Haywood, J. K., Insecticide and Fungicide Hazelton, P. T., Bureau of War Risk Insur- Healy, May A., Senate Committee on Post Healy, Ono M., Senate Committee on Inter- Page. 287 270 446 273 446 233 232 268 299 274 232 Harrison, Pat, Joint Committee on the Re- 230 Harrison, W. H., District Metropolitan police, Institution, Washington, D.C.. 3282 M St...... 447 Hart, Homer, House Committee on Industrial Arts and Expositions.. 237 Hart, Ringgold, assistant District corporation counsel, 428 Eighth St. NE........ 446 Hart, William O., House Committee on In- dian Affairs, 617 M St. NE... 237 Hartley, Eugene F., Bureau of the Census, 436 Park Road 288 Henderson, John B., Regent of Smithsonian Henderson, W. C., Bureau of Biological Sur- vey, 4727 Thirteenth St. Hengstler, Herbert C., bureau chief, State Henry, Capt. C. J., British Embassy, 1300 Henry, Mr. Jules, French Embassy, 2627 Henson, Burton G., Legislative Drafting mission.. Herring, Charles E., Bureau of Foreign and Hess, George W., director United States 291 286 266 278 289 392 391 230 279 267 297 288 294 235 262 266 Havenner, George C., United States Bu- Hawes, Harry P., assistant Journal clerk of 510 A St. SE.. 293 House, 309 E St. 235 Hawk, Amos W., division chief, Interior De- 282 298 286 Hawkins, Layton S., Federal Board for Vo- Hawley, Willis C., member National Forest Hay, James, judge, Court of Claims (biogra- 386 Haycock, W. H., city post office, Tunlaw Road and Jewett St.. 449 Hayford, Dr. John F., member National Ad- 298 Hewitt, J. N. B., United States Geographic Hickling, Dr. D. Percy, District alienist, Hicks, Frederick C., Joint Committee In- Higgins, Samuel, United States Railroad Higginson, Señor Don Eduardo, Peruvian Hill, David Jayne, Columbia Institution for Hoadley, Frank M., principal clerk, War 270 Hoxton, W. W., Federal Reserve Board, 294 395 Hoage, R. J., United States Employees' 297 Congressional Club. 302 Hodges, Henry W., clerk, District Court of Appeals, 2208 Q St... 387 Holbrook, Maj. Gen. Willard A., Chief of Cavalry, 1870 Wyoming Ave... 271 Holden, A. C., Office of Commissioner of In- ternal Revenue, 1205 Fifteenth St. 267 Hollingsworth, John H., Chief Clerk of House, Ashland Ave., West Hyattsville, Md.... 235 Hollister, Ned, superintendent NationalZoo- logical Park, 1338 Oak St... 291 Holman, Charles R., District health depart- ment, 314 East Capitol St. 447 Holmberg, Capt. Oswald, Swedish Legation, 1201 Sixteenth St.... 396 Holmead, Alfred, assistant secretary Inter- Hsiaochang Sze-Ping, Chinese Legation... Hudson, Millard F., Federal Trade Commis- Hughes, Addie A., House Committee on Member of Smithsonian Institution...... Hughes, Paul L., Senate Committee on Bank- Hugins, C. R., United States Bureau of Holmes, Amos, House electrician, 805 Sixth SE 238 Holmes, Kirk, Bureau of Supplies and Ac- sion of the Laws... 238 counts, 1813 Newton St. Holmes, Oliver Wendell, Associate Justice, on the Judiciary, 1343 A St. NE. 232 Supreme Court (biography), 1720 I St.... 383 Holmes, William H., Director National Gal- Humphreys, Guy H., trustee of District In- 446 lery of Art, 1454 Belmont St. 291 Holmes, William H., Bureau of War Risk 270 Holt, T. M., office of Doorkeeper of House, 136 D St. SE.. 236 Holzberg, Tonnis J., quartermaster's depart- ment, Headquarters Marine Corps, 2625 281 Hong Nien Tong, Mr., Chinese Legation.... 390 Fourteen-and-a-half St. NE... 283 Hunt, Ward, Senate Committee on Com- 232 286 Hoogewerff, Rear Admiral J. A., Superin- Huntington, Capt. Carlo, Italian Embassy, tendent Naval Observatory. 279 The Chastleton.. 393 Hooper, Ben W., United States Railroad Labor Board... Hoover, Dickerson N., jr., Steamboat-Inspeс- 289 Husband, W. W., Commissioner General of 290 Huston, Claudius H., Assistant Secretary of 266 Commerce, The New Willard.. 288 Hoover, Herbert C., 2300 S St.: Hutchison, Capt. Benjamin F., 2230 Califor- Secretary of Commerce (biography)...... 287 nia St.: Member of Smithsonian Institution...... 291 The Joint Board.... 296 Member Board for Vocational Education Hyzer, Edward M., 1319 F St.: United States Shipping Board..... Ijams, Col. G. E., Bureau of War Risk Insur- 295 295 Hopkins, Oliver P., Bureau of Foreign and Domestic Commerce, 1824 Belmont Road. 288 Illanes, Señor Don Luis, Chilean Embassy, 390 Hoppin, William W., Assistant Attorney General, Department of Justice.. 275 Ilves, Judge E., Finnish Legation, Wardman 391 Minister of the Dominican Republic... Jullien, Edua T., Senate Committee on on the Jump, W. A., private secretary to the Secre- Kalaw, Teodoro M., Philippine Govern- Kalbach, Lewis A., Bureau of Education, 268 232 285 391 Page. 236 267 391 292 395 274 283 272 Jacobson, M., Federal Reserve Board, 1424 Madison St. 294 Kaplan, Rosalio, Senate Committee on Ap- 232 236 ment 274 James, J. P., 501 Carroll Ave., Takoma Park, Kearney, George, librarian, Department of 275 236 297 Jenison, George, office of Doorkeeper of Keenan, John F., Bureau of Pensions, Brent- 236 wood, Md.. 283 Keim, A. H., General Supply Committee, 270 Jenny, Dr. Conrad, Swiss Legation, Edge- Keliher, James, District fire department, 1506 moor, Bethesda, Md..... 396 Thirty-second St.. 447 Jervey, Brig. Gen. Henry, 1722 Connecticut Keller, Col. Charles, Board of Engineers for Ave.: Rivers and Harbors, 1854 Kalorama Road.. 273 233 Kellerman, Karl F., Bureau of Plant Indus- Kelly, Edna R., Senate Committee to Audit Kelly, Edward R., Capitol police, 116 Carroll Kelly, Mrs. M. Clyde, recording secretary of Kelly, Walter E., assistant attorney, Post Kempton, Robert H., House Committee on Kencipp, Percy II., Sonate Committee on 300 Jones, Lieut. Commander Edward D., Office 269 289 111 Thirty-fourth St.. 285 Jones, Orlin M., Senate Committee on Pen- Kennedy, Rear Admiral Robert M., president Kenyon, Charlotte A., Senate Committee on Kenyon, William S., member Joint Commis- 281 232 Keyes, Henry W., Joint Committee Investi- Kreamer, C. A., District fire department, 3110 N St. 447 teenth St. 230 Kreger, Col. E. A., Office of the Judge Advo- Kuhn, Erma L., Senate Committee on Inter- Kuiz, Col. Charles W., District Engineer Ladisky, Benjamin, House Committee on La Foliette, Robert M., jr., Senate Commit- Lagerberg, Mr. J. de, Swedish Legation, Lahovary, Mr. N. H., Rumanian Legation, Lamar, Lucius Q. C., recorder, General Land Lambert, John W., Senate document room, Lamkin, Uel W., Federal Board for Voca- tional Education, The Hadleigh Landon, W. F., District health department, Lang, Clare, Senate Committee on Expendi- Langley, John W., Congress Hall: ... 447 232 229 229 237 395 Kittredge, Herman E., Headquarters Marine Corps, 808 Twenty-second St.... 281 Kleinschmidt, Fred C., assistant clerk, Court 387 Kline, Rear Admiral George W., Inspection Division, Navy, The Benedick 278 Kloeber, R. O., Office of the Chief of Finance, Lathrop, Julia C., Chief Children's Bureau, 272 The Ontario. 230 Klotz, R. G., Public Utilities Commission, Latimer, Rear Admiral Julian L., Judge Ad- 1471 Irving St... 447 vocate General of Navy. 280 Kluttz, Whitehead, United States Board of Mediation and Conciliation, The Bruns- Lavinder, Asst. Surg. Gen. C. H., Public 209 299 Knaebel, Ernest, reporter United States Su- preme Court, 3707 Morrison St... 385 Knapp, Martin A., Stoneleigh Court: Lawrence, Charles S., attorney in charge of 275 282 Chairman United States Board of Media- Layton, Caleb R., director Columbia Institu- tion for the Deaf... 303 Columbia Institution for the Deaf....... 303 Knox, Frank, Board of Indian Commission- ers, Manchester, N. H. 281 Knox, Philander C., 1527 K St.: Commission in Control of Senate Office 292 Koogle, John D. C., deputy collector of port, 1825 Kilbourne Place. 270 Koons, John C., Joint Commission on Postal 230 Kram, Charles A., Anditor for Post Office Chase, Md... 268 Le Breton, Mr. Tomás A., 1600 New Hamp- Argentine ambassador. Governing board, Pan American Union.. 292 230 228 302 389 Lusthaus, Emil, Senate Committee on Manu- Lynn, David, office of Superintendent of the Road. McAndrew, Maj. Gen. James W., General McCabe, John, office of Doorkeeper of House, McCall, Samuel W., member Lincoln Memo- 230 300 236 233 233 239 289 275 228 272 Monument Society 301 Linton, F. B., Bureau of Chemistry, 222 Holly 286 McCawley, Brig. Gen. Charles L., quarter- 281 Litteijohn, C. M., Pan American Union, 1744 292 287 McClelland, E. M., Federal Reserve Board, 294 Llambias, Dr. J., International Sanitary Bu- Lloyd, Daniel B., Official Reporter, Senate, 1842 California St.. Lobdell, Charles E., Federal Farm Loan Com- 303 McComb, David E., District engineer of bridges, The Portner 446 239 McConnell, Miss Lily, stenographer to Clerk of House, 320 B St. NE... 235 McCord, J. V. L., Geological Survey, 1600 Q St... 283 268 McCormick, James, United States Geographic Board 301 Lockhart, Frank P., assistant division chief, State Department, Copley Courts... Lodge, Henry Cabot, 1765 Massachusetts Ave.: 291 301 Loeffler, C. A., Assistant Doorkeeper of Sen- 233 Loftus, Mr. Edward H., Siamese Legation, The Dresden... 395 McCormick, Goodhart, Mr. L., British Em- McCoy, Chaplain Francis M., Office of the McCullough, Capt. F. E., Bureau of Medicine McCune, John J., House Committee on Rules, 392 271 269 267 387 279 280 280 Loomis, W. Ray, House document room, 236 |