Watson, Mrs. James E., third vice president Member Lincoln Memorial Commission. 228 269 302 Watson, Robert, Director Bureau of Indus- Watts, Capt. William C., Gunnery Exercises Weaver, H. B., official stenographer to House Webb, Eva R., Senate Committee on Privi- 290 Public Buildings Commission. 229 283 293 Secretary of War (biography).. 270 Chairman Council of National Defense.. 296 Member Board of Regents Smithsonian 291 302 Chairman Commission on Memorial to Seattle, Wash. 290 229 President National Forest Reservation White, Asst. Surg. Gen. J. H., 1720 Seven- Hygiene Board.. 303 White, Thomas D., House post office, 14 Rock Creek and Potomac Parkway Com- Fourth St. SE 238 dent Congressional Club. 302 Wehle, Louis B., War Finance Corporation, White, William A., M. D., superintendent 296 St. Elizabeths Hospital... 284 Weightman, R. Hanson, Weather Bureau, White, William Wallace, Mr., in charge lega- 285 tion of Paraguay, New York City.. 394 297 Whitehorne, E. W., Bureau of Yards and 279 Whitney, Milton, Chief Bureau of Soils, Ta- 286 |