Rada, Señor Pablo, Bolivian Legation, The Rice, A. G., Bureau of Soils, Livingston 286 389 Md Third St. 237 Rice, Anthony F., division chief, General Rice, Richard A., acting chief of division, Richards, Brig. Gen. George, paymaster, Ma- Richards, William P., District assessor, 1457 Richardson, G. K., House Committee on Richmond, A. R., office of Secretary of Sen- Richmond, J. E., office of Doorkeeper of Ridgley, C. J., House post office, 1531 Tenth St. 268 262 389 276 262 238 282 233 281 145 238 231 236 230 Foreign Relations. 232 Reed, Clyde, Bureau of Supplies and Ac- 279 Reed, Commander E. U., Board for Exami- Rippey, Owen, clerk to the Secretary of the 277 275 280 Risley, Theodore G., Solicitor Department of Reed, Harry H., United States Railroad Labor, 2418 Thirteenth St. 276,289 Labor Board. 293 Reed, Mary H., Senate Committee on Privi- Riter, William D., Assistant Attorney Gen- 275 233 Reed, Samuel J., House post office, 729 North Ritter, A. H., Board of Engineers for Rivers 273 Capitol St... 238 Rees, Col. Thomas H., California Débris 273 Reese, R. M., chief clerk Department of Agri- culture, 3016 Dumbarton Ave..... 285 Reeside, Mrs. Howard S., chairman of house committee of Congressional Club.. 302 Regar, Robert S., appointment clerk, Post 276 Reichert, Alvin B., office of Doorkeeper of House, 320 C St.SE. 236 Reid, William A., Pan American Union, 1842 Sixteenth St...... 292 House, The Iowa.. 235 Md. 283 Reynolds, Blanche G., House Committee on 238 Reynolds, Daniel F., House Committee on 446 Robinson, J. H., United States Geographic 269 Board.. 301 ..... Office Department, 1740 Euclid St.......... 276 on Claims, 1712 New Hampshire Ave...... 232 Safford, Charles V., executive administrative Salmon, David A., bureau chief, State De- Sampaio, Mr. Sebastião, Brazilian Embassy, Sanchez, Lieut. Commander Joaquin, Span- Sanderson, George A., Secretary of the Senate 393 266 389 396 271 447 231 276 Rogers, Samuel G., Bureau of Pensions, 1229 Kenyon St.... 283 Rome, John, office of Doorkeeper of House, 315 First St. SE. 236 Roosevelt, Theodore, Assistant Secretary of Navy, 1736 M St.... 277 Sao-Ke Alfred Sze, Mr., Chinese minister, 390 Root, Elihu, member Joint Commission for Sault, C. E., Senate Committee on Banking 232 228 Roper, D. C., jr., secretary District Rent 447 Sault, W. H., Senate Committee on Banking 232 274 Rosboro, Herbert G., Assistant Chief Clerk of House, 3011 Eleventh St 235 Saunders, William L., Naval Consulting Board. 277 Rose, Henry M., Assistant Secretary of the 231 Rosebery, C. J., House Committee on Ac- counts, 1931 Biltmore St.... 237 Rosenbloom, Sophia, House Committee on Revision of the Laws... 238 Rosenwald, Julius, Council of National De- fense.. 296 Rouse, Arthur B., Joint Commission on Postal Service, Congress Hall.... 230 Rousseau, Rear Admiral Harry H., Com- 298 Schaefer, Peter C., president District plumb- Schapiro, Israel, division chief, Congressional Schlerf, Harry E., House Committee on Rubin, Cora, Senate Committee on Inter- oceanic Canals, Wardman Park Hotel..... 232 Schmidt, Carl H., Senate Committee on 233 Rude, G. T., Coast and Geodetic Survey, Schneiberg, F. E., office of Clerk of House, Woodside, Md.... 289 Congress Hall.... 235 Ruddick, Miss Lillian S., Office of Com- Schooley, Clarence E., office of city postmas- 267 ter, 604 E St.NE. Schou, Mr. Peter Christian, Danish Legation. Maryland Ave. NE.. 449 391 236 Rullman, Clarence E., city post office, East Scofield, John C., chief clerk, War Depart- Falls Church, Va.. 449 ment, Southbrook Courts..... 270 Runyan, Elmer G., District Public Utili- Russ, Edward B., bureau chief, Department 447 Scolnik, Albert, House document room, 218 236 266 445 299 Scott, E. W., office of Doorkeeper of House, Scott, Emmett J., secretary-treasurer How- Scott, George E., American National Red 284 236 299 Scott, Hugh L., Board of Indian Commis- 276 sioners, Princeton, N. J.. 284 391 Scott, Nathan B., Lincoln Memorial Com- 228 Saastamoinen, Mr. Onni Herman, Finnish Legation.. 391 Sabetta, Signor Guido, Italian Embassy, 1825 M St..... 392 Sabine, George W., assistant librarian of 235 Saburo Sati, Lieut. Commander, Japanese Embassy. 393 Scott, Walter P., first assistantlibrarian of Scott, Walter W., assistantlibrarian of Sen- Searle, William B., division chief, War De- Seaton, Charles H., Bureau of Soils, Glen- 231 231 270 268 Steenerson, Halvor, Joint Commission on Steese, Maj. James G., Board of Road Com- Stejneger, Leonhard, National Museum, 1472 Štěpánek, Dr. Bedřich, minister of Czecho- Stephens, A. E. B., Joint Committee Inves- Stephens, Francis H., 1714 Summit Place: Sterling, Thomas, Joint Commission on Stewart, Charles E., chief clerk and admin- Page. 230 297 291 390 230 446 447 230 288 266 228 275 277 Smoot, Reed, 2521 Connecticut Ave.: Stewart, Ethelbert, Commissioner of Labor 290 Chairman Public Buildings Commission. 229 Stewart, George C., receiving clerk, General Land Office, Takoma Park, Md... 282 Stewart, Joseph, special assistant to the At- 276 387 20 Jackson Place.... 281 Snow, Maj. Gen. William J., Chief of Field Stewart, Joseph W., Senate Committee on 232 275 Artillery, The Biltmore.. 271 Stewart, William B., Senate Committee on Snyder, John O., office of Doorkeeper of Finance, 1206 Kenyon St.... 232 House, 321 Fifth St. SE... 236 Snyder, P. F., House Committee on Immigra- Stewart, Worthington E., acting bureau Sol M., Don Salvador: Stiefel, William N., United States Botanic 262 Minister of Salvador. 395 Governing board, Pan American Union. 292 Solberg, Thorvald, register, Copyright Office, Md. 262 Stimson, Surg. Arthur M., Hygienic Labora- Chief Bureau of Medicine and Surgery... Hygiene Board... 269 446 279 299 303 275 Stocker, Capt. Robert, Bureau of Construc- 279 Czechoslovakia, 1731 Church St.. 390 Spahr, W.J. R., locksmith of House. 235 Stockton, Charles H., director Columbia In- 303 Sparby, Lena M., House Committee on the Stoitchef, Mr. Kouzman, Bulgarian Legation, Post Office and Post Roads, 1314 Madison 1821 Jefferson Place... 389 Stone, George F., Office of Second Assistant poration, 1915 Fourteenth St..... Stratton, S. W., The Farragut: Director Bureau of Standards. Secretary National Advisory Committee 276 296 288 rial Commission, Harrisburg, Pa.... 229 for Aeronautics. 298 Spry, William, Commissioner of the General Land Office, The Raleigh.. Squier, Maj. Gen. George O., Chief Signal Officer, Army, The Bachelor.. 273 Stafford, Wendell P., associate justice, Dis- trict Supreme Court, 1725 Lamont St. 387 Stallings, B. D., Division of Publications, Department of Agriculture, 2620 Thir- teenth St... 286 Stangler, Dr. Alois, legation of Czechoslo- vakia, 2842 Twenty-seventh St. 390 Stanley, A. Owsley, Board of Regents, Smithsonian Institution. 291 Stanoyevitch, Mr. D. M., legation of Serbs, Croats, and Slovenes. 395 Stanton, L. J., Bureau of Pensions, 1427 283 Staples, Ada L., Senate Committee on Public 233 of Labor, The Ontario.... 289 ate... Claims, The Hamilton.... 387 Tanner, James, register of wills, 1610 Nine- teenth St..... 388 Tapp, Samuel, District plumbing board, 446 Thompson, M. W., governor War Credits Board, 14 Wall St., New York City.. Thompson, Oco, Senate Committee to Audit Thompson, First Lieut. P. G., War Credits Thompson, W. N., assistant to Assistant Thornberry, J. O., office of Secretary of Sen- Thorpe, Henry R., office of Doorkeeper of Thrift, Melvin P., Senate press gallery....... Tinsley, William F., International Boundary Tirrel, George L., Emergency Fleet Corpora- Todd, Commander Forde A., General Board, Tokuji Amagi, Mr., Japanese Embassy, 1310 Tonnancour, Rene G. de, House Committee Tonner, John A., bureau chief, State Depart- Torbert, Charles R., House heating and venti- Towers, C. M., District collector of taxes, 243 Towers, Lem, jr., Office of Indian Affairs, Towers, William, Emergency Fleet Corpo- Pa.... Towner, Horace M., member Joint Commis- Trail, William W., quartermaster's depart- Trembley, William B., House Committee on True, Webster P., editor, Smithsonian Insti- Turkenton, William J., General Supply Com- Turlington, Edward W., Assistant Solicitor, |