Hill, Lieut. Commander Harry W., Office Hill, Lucius D., International Boundary Hill, Madison L., House Committee on Revi- Hill, Ralph W. S., Assistant Solicitor, De- Hillmyer, John A., office of Doorkeeper of Hine, H. O., District board of education, Hitz, William, associate justice, District Su- Howry, Charles B., retired judge, Court of 387 387 Hoadley, Frank M., principal clerk, War 270 Hoxton, W. W., Federal Reserve Board, 294 395 Hoage, R. J., United States Employees' 297 Hoch, Mrs. Homer, fourth vice president of Hsiaochang Sze-Ping, Chinese Legation... 390 288 Congressional Club. 302 Hodges, Henry W., clerk, District Court of Hubert, George William, messenger at Speak- 235 Appeals, 2208 Q St... 387 Holbrook, Maj. Gen. Willard A., Chief of Hubrecht, Dr. J. B., Netherlands Legation, 293 271 Holden, A. C., Office of Commissioner of In- 267 235 Hollister, Ned, superintendent National Zoo- 291 Holman, Charles R., District health depart- 447 Hughes, Addie A., House Committee on 237 265 291 292 290 Holmberg, Capt. Oswald, Swedish Legation, 396 Hughes, Paul L., Senate Committee on Bank- 232 Holmead, Alfred, assistant secretary Inter- Hugins, C. R., United States Bureau of 293 293 Holmes, Amos, House electrician, 805 Sixth Hults, L., House post office, 321 First St. SE 238 238 Holmes, Kirk, Bureau of Supplies and Ac- 279 Holmes, Oliver Wendell, Associate Justice, 383 291 Holmes, William H., Bureau of War Risk 270 Hung, Dorothy E., confidential clerk to 277 Holt, T. M., office of Doorkeeper of House, Holzberg, Tonnis J., quartermaster's depart- ment, Headquarters Marine Corps, 2625 Hong Nien Tong, Mr., Chinese Legation.. 390 Hunt, Ward, Senate Committee on Com- 232 Hoogewerff, Rear Admiral J. A., Superin- Hoover, Dickerson N., jr., Steamboat-Inspec- Husband, W. W., Commissioner General of 289 Immigration, 3456 Macomb St.. 290 Hoover, Frank W., State, War, and Navy Huston, Claudius H., Assistant Secretary of 266 Commerce, The New Willard.. 288 Hoover, Herbert C., 2300 S St.: Hutchison, Capt. Benjamin F., 2230 Califor- Secretary of Commerce (biography)... 287 nia St.: Council of National Defense. Member of Smithsonian Institution... Johnston, Mrs. C. E., States Relations Serv- 286 Johnston, John W., Office of First Assistant Jones, E. Lester, International Boundary Jones, Lieut. Commander Edward D., Office Kempton, Robert H., House Committee on 237 236 Jones, Orlin M., Senate Committee on Pen- Kenyon, William S., member Joint Commis- sion to Visit the Virgin Islands, The Alta- 230 School, The Dresden. 272 Jones, Thomas E., M. D., Freedmen's Hos- 284 Kerlin, Malcolm, Office of the Third Assist- 272 Road. 277 Kilroy, P. J., House elevator conductor, Lafferty, George C., Official Reporter, House, 239 238 Kimball, Arthur R., division chief, Congres- Kimble, Martin, Capitol police, 215 Third St. King, Lieut. Commander E. N. M., British Einbassy, East Bradley Lane, Chevy Chase 262 388 239 Lagerberg, Mr. J. de, Swedish Legation, 396 King, William V., Federal Power Commis- Kingman, Maj. John J., Joint Board, 1741 296 Kinney, W. E., office of Doorkeeper of 236 Public Buildings Commission. 229 Arlington Memorial Bridge Commission. 229 237 395 Kittredge, Herman E., Headquarters Marine 281 387 1471 Irving St.. 447 Kluttz, Whitehead, United States Board of Mediation and Conciliation, The Bruns- Lavinder, Asst. Surg. Gen. C. H., Public 209 209 Knaebel, Ernest, reporter United States Su- 385 Knapp, Martin A., Stoneleigh Court: Lawrence, Charles S., attorney in charge of 275 282 Chairman United States Board of Media- Layton, Caleb R., director Columbia Institu- 303 Knox, Philander C., 1527 K St.: Commission in Control of Senate Office Kolb, W. J., chief mail clerk, Pan American Le Breton, Mr. Tomás A., 1600 New Hamp- 202 Argentine ambassador. 389 Koogle, John D. C., deputy collector of port, Governing board, Pan American Union.. 292 270 Koons, John C., Joint Commission on Postal Lee, Frederic P., Legislative Drafting Serv- 230 230 Lee, Gordon, member National Forest Reser- 228 302 |