SPAIN. (Office of the embassy, The Calverton. Phone, Columbia 3614.) *Señor Don Juan Riaño y Gayangos, chamberlain to His Majesty the King of Spain, ambassador extraordinary and plenipotentiary, 2620 Sixteenth Street. (Phone, Columbia 5038.) Señor Don Juan Francisco de Cárdenas, chamberlain to His Majesty the King of Señor Don Rafael Ma de Muguiro, third secretary, The Calverton. *Lieut. Col. Victor P. Vidal, military attaché, Wardman Park Hotel. (Absent.) Lieut. Commander Gabriel Ferrer, R. S. N., naval attaché, Wardman Park Hotel. Lieut. Commander Joaquin Sanchez, Naval Medical Corps, attaché, Wardman Park Hotel. SWEDEN. (Office of the legation, 1201 Sixteenth Street. Phones, Franklin 6010 and 6011.) Mr. J. de Lagerberg, secretary of legation and chargé d'affaires ad interim (Nov. 26, 1920), Rauscher's. *Maj. Count Nils Bonde, military attaché, The Wyoming. (Phone, North 2941.) Mr. Erik G. V. Nyström, attaché, 1201 Sixteenth Street. (Phone, Franklin 6010.) (Absent.) *Mr. John Allan A. Millar, commercial attaché, Beverly Courts. (Phone, Columbia 1262.) SPECIAL MISSION. Capt. Oswald Holmberg, attaché, 1201 Sixteenth Street. (Phone, Franklin 6010.) Maj. C. O. A. Nyström, attaché, The Iroquois. (Phone, Franklin 7602.) SWITZERLAND. (Offices of the legation, 2013 Hillyer Place (phone, North 1815) and 1439 Massachusetts Avenue (phone, Main 4836). *Mr. Marc Peter, envoy extraordinary and minister plenipotentiary, 2622 Sixteenth Street. (Phone, Columbia 10134.) *Dr. Conrad Jenny, secretary of legation, Edgemoor, Bethesda, Md. (Phone, Bethesda 64-W.) Dr. Charles Bruggmann, secretary of legation, 2017 Nineteenth Street. (Phone, North 4554.) Mr. Emile Fontanel, attaché. (Absent.) URUGUAY. (Office of the legation, 312 Southern Building. Phone, Franklin 6059.) *Dr. Jacobo Varela, envoy extraordinary and minister plenipotentiary, 1616 Twentysecond Street. (Phone, North 4331.) *Mr. Hugo V. de Pena, secretary of legation. (Absent.) VENEZUELA. (Office of the legation, 1406 Massachusetts Avenue. Phone, Main 8522.) †Señor Dr. Don Santos A. Dominici, envoy extraordinary and minister plenipotentiary. Señor Don Luis Churión, secretary of legation, 1445 Massachusetts Avenue. Dr. E. Arroyo-Lameda, commercial attaché, 80 South Street, New York Citv. EMBASSIES AND LEGATIONS OF THE UNITED STATES. ARGENTΙΝΑ. Frederic Jesup Stimson, ambassador extraordinary and plenipotentiary, Buenos Aires. Craig W. Wadsworth, first secretary. Francis White, first secretary. Charles H. Russell, jr., second secretary. Edward L. Reed, third secretary. Edward F. Feely, commercial attaché. Capt. David F. Boyd, naval attaché. Lieut. Col. John D. Long, military attaché. BELGIUM. Brand Whitlock, ambassador extraordinary and plenipotentiary, Brussels. Hallett Johnson, first secretary. Orme Wilson, jr., third secretary. Maj. John R. Thomas, jr., military attaché. Capt. Reginald B. Cocroft, assistant military attaché. BOLIVIA. S. Abbot Maginnis, envoy extraordinary and minister plenipotentiary, La Paz. Stokeley W. Morgan, second secretary. Lieut. Col. John D. Long, military attaché. BRAZIL. Edwin V. Morgan, ambassador extraordinary and plenipotentiary, Rio de Janeiro. H. F. Arthur Schoenfeld, first secretary. Frederick C. Chabot, second secretary. James Webb Benton, third secretary. William L. Schurz, commercial attaché. Capt. Richard H. Jordan, military attaché. Capt. Herbert G. Sparrow, naval attaché. BULGARIA. -, envoy extraordinary and minister plenipotentiary. Charles S. Wilson, first secretary. Richard N. Thompson, third secretary. Lieut. Col. William A. Castle, military attaché. Maj. Creed F. Cox, assistant military attaché. Capt. John S. Winslow, assistant military attaché. CHILE. Joseph H. Shea, ambassador extraordinary and plenipotentiary, Santiago. John F. Martin, first secretary. Edwin C. Wilson, third secretary. Charles A. McQueen, commercial attaché. Capt. Edward H. Durell, naval attaché. Capt. Alexander W. Chilton, military attaché. CHINA. Charles R. Crane, envoy extraordinary and minister plenipotentiary, Peking. Albert B. Ruddock, first secretary. P Ray Atherton, second secretary. Henry I. Dockweiler, second secretary. Clarence J. Spiker, vice consul. Julean Arnold, commercial attaché. C A Howard Bucknell, jr., student interpreter. Maxwell M. Hamilton, student interpreter. Flavius J. Chapman, 3d, student interpreter. Robert Lacy Smyth, student interpreter. 397 George Atcheson, jr., student interpreter. COLOMBΙΑ. Hoffman Philip, envoy extraordinary and minister plenipotentiary, Bogota. Wesley Merritt Swift, third secretary. Capt. Edwin N. Hardy, military attaché. COSTA RICA. -, envoy extraordinary and minister plenipotentiary, San Jose. Walter C. Thurston, second secretary. Maj. Louis A. O'Donnell, military attaché. CUBA. Boaz W. Long, envoy extraordinary and minister plenipotentiary, Habana. Philander L. Cable, second secretary. Cord Meyer, third secretary. Capt. James M. Hobson, jr., military attaché. CZECHOSLOVAKIA. Richard Crane, envoy extraordinary and minister plenipotentiary, Prague. Williamson S. Howell, jr., second secretary. Alan F. Winslow, third secretary. Maj. E. R. Warner McCabe, military attaché. First Lieut. Frank C. Jedlicka, assistant military attaché. DENMARK. Joseph C. Grew, envoy extraordinary and minister plenipotentiary, Copenhagen. T. Hart Anderson, jr., second secretary. Benjamin Muse, third secretary. Norman L. Anderson, commercial attaché. Capt. Kenneth G. Castleman, naval attaché. Maj. Frederick A. Holmer, military attaché. DOMINICAN REPUBLIC. William W. Russell, envoy extraordinary and minister plenipotentiary, Santo Domingo. William P. Herod, 2d, third secretary. ECUADOR. -, envoy extraordinary and minister plenipotentiary, Quito. Capt. Edward H. Durell, naval attaché. Capt. Edwin N. Hardy, military attaché. FRANCE. Myron T. Herrick, ambassador extraordinary and plenipotentiary, Paris. Sheldon Whitehouse, counselor. Frederick A. Sterling, counselor. Perry Belden, first secretary. Robert M. Scotten, second secretary.. R. Henry Norweb, second secretary. Walter H. Schoellkopf, third secretary. George A. Gordon, third secretary. Joseph Flack, third secretary. William C. Huntington, commercial attaché. Maj. R. John West, assistant military attaché. Maj. Conrad S. Babcock, assistant military attaché. GREAT BRITAIN. George Harvey, ambassador extraordinary and plenipotentiary, London. J. Butler Wright, counselor. Post Wheeler, counselor. L. Lanier Winslow, first secretary. Capt. Robert F. hyatt, assistant military attaché. GREECE. -, envoy extraordinary and minister plenipotentiary, Athens. Barton Hall, third secretary. Maj. Martin C. Shallenberger, military attaché. First Lieut. William Jenna, assistant military attaché. GUATEMALA. Benton McMillin, envoy extraordinary and minister plenipotentiary, Guatemala. Herbert S. Goold, second secretary. John W. Belt, Belt, second secretary. secretary. Maj. Louis A. O'Donnell, military attaché. HAITI. Arthur Bailly-Blanchard, envoy extraordinary and minister plenipotentiary, Port au Prince. Curtis C. Jordan, third secretray. HONDURAS. -, envoy extraordinary and minister plenipotentiary, Tegucigalpa. Willing Spencer, first secretary. Maj. Louis A. O'Donnell, military attaché. ITALY. Robert Underwood Johnson, ambassador extraordinary and plenipotentiary, Rome. Franklin Mott Gunther, counselor. Frederic Ogden de Billier, first secretary. Oscar L. Milmore Bilmore, first secretary. Richard B. Southgate, third secretary. Benjamin Reath Riggs, third secretary. G. Harlan Miller, third secretary. Henry C. MacLean, commercial attaché. Capt. Joseph M. Reeves, naval attaché. Col. Evan M. Johnson, military attaché. Lieut. Commander Richard S. Field, assistant naval attaché. Lieut. Commander Newton H. White, assistant naval attaché. Maj. James E. Chaney, assistant military attaché. Capt. John M. Eager, assistant military attaché. JAPAN. Roland S. Morris, ambassador extraordinary and plenipotentiary, Tokyo. Edward Bell, counselor. Alexander C. Kirk, first secretary. Joseph W. Ballantine, Japanese secretary. LIBERIA. Joseph L. Johnson, minister resident and consul general, Monrovia. Richard C. Bundy, first secretary. Col. Charles Young, military attaché. LUXEMBURG. William Phillips, envoy extraordinary and minister plenipotentiary. MEXICO. -, ambassador extraordinary and plenipotentiary, City of Mexico. George T. Summerlin, counselor. Matthew E. Hanna, second secretary. Joseph W. Carroll, second secretary. Carlton Jackson, commercial attaché. Col. Harvey W. Miller, assistant military attaché. ΜΟΝΤΕΝEGRO. -, envoy extraordinary and minister plenipotentiary. |