MEMBERS OF THE PRESS ENTITLED TO ADMISSION. Paper represented. New York World.. Los Angeles Times, Portland Telegram. Daily News Record (New York), Women's Wear. International News Service.. Minneapolis Tribune.... Philadelphia Public Ledger.. Associated Press... Philadelphia Public Ledger Baltimore Evening Sun Federal Trade Information Service. Daily Metal Trade. Detroit Journal, Newark Star Eagle, To ledo Blade. Wall Street Journal, Exchange Telegraph Co., London, England. United Press Associations. Women's Wear.. Residence. The Hawarden. 2026 Hillyer Place. Southbrook Courts. 1016 Eleventh Street. 2429 Ontario Road. Clifton Terrace East. 1315 Belmont Street. 1465 Columbia Road. 1704 S Street. 3333 Thirty-fifth Street. 2850 Connecticut Avenue. 1627 Lamont Street. 928 Fourteenth Street. 818 Seventeenth Street. 2115 P Street. 2659 Connecticut Avenue. Brooklyn Daily Eagle..... Seattle Times. Washington Post.... 901 Twentieth Strect. 1809 Twenty-fourth Street. Northbrook Court. 3611 Wisconsin Avenue. Boise Statesman, Anaconda Standard, 5021 Wisconsin Avenue. 1355 Longfellow Street. Clarendon, Va. 1401 Columbia Road. The Woolwich. Chicago Evening Post, Western News- The Hamilton. [The * designates those whose wives accompany them: the † designates those whose daughters accompany them; the designates those having other ladies with them.] Name. *Albert, Charles S.. Atkins, W. H...... *Boeckel, Richard.. *Bowman, W. E.. Boyle, John.. Bradford, A. L...... *Brown, G. R.... *Bruckart, W. L.... paper Union. * Clark, Edward B. *Coffin, Clinton.. Collins, Ralph A..... * Colver, William B Associated Press... Clifton Terrace East. New York Herald. Des Moines Daily News, Oklahoma News, 3303 Eighteenth Street. Dallas Dispatch, Houston Press, Bir mingham Post. *Combs, George W. *Connor, Frank W.. *Cottrell, Jesse S..... *Craig, Donald A.... *Crawford, Arthur W. Crawford, W. A.... Drexel, Constance.. Durno, George E.... * Essary, J. Fred...... Baltimore Sun, Lynchburg News, Wil- 3546 New Hampshire Avenue. mington Morning News, Richmond Evening Dispatch. New York Evening World, Oshkosh Northwestern. Nashville Banner, Fort Worth Star Tele gram. New York Herald..... New York Commercial. Central News... Intelligencer. Philadelphia Inquirer... United Press Associations. ning World, Chattanooga News. Baltimore Sun.. 3415 Oakwood Terrace. 920 Twenty-third Street. 207 Fourteen-and-a-half Street NE. Woodside Place, Chevy Chase, Md. 928 Fourteenth Street. Copley Courts. The New Willard. 1517 O Street. 3115 Mount Pleasant Street. The Burlington. 2805 Q Street. 4124 Fifth Street. 1228 North Carolina Ave. NE. 1006 Munsey Building. 1809 Varnum Street. 1713 I Street. 928 Fourteenth Street. 150 Twelfth Street NE. 308 Falkstone Courts. 3121 Newark Street. MEMBERS OF PRESS ENTITLED TO ADMISSION-Continued. Name. Residence. * Fairbairn, A. D..... * Farrington, Joseph R...... * Field, Carter.. Fiske, Frank E....... * Foote, Mark. * Fox, Albert W.. Gableman, Edwin W.... * Gardner, Gilson.... * Garnett, Burt P.. * Geddes, Bond P * Gilbert, Clinton W.. Gill, A. Cloyd.... * Ginter, Robert M. Gleissner, John. * Goodwin, Mark L... * Goss, Frank P.. * Gottlieb, Louis S.. * Gregg, Isaac. Grimes, W. H... *† Groves, Charles S. Hall, Henry. * Hallam, H. С..... † Hamilton, Charles A.... Hanlon, John V.. * Hanna, Paul... * Hapgood, Norman * Harris, Winder R. * Hart, Charles C...... Troy Record, Wilmington Every Evening, 1450 Girard Street. 2100 Sixteenth Street. 2840 Twenty-eighth Street. Ballston, Va. 3404 Rodman Street. Evansville Press, Terre Haute Post...... R. F. D. 2, Mount Vernon Dallas Evening Journal, Dallas News, The Roydon. New York Jewish Morning Journal, Jew- 615 Irving Street. Providence Tribune, Pawtucket Times, 822 Connecticut Avenue. Hassett, William D...... Haupert, Paul F.... * Hayden, Charles S..... * Hayden, Jay G..... * Hayward, A. O..... * Heiss, A. E.... * Henning, Arthur S..... *Hill, George Griswold.... * Holloman, James A... * Hornaday, James P * Hunt, Charles P.... *Hunt, Harry B..... * Huntley, Theodore A...... Μ.. * Jamieson, A. М. * * Jermane, W.W Johns, E. B... * Jones, Winfield.. * Joslin, Theodore G.. * Judd, Maurice B.. * Jungmeyer, Jack * Kennedy, William P.. * Kerans, Grattan * Keyser, Charles P. * Klein, Alfred... * Knorr, Ernst A... * Kolbert, J. T Laddon, Rosa.. San Antonio Light, St. Louis Star, Ingleside, Rockville Pike. Paper represented. Honolulu Star-Bulletin... New York Tribune, Buffalo Evening News. Grand Rapids Press, Saginaw News, Cincinnati Enquirer.... Cincinnati Enquirer. Washington Herald Memphis Commercial Appeal......... Boston Traveler. Associated Press. Philadelphia Evening Public Ledger. Washington Times. Pittsburgh Gazette Times. United News.... 1515 Webster Street. 1631 Nineteenth Street. Road, Alexandria, Va. 1738 Lamont Street. 1825 Vernon Street. 1346 Park Road. 711 Mount Vernon Place. 1336 Meridian Place. 3204 Klingle Road, 607 E Street. 1769 Columbia Road. The Bachelor. Seattle Post-Intelligencer. ish World, Cleveland. New York Sun.. United Press Association. Boston Globe.. Pittsburgh Chronicle Telegraph.. 6312 Ridgewood Avenue, Alexandria, Va. Chevy Chase, Md. 2104 O Street. North Adams Transcript. Buffalo Times. Pittsburgh Press. Federated Press.... New York American Universal Service (Inc.) 1032 Lamont Street. 1310 Eighteenth Street. Washington Post, New York Evening Associated Press... 1671 Thirty-first Street. 3800 Fourteenth Street. Portland Oregonian, Sacramento Bee, The Hadleigh. 1917 I Street. Telegram. 1731 I Street. 106 C Street SE. * Lamm, L. M. Detroit News. International News Service.. Traffic World, Chicago. Chicago Tribune.... London Times.... Atlanta Constitution. International News Service. Associated Press. Indianapolis News Douglass International, Johnstown (Pa.) Tribune, Altoona Mirror. Newspaper Enterprise Association. Central News.. Seattle Times. Sandusky Register, Bellingham Herald. San Antonio Express.... Boston Evening Transcript. New York Sun..... Newspaper Enterprise Association. Cincinnati Times-Star.. Newspaper Enterprise Association. New York Journal of Commerce.. Washington Star, Springfield Union, Worcester Telegram. N. C. W. C. News Service.. St. Louis Globe-Democrat. Day, New York..... Central News.. United Press Associations Federated Press. Chicago Daily Hide and Tallow 2324 Twentieth Street. 1813 Adams Mill Road. 2737 Cathedral Avenue. 826 Connecticut Avenue. The Raleigh. 1917 I Street. 1226 Fairmont Street. 1419 Newton Street. 2603 Brentwood Road, Wood ridge. The Hollies, Falls Church, Va. 6928 Ninth Street. 1495 Newton Street. 1830 Calvert Street. 1421 Columbia Road. 634 Eighth Street NE. 202 Raymond Street, Chevy Chase, Md. R. F. D. No. 1, Alexandria, Va. Harrington Hotel. 2700 Connecticut Avenue. 2831 Twenty-eighth Street. 1525 I Street. 2405 First Street. 1305 Kennedy Street. 1433 T Street. Burlington Hotel. The Chateau Thierry. Cor Add Ma MEMBERS OF PRESS ENTITLED TO ADMISSION- Continued. Name. * Lawrence, David. * Lee, Richard * Lewis, Frank W.. * Lewis, Willmott Harsant.. Lilly, Joe H... *Lima, Manoel de Oliveira... * Lincoln, G. Gould.. * Linz, Bertram F.. * [ Linz, Clarence L.... * Lorton, Eugene.... MeGahan, Paul J... * McSween, Angus. *Markham, Edgar..... Marrinan, John J.. Mellett, Lowell. Messenger, N.Ο.. *Michael, Charles R *Michelson, Charles Miller, Karl W *Mitchell, Charles S. Mixter, Paul.. Montgomery, A.J..... *Montgomery, Floyd H.. *Morgan, Raymond B. *Mortis, Charles E. *Murphy, Elmer Murphy, Marvin E.. *Murray, K. Foster. *Nesbitt, H. В....... *Nevin, John Edwin. *Nicolson, С. В *Norton, Robert L.. *Odell, George T *Oulahan, R. V. *Owens, John W. Page, John.... *Plummer, Nixon S... *Porterfield, W. H... *Power, Charles O... *Probert, L. C..... Ransom, Thomas D...... *Reynolds, Eimer E...... New York Evening World. San Francisco Daily News, San Diego Sun, Memphis Press, Sacramento Star, Los Angeles Record. Boston American. Associated Press.. Los Angeles Examiner.. Rochester Post Express.. International News Service Reynolds, H. K.... ||Richards, Mrs. George F... Worcester Gazette, Springfield Union, Richter, John L............. Rigby, Cora.... *Roberts, Hugh W.......... Manchester Union, Lowell Sun, Portland (Me.) Express, Norwich Bulletin. Central News. Christian Science Monitor Macon Telegraph, Columbia State. 1 MEMBERS OF PRESS ENTITLED TO ADMISSION-Continued. *††Snyder, Edgar C...... Speers, Leland C.. *Stetson, Frank A... Stevens, H. C..... Stokes, Elizabeth King. Stringer, Harry R....... *Sullivan, Mark.. Summers, George W. *Sweinhart, Henry L... *Taylor, Frank J..... Timmons, Bascom N.... *Todd, Laurence. Torbett, George Pierce. *Truesdell, J. A.... *+Whitehead, Frank Insco.... *Wilcox, Grafton S.... *Wile, Frederic William *Wisner, G. Franklin.. *Wood, Lewis... *Wooton, Paul... Residence. 3022 Macomb Street. 1438 Meridian Street. 4116 Keokuk Street. 505 Union Trust Building. 1862 Mintwood Street. 2331 Twenty-eighth Street. New York Tribune, Des Moines Register, Silver Spring, Md. Paper represented. Kansas City Star, Kansas City Times. Cleveland Press, Cincinnati Post, Toledo International News Service.. Salem Evening News, Lynn Daily Item, San Francisco Examiner Chattanooga News Associated Press. Newark Evening News. Washington Herald. Consolidated Press Association........ Oregon Journal, Portland; Oakland En quirer. New York Times. Traffic World, Chicago.. 22 Sixth Street SE. 15 West Irving Street, Chevy Chase, Md. 629 C Street NE. 1419 R Street. 1725 Kenyon Street. The Ebbitt. 2400 Sixteenth Street. 3800 Fourteenth Street. The Northumberland. The Chastleton. 10 East Bradley Lane, Chevy Chase, Md. 2633 Adams Mill Road. 2400 Sixteenth Street. Aurora Hills, Va. The Chateau Thierry. Sioux City Tribune. Omaha, Bee..... New York Times... Wall Street Journal. International News Service. Minneapolis Journal. Consolidated Press Association. ington Herald, Muskogee Phoenix. Havas News Agency, La Prensa (New York). New York Globe..... Atlanta Journal, Greensboro Daily News.. Federated Press. Bristol Herald-Courier, Albany Knicker- Seattle Times. Chicago Daily News... Philadelphia Public Ledger. Baltimore American, Baltimore Evening News. St. Louis Globe Democrat, Columbia Record. New Orleans Times-Picayune.. Cleveland Plain Dealer. Brooklyn Daily Eagle..... 1112 Fairmont Street. The Benedick. 1203 D Street NE. 1701 Sixteenth Street. The Brunswick. 2162 Florida Avenue. 2112 F Street. 1706 S Street. The Alston. 3904 Kansas Avenue. 1309 Irving Place. 3409 Mount Pleasant Street. The Ebbitt. 3738 Huntington Street. 1415 K Street. 1121 Harvard Street. 2113 N Street. 818 Seventeenth Street. The Ambassador. 2922 Newark Street. Clifton Terrace East. 2012 O Street. 2848 Twenty-eighth Street. 2029 P Street. The Chastleton. 1531 Park Road. 2223 First Street. Wardman Park Hotel. The Sherman. Clifton Terrace West. Cottage Park, Alexandria, Con Add Ma RULES GOVERNING PRESS GALLERIES. 1. Persons desiring admission to the press galleries of Congress shall make application to the Speaker, as required by Rule XXXV of the House of Representatives, and to the Committee on Rules of the Senate, as required by Rule VI for the Regulation of the Senate Wing of the Capitol; and shall state in writing the names of all newspapers or publications or news associations by which they are employed, and what other occupation or employment they may have, if any; and they shall further declare that they are not engaged in the prosecution of claims pending before Congress or the departments, and will not become so engaged while allowed admission to the galleries; that they are not employed in any legislative or executive department of the Government, or by any foreign Government or any representative thereof, and that they are not employed, directly or indirectly, by any stock exchange, board of trade, or other organization, or member thereof, or brokerage house, or broker, engaged in the buying and selling of any security or commodity or by any person or corporation having legislation before Congress, and will not become so engaged while retaining membership in the galleries. Holders of visitors' cards who may be allowed temporary admission to the galleries must conform to the restrictions of this rule. 2. The applications required by the above rule shall be authenticated in a manner that shall be satisfactory to the standing committee of correspondents, who shall see that the occupation of the galleries is confined to bona fide correspondents of reputable standing in their business, who represent daily newspapers or newspaper associations requiring telegraphic service; and it shall be the duty of the standing committee, at their discretion, to report violation of the privileges of the galleries to the Speaker, or to the Senate Committee on Rules, and pending action thereon the offending correspondent may be suspended. 3. Persons engaged in other occupations whose chief attention is not given to newspaper correspondence or to newspaper associations requiring telegraphic service shall not be entitled to admission to the press galleries; and the Press List in the Congressional Directory shall be a list only of persons whose chief attention is given to telegraphic correspondence for daily newspapers or newspaper associations requiring telegraphic service. 4. Members of the families of correspondents are not entitled to the privileges of the galleries. 5. The press galleries shall be under the control of the standing committee of correspondents, subject to the approval and supervision of the Speaker of the House of Representatives and the Senate Committee on Rules. Approved: FREDERICK H. GILLETT, Speaker of the House of Representatives. Approved by the Committee on Rules of the Senate. ROBERT BARRY, Chairman. CHARLES S. ALBERT. GUS J. KARGER. ROY A. ROBERTS. ARTHUR S. HENNING, Secretary. Standing Committee of Correspondents. |