233 232 230 282 292 391 Bridge, Maj. C. E.D., British Embassy, 2208 Britt, George W. B., Senate Committee on Page. 392 387 Bronaugh, F. H., Washington Navy Yard Brooks, Alfred H., Geological Survey, 3100 Burke, Thomas J., clerk to Assistant Secre- 270 283 Brooks, L. G., United States Railroad Labor Burklin, R. Reyburn, War Finance Corpora- 296 293 Burnside, Waldo, juvenile court, Hyatts- Broughton, William S., Commissioner of the ville, Md.. 388 Burpee, Lawrence J., International Joint Cannon, Joseph G., The Raleigh: Commission on Enlarging the Capitol Member Lincoln Memorial Commission.. Capper, Arthur, member Joint Committee Capps, Rear Admiral Washington L., 1823 Commission on Navy Yards and Naval Compensation Board, Navy Department Carmack, L. V., Bureau of Insular Affairs, Carmichael, Col. R. L., Office of the Chief of Page. Page. 298 272 228 Chambers, William L., Commissioner United 299 228 Chance, Merritt O., city postmaster, 1310 New Hampshire Ave.. 449 Chandler, Rear Admiral Lloyd H., 2272 Ca- Christy, William T., Bureau of Immigra- 290 447 Carris, Lewis H., Federal Board for Voca- 298 Chuer Bunwag, Mr., Siamese Legation. 395 390 393 293 Carter, George H., Public Printer, 1661 Ho- 262 Clark, A. H., House Committee on Interstate 237 387 389 233 236 Clark, Edgar E., chairman Interstate Com- 233 266 sion, 5504 Colorado Ave.. 229 Castro, Dr. Don Hector David, legation of Catherwood, James S., secretary National Clark, Frank, Public Buildings Commission, Home for Disabled Volunteer Soldiers, George Washington Inn. 229 Hoopeston, Ill.......... 302 Caulsen, Florence, Senate Committee on In- Clark, George L., assistant bill clerk of House, 235 232 Ceccato, Signor G. B., Italian Embassy, 1919 Clark, J. F., House document room, 25 Eighth 236 393 Celesia di Vegliasco, Signor Andrea Geisser, 392 Clark, Thaddeus S., Bureau of Lighthouses, 1707 I St... 288 Clarke, John H., Associate Justice, United Nicaraguan Legation... 394 States Supreme Court, 2400 Sixteenth St... 385 Céspedes, Dr. Carlos Manuel de, 2630 Six- Cuban minister.. 390 Governing board, Pan American Union.. 292 235 Clement, Joseph A., House folding room, 315 236 Chagas, Dr. Carlos, International Sanitary 303 Clifford, Col. Edward, Assistant Secretary of 267 289 Chamberlain, Maj. Gen. John L., Inspector 35405°-67-1-1ST ED- -35 271 233 273 |