organizations paix paragraph peace accords Peace Agreement peace and security peace process peacekeeping personnel political politique prévention Reaffirming règlement des conflits RENAMO Requests the Secretary-General resolution Rwanda Secrétaire Général Secretary-General Secretary-General's sécurité Security Council situation Somalia sovereignty Special Representative troops UN Charter UNAMIR UNAVEM UNAVEM II UNITA United Nations UNOSOM UNOSOM II Welcomes
Beliebte Passagen
Seite 157 - If preventive or enforcement measures against any state are taken by the Security Council, any other state, whether a Member of the United Nations or not, which finds itself confronted with special economic problems arising from the carrying out of those measures, shall have the right to consult the Security Council with regard to a solution of those problems.