100th Congress Legislative Record of the Committee on Ways and Means, U.S. House of Representatives: Along with Brief Historical and Other Pertinent Information Concerning the Committee

U.S. Government Printing Office, 1989 - 46 Seiten

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Seite 18 - Means to take into consideration all such reports of the Treasury Department, and all such propositions relative to the revenue, as may be referred to them by the House; to inquire into the state of the public debt, of the revenue, and of the expenditures, and to report, from time to time, their opinion thereon...
Seite 17 - An act for laying a duty on goods, wares, and merchandises, imported into the United States." It sets off with this preamble : " Whereas it is necessary for the support of government, for the discharge of the debts of the United States, and the encouragement and protection of manufactures, that duties be laid on goods, wares, and merchandises imported.
Seite 12 - Committee on Ways and Means. (1) Customs, collection districts, and ports of entry and delivery. (2) Reciprocal trade agreements. (3) Revenue measures generally. (4) Revenue measures relating to the insular possessions. (5) The bonded debt of the United States (subject to the last sentence of clause 4(g) of this rule).
Seite 19 - It shall be the duty of the Committee on Public Expenditures to examine into the state of the several public departments, and particularly into laws making appropriations of money, and to report whether the moneys have been disbursed conformably with such laws ; and also to report, from time to time, such provisions and arrangements as may be necessary to add to the economy of the departments, and the accountability of their officers...
Seite 19 - ... to examine into the state of the several public departments, and particularly into the laws making appropriations of moneys, and to report whether the moneys have been disbursed conformably with such laws; and, also to report, from time to time, such provisions and arrangements, as may be necessary to add to the economy of the departments, and the accountability of their officers.
Seite 14 - The tariff schedules and all tariff preference programs, such as the Generalized System of Preferences and the Caribbean Basin Initiative...
Seite 12 - States (subject to the last sentence of clause 4(g) of this rule). (6) The deposit of public moneys. (7) Transportation of dutiable goods. (8) Tax exempt foundations and charitable trusts. (9) National social security, except (A) health care and facilities programs that are supported from general revenues as opposed to payroll deductions and (B) work incentive programs.
Seite 12 - ... estimates submitted by the Committee on Ways and Means under the preceding sentence shall include a specific recommendation, made after holding public hearings, as to the appropriate level of the public debt which should be set forth in the concurrent resolution on the budget referred to in such sentence and serve as the basis for an increase or decrease in the statutory limit on such debt under the procedures provided by Rule XLIX.
Seite 2 - Administration is committed to achieving a successful conclusion of the Uruguay Round of multilateral trade negotiations, under the auspices of the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade.
Seite 18 - Committee to take into consideration all such petitions and matters or things touching Judicial proceedings, as shall be presented or may come in question and be referred to them by the House, and to report their opinion thereupon, together with such propositions relative thereto...

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