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psalms or anything"-" If I live to be served such another trick, I'll have my brains taken out and buttered, and give them to a dog for a new-year's gift." What are these, and a hundred other such conceits in Falstaff, but the lucky result, as it were, of sheer voluntary drivel the lips speaking on in blind haste, and Nature, per force, supplying the matter? And precisely so it is in Rabelais. In him, however, the zanyism is most frequently of a peculiar genus-a vinous zanyism, so to speak; the zanyism of intoxication. We seem to see all through the heavy eye, the swaggering look, the alternate mock-solemnity and downright idiotcy of drunkenness. Indeed, as has been well remarked, the whole of Rabelais's book may be best conceived as a drama within a drama; the real scene being the tavern-parlor of the hostelry at Chinon warm and well lighted in a blustering winter night, with a company of jolly topers seated in it round a board; and the professed story, with its Gargantuas, Panurges, and Friar Johns, passing through this only as a mad phantasmagory, or drunken revel. And thus we see how Rabelais was still the old man, and how, even in his mature age, all that he could do was to roll back his later experience of life, so as to bed and smother it in his early recollections.

Of the vigor of the dramatic or creative faculty in Rabelais, the proof lies in the distinctness with which one learns to picture the main characters of his fiction. What can be finer, in its way, than his description of the domestic old giant, Grangousier, as he was quietly spending his time when the news reached him of the invasion of his territories by Picrochole?" Grangousier, good old man, warming his thighs at a good, great, clear fire, waiting upon the broiling of some chestnuts, very serious in drawing scratches on the hearth with a stick burnt at one end, wherewith they stirred the fire, telling to his wife and the rest of his family pleasant old stories and tales of former times." Nor is the portrait of Gargantua less clear to the reader. It is, however, upon the three friends and companions-Pantagruel, Friar John, and Panurge, that Rabelais has taken most pains. The characters of these three stand out as conceptions perfectly and peculiarly Rabelæsian. Pantagruel, the wise, the good, the invincible, the modest, the sad, the speculative, half a Hamlet, half a giant; Friar John, the lusty, the fearless, the jovial, the profane, "going through the world like a bull;" and Panurge, the witty, the mischievous, the wily, the unprincipled, half a Pistol

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and half a Mephistopheles, with all the lying and cowardice of the one, and all the clever rascality of the other, yet somehow loveable, after all-where shall we find such another triad? And how they set off each other! Panurge always active, always amusing, never at a loss, sneaking off at the first glimpse of danger, re-appearing whenever it is past; Friar John, with his hanger ever ready for a foe, and his knife for a joint, often bullying his poor co-mate, yet bearing with him like a brother; and Pantagruel, sometimes standing apart and looking on, at others joining in the sport, but always as a superior nature, occupied with thoughts of his own

there is something almost fearful in such a conjunction. The affection that Pantagruel bears to Panurge, the uniform kindness and consideration with which he treats that strange unearthly being, who seems but one lump of facetiousness and vice, are positively mystic. He sometimes rebukes Friar John, Panurge never. Of the three characters, Panurge is, beyond question, the masterpiece. As a poetic impersonation of the principle of evil

we do not hesitate to say it-the character of Panurge, by Rabelais, is a more original and masterly conception than that of Mephistopheles, by Goethe.

And this leads us, finally, to the philosophy of Rabelais. It was a favorite opinion of Coleridge, that the real scope of the great work of Rabelais was not political, but philosophical. "Pantagruel," he said, " was the Reason; Panurge, the Understanding—the pollarded man, the man with every faculty except the Reason." With virtually this meaning in view, Rabelais, as Coleridge conceived, was led, by the necessity of the times, to assume the guise of zanyism-now making a deep thrust; then, to appear unconscious of what he had done, writing a chapter or two of pure buffoonery. This hypothesis, a little altered and softened, would almost seem admissible; so clear is it, above all in the delineation of Pantagruel, that Rabelais, too, had his high thoughts and serious moments. And here, without investigating the matter further, let us quote, in conclusion, one passage, in which, more than in any other in the whole work, (we can say this as conscientious readers,) Rabelais has shown his deeper susceptibilities-a passage which proves, we think, that even he, mass of fat, fun, and filth, as people would fain represent him to have been, was subject to visits of a mystic melancholy that Horace never knew. It is where, in Book iv. chapter 28, Pantagruel, discoursing on immortality, relates what is

called "
a very


sad story of the death of the forecastle, and casting his eyes on the shore, said that he had been commanded to proclaim that the great god Pan was dead. The words were hardly out of his mouth, when deep groans, great lamentations, and doleful shrieks, not of one person, but of many together, were heard from the land. The news of this was soon spread at Rome; insomuch, that Tiberius, who was then emperor, sent for this Thamous, and having heard him, gave credit to his words. * * For my part, I understand the story of that great Saviour of the faithful who was put to death at Jerusalem. He may be called, in the Greek tongue, Pan, since he is our all. He is Pan, the great shepherd, also, who, as the loving Corydon affirms, hath a tender love, not for his sheep only, but also for their shepherds. At his death, complaints, sighs, tears, and lamentations were spread throughout the whole fabric of the universe-heavens, land, sea, and hell. The time also concurs with this interpretation of mine; for this most mighty Pan, our Saviour, died near Jerusalem, in the reign of Tiberius Cæsar.' Pantagruel having ended this discourse, remained silent and full of contemplation. A little while after, we saw tears flow out of his eyes, as big as ostrich's eggs. God take me presently if I tell you one syllable of a lie in the matter."

"Epitherses, the father of Emilian, the rhetorician sailing from Greece to Italy, in a ship freighted with divers goods and passengers, at night the wind failed them near the Echinades, some islands that lie between the Morea and Tunis; and the vessel was driven near Paxos. When they got thither, some of the passengers being asleep, others awake, the rest eating and drinking, a voice was heard that called aloud, Thamous!" which surprised them all. This same Thamous was their pilot, an Egyptian by birth, but known by name only to some few of the passengers. The voice was heard a second time calling" Thamous," in a frightful tone; and none making answer, but all trembling and remaining silent, the voice was heard a third time, more dreadful than before. This caused Thamous to answer, "Here am I; what dost thou call me for ?" Then the voice, louder than before, bid him publish, when he should come to Palodes, that the great god Pan was dead. All the mariners and passengers having heard this, were amazed and affrighted. ** Now when they had come to Palodes, they had no wind, neither were they in any current. Thamous then getting up on the top of the ship's

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From Hogg's Instructor.




THE most ancient* story in the Pagan re- likely to pause, and to revolt as from somecords, older by two generations than the thing not perfectly reconciled with the genestory of Troy, is that of Edipus and his ral depth of the coloring. This lies in the mysterious fate, which wrapt in ruin both Sphinx's riddle, which, as hitherto explainhimself and all his kindred. No story what- ed, seems to us deplorably below the granever continued so long to impress the Greek deur of the occasion. Three thousand years, sensibilities with religious awe, or was felt at the least, have passed away since that by the great tragic poets to be so supremely riddle was propounded; and it seems odd fitted for scenical representation. In one of enough that the proper solution should not its stages, this story is clothed with the present itself till November of 1849. That is majesty of darkness; in another stage, it is true; it seems odd, but still it is possible, that radiant with burning lights of female love, we, in anno domini 1849, may see further the most faithful and heroic, offering a beau- through a mile-stone than Edipus, the king, tiful relief to the preternatural malice divid- in the year B. c. twelve or thirteen hundred. ing the two sons of Edipus. This malice The long interval between the enigma and its was so intense, that when the corpses of both answer, may remind the reader of an old brothers were burned together on the same story in Joe Miller, where a traveler, appafuneral pyre (as by one tradition they were), tently an inquisitive person, in passing the flames from each parted asunder, and through a toll-bar, said to the keeper," How refused to mingle. This female love was so do you like your eggs dressed?" Without intense, that it survived the death of its ob- waiting for the answer, he rode off; but ject, cared not for human praise or blame, twenty-five years later, riding through the and laughed at the grave which waited in the same bar, kept by the same man, the traveler rear for itself, yawning visibly for immediate looked steadfastly at him, and received the retribution. There are four separate move- monosyllabic answer, "Poached." A long ments through which this impassioned tale parenthesis is twenty-five years; and we, devolves; all are of commanding interest; gazing back over a far wider gulph of time, and all wear a character of portentous shall endeavor to look hard at the Sphinx, solemnity, which fits them for harmonizing and to convince that mysterious young lady with the dusky shadows of that deep anti--if our voice can reach her-that she was quity into which they ascend. too easily satisfied with the answer given; that the true answer is yet to come; and that, in fact, Edipus shouted Lefore he was out of the wood.

One only feature there is in the story, and this belongs to its second stage (which is also its sublimest stage), where a pure taste is

That is, amongst stories not wearing a mythologic character, such as those of Prometheus, Hercules, &c. The era of Troy and its siege, is doubtless by some centuries older than its usual chronologic date of nine centuries before Christ. And considering the mature age of Eteocles and Polynices, the two sons of Edipus, at the period of the "Seven at the period of the Seven against Thebes," which seven were contemporary with the fathers of the heroes engaged in the Trojan war, it becomes necessary to add sixty or seventy years to the Trojan date, in order to obtain that of Edipus and the Sphinx. Out of the Hebrew Scriptures, there is nothing purely historic so old as this.

But, first of all, let us rehearse the circumstances of this old Grecian story. For in a popular journal, it is always a duty to assume, that perhaps three readers out of four may have had no opportunity, by the course of their education, for making themselves acquainted with classical legends. And in this present case, besides the indispensableness of the story to the proper comprehension of our own improved answer to the Sphinx, the story has a separate and independent value of its own; for it illustrates a

profound but obscure idea of Pagan ages, which is connected with the elementary glimpses of man into the abysses of his higher relations, and lurks mysteriously amongst what Milton so finely calls "the dark foundations" of our human nature. This notion, it is hard to express in modern phrase, for we have no idea exactly corresponding to it; but in Latin it was called piacularity. The reader must understand upon our authority, nostro periculo, and in defiance of all the false translations spread through books, that the ancients (meaning the Greeks and Romans before the time of Christianity) had no idea, not by the faintest vestige, of what in the scriptural system is called sin. The Latin word peccatum, the Greek word amartia, are translated continually by the word sin; but neither one word nor the other has any such meaning in writers belonging to the pure classical period. When baptized into new meaning by the adoption of Christianity, these words, in common with many others, transmigrated into new and philosophic functions. But originally they tended toward no such acceptations, nor could have done so; seeing that the ancients had no avenue opened to them through which the profound idea of sin would have been even dimly intelligible. Plato, 400 years before Christ, or Cicero, more than 300 years later, was fully equal to the idea of guilt through all its gamut: but no more equal to the idea of sin, than a sagacious hound to the idea of gravitation, or of central forces. It is the tremendous postulate upon which this idea reposes, that constitutes the initial moment of that revelation which is common to Judaism and to Christianity. We have no intention of wandering into any discussion upon this question. It will suffice for the service of the occasion if we say, that guilt, in all its modifications, implies only a defect or a wound in the individual. Sin, on the other hand, the most mysterious, and the most sorrowful of all ideas, implies a taint not in the individual, but in the race-that is the distinction; or a taint in the individual, not through any local disease of his own, but through a scrofula equally diffused through the infinite family of man. We are not speaking controversially, either as teachers of theology or of philosophy; and we are careless of the particular construction by which the reader interprets to himself this profound idea. What we affirm is, that this idea was utterly and exquisitely inappreciable by Pagan Greece and Rome; that various translations from Pindar, from Aristophanes, and from the Greek tragedians,

embodying at intervals this word sin,* are more extravagant than would be the word category introduced into the harangue of an Indian sachem amongst the Cherokees; and finally, that the very nearest approach to the abysmal idea which we Christians attach to the word sin (an approach, but to that which never can be touched a writing as of palmistry upon each man's hand, but a writing which

no man can read"), lies in the Pagan idea of piacularity: which is an idea thus far like hereditary sin, that it expresses an evil to which the party affected has not consciously concurred; which is thus far not like hereditary sin, that, it expresses an evil personal to the individual, and not extending itself to the race.

This was the evil exemplified in Edipus. He was loaded with an insupportable burden of pariah participation in pollution and misery, to which his will had never consented. He seemed to have committed the most atrocious crimes; he was a murderer, he was a parricide, he was doubly incestuous, and yet how? In the case where he might be thought a murderer, he had stood upon his self-defence, not benefiting by any superior resources, but, on the contrary, fighting as one man against three, and under the provocation of insufferable insolence. Had he been a parricide? What matter, as regarded the moral guilt, if his father (and by the fault of that father) were utterly unknown to him? Incestuous had he been? but how, if the very oracles of fate, as expounded by events and by mysterious creatures such as the Sphinx, had stranded him like a ship left by the tide, upon this dark unknown shore of a criminality unsuspected by himself? All these treasons against the sanctities of nature had Edipus committed; and yet was this Edipus a thoroughly good man, no more dreaming of the horrors in which he was entangled, than the eye at noonday in midsummer is conscious of the stars that lie far behind the

* And when we are speaking of this subject, it may be proper to mention (as the very extreme anachronism which the case admits of), that Mr. Archdeacon W. has absolutely introduced the idea of sin into the "Iliad;" and, in a regular octavo volume, has represented it as the key to the whole movement of the fable. It was once made a reproach to Southey, that his Don Roderick spoke, in his penitential moods, a language too much resembling that of Methodisin: yet, after all, that prince was a Christian, and a Christian amongst Mussulmans. But what are we to think of Achilles and Patroclus, when described as being (or not being) "under convictions of sin?"

day-light. Let us review rapidly the inci- | had simply used his natural powers of selfdents of his life.

Laius, king of Thebes, the descendant of Labdacus, and representing the illustrious house of the Labdacide-about the time when his wife, Jocasta, promised to present him with a child-had fearned from various prophetic voices that this unborn child was destined to be his murderer. It is singular that in all such cases, which are many, spread through classical literature, the parties menaced by fate believe the menace, else why do they seek to evade it? and yet believe it not; else why do they fancy themselves able to evade it? This fatal child, who was the Edipus of tragedy, being at length born, Laius committed the infant to a slave, with orders to expose it on Mount Citharon. This was done the infant was suspended, by thongs running through the fleshy parts of his feet, to the branches of a tree, and he was supposed to have perished by wild beasts. But a shepherd, who found him in this perishing state, pitied his helplessness, and carried him to his master and mistress, king and queen of Corinth, who adopted and educated him as their own child. That he was not their own child, and that in fact he was a foundling of unknown parentage, Edipus was not slow of finding from the insults of his schoolfellows; and at length, with the determination of learning his origin and his fate, being now a full-grown young man, he strode off from Corinth to Delphi. The oracle of Delphi, being as usual in collusion with his evil destiny, sent him off to seek his parents at Thebes. On his journey thither, he met, in a narrow part of the road, a chariot proceeding in the counter direction from Thebes to Delphi. The charioteer relying upon the grandeur of his master, insolently ordered the young stranger to clear the road; upon which, under the impulse of his youthful blood, Edipus slew him on the spot. The haughty grandee who occupied the chariot rose up in fury to avenge this outrage, fought with the young stranger, and was himself killed. One attendant upon the chariot remained: but he, warned by the fate of his master and his fellow-servant, withdrew quietly into the forest that skirted the road, revealing no word of what had happened, but reserved by the dark destiny of Edipus, to that evil day on which his evidence, concurring with other circumstantial exposures, should convict the young Corinthian emigrant of parricide. For the present, Edipus viewed himself as no criminal, but much rather as an injured man, who

defence against an insolent aggressor. This aggressor, as the reader will suppose, was Laius. The throne therefore was empty on the arrival of Edipus in Thebes: the king's death was known, but not the mode of it; and that Edipus was the murderer, could not reasonably be suspected either by the people of Thebes, or by Edipus himself. The whole affair would have had no interest for the young stranger; but through the accident of a public calamity then desolating the land, a mysterious monster, called the Sphinx, half woman and half lion, was at that time on the coast of Boeotia, and levying a daily tribute of human lives from the Boeotian territory. This tribute, it was understood, would continue to be levied from the territories attached to Thebes, until a riddle proposed by the monster should have been satisfactorily solved. By way of encouragement to all who might feel prompted to undertake so dangerous an adventure, the authorities of Thebes offered the throne and the hand of the widowed Jocasta as the prize of success; and Edipus, either on public or on selfish motives, entered the lists as a competitor.

The riddle proposed by the Sphinx, ran in these terms :-"What creature is that which moves on four feet in the morning, on two feet at noon-day, and on three toward the going down of the sun?" Edipus, after some consideration, answered, that the creature was MAN, who creeps on the ground with hands and feet when an infant, walks upright. in the vigor of manhood, and leans upon a staff in old age. Immediately the dreadful Sphinx confessed the truth of his solution by throwing herself headlong from a point of rock into the sea; her power being overthrown as soon as her secret had been detected. Thus was the Sphinx destroyed; and, according to the promise of the proclamation, for this great service to the state, Edipus was immediately recompensed. He was saluted King of Thebes, and married to the royal widow Jocasta. In this way it happened, but without suspicion either in himself or others, pointing to the truth, that Edipus had slain his father, had ascended his father's throne, and had married his own mother.

Through a course of years all these dreadful events lay hushed in darkness; but at length a pestilence arose, and an embassy was despatched to Delphi, in order to ascertain the cause of the heavenly wrath, and the proper means of propitiating that wrath

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