DENMARK. (Office of the legation, 434 Southern Building. Phone, Franklin 7918. Office of press department, 433 Southern Building. Phone, Main 9692.) Mr. Constantin Brun, envoy extraordinary and minister plenipotentiary, 1605 Twentysecond Street. (Phone, North 3052.) *Mr. Peter Christian Schou, secretary of legation, 1729 Twenty-first Street. (Phone, North 6001.) Mr. Johannes Plum, attaché, Rauscher's. *Mr. Roger Nielsen, press attaché, 1532 Sixteenth Street. Mr. Sóren Sórensen, agricultural attaché, Wardman Park Hotel. TEMPORARILY ATTACHED. (Office of agricultural attaché, 311 Southern Building; phone, Main 3572. Office of press department, *Mr. S. H. Nyholm, technical adviser, 11a South Portland Avenue, Brooklyn, N. Y. DOMINICAN REPUBLIC. (Office of the legation, 1631 Massachusetts Avenue. Phone, Main 6481.) *+Licdo. Emilio C. Joubert, envoy extraordinary and minister plenipotentiary. ECUADOR. (Office of the legation, 1633 Sixteenth Street. Phone, North 1377.) *Señor Dr. Don Rafael H. Elizalde, envoy extraordinary and minister plenipotentiary, 1633 Sixteenth Street. (Phone, North 1377.) *Señor Don Miguel A. de Ycaza, secretary of legation, The Portland. (Phone, Main 8676.) Señor Don Juan Barberis, second secretary, Rauscher's. (Phone, Franklin 7947.) *Señor Don L. A. Peñaherrera, attaché, The Portland. (Phone, Main 8676.) FINLAND. (Office of the legation, 1041–1044 Munsey Building. Phone, Main 8665.) *Mr. Armas Herman Saastamoinen, envoy_extraordinary and minister plenipotentiary, 1103 Sixteenth Street. (Phone, Franklin 1916.) Judge E. Ilves, counselor of legation, Wardman Park Hotel. *Mr. Woldemar Hackman, attaché, The Chastleton. Mr. Onni Herman Saastamoinen, attaché. (Absent.) FRANCE. (Office of the embassy, 2460 Sixteenth Street; phone, Columbia 828. Office of the military and naval attachés, 1501 Eighteenth Street; phones, Main 6961 and 7236.) *Mr. J. J. Jusserand, ambassador extraordinary and plenipotentiary. *Brig. Gen. Collardet, military attaché, 1726 N Street. (Phone, Franklin 3329.) Capt. de Frégate Jean F. J. E. Rigal, naval attaché, 1501 Eighteenth Street. (Phone, Di *+Mr. M. Heilmann, commercial attaché, Lafayette Hotel. Mr. Jules Henry, third secretary, 2627 Adams Mill Road. (Phone, Columbia 1015.) G GREAT BRITAIN. (Office of the embassy, 1301 Nineteenth Street. Phone, Franklin 5272.) P *The Right Hon. Sir Auckland Geddes, K. C. B., ambassador extraordinary and plenipotentiary. C A *Mr. John Joyce Broderick, commercial counselor of embassy, The Altamont. Maj. Gen. H. K. Bethell, military attaché, 1709 H Street. Air Commodore L. E. O. Charlton, air attaché, 1908 Sunderland Place. *Mr. R. Leslie Craigie, secretary of embassy, 2340 Massachusetts Avenue. (Phone, North 2266.) Capt. S. R. Bayley, D. S. O., naval attaché. Mr. M. D. Peterson, secretary of embassy, 1779 Massachusetts Avenue. Mr. A. Yencken, third secretary, 1779 Massachusetts Avenue. Count John de Salis, third secretary, 1779 Massachusetts Avenue. *Maj. C. E. D. Bridge, assistant military attaché, 2208 Massachusetts Avenue. *Lieut. Commander É. N. M. King, assistant naval attaché, East Bradley Lane, Chevy Chase. Mr. H. C. A. Carpenter, commercial secretary, 1707 P Street. Mr. A. P. Graves, honorary attaché, 1300 Connecticut Avenue. TEMPORARILY ATTACHED. Mr. H. H. Sims, secretary, 1915 N Street. Capt. J. F. Harker, secretary, 1779 Massachusetts Avenue. GREECE. (Office of the legation, 1838 Connecticut Avenue. Phone, North 3168.) Mr. George Dracopoulos, secretary of legation and chargé d'affaires ad interim (Dec. 15, 1920), 1838 Connecticut Avenue. Mr. C. Diamantopoulos, second secretary. GUATEMALA. (Office of the legation, 2800 Ontario Road. Phone, Columbia 5080.) *|| Dr. Julio Bianchi, envoy extraordinary and minister plenipotentiary, 2800 Ontario Road. (Phone, Columbia 5080.) Dr. Miguel Prado, secretary of legation, 2400 Sixteenth Street. (Phone, Columbia 7200.) HAITI. (Office of the legation, rooms 28-29, 819 Fifteenth Street. Phone, Main 1504.) *+Mr. Albert Blanchet, envoy extraordinary and minister plenipotentiary, The Chastleton. (Phone, North 9536.) *Mr. Robert Laraque, secretary of legation, 1440 R Street. (Phone, North 1081.) HONDURAS. (Office of the legation, The Northumberland. Phone, North 3280.) *+Señor Don J. Antonio López Gutierrez, envoy extraordinary and minister plenipotentiary. (Absent.) *Señor Don R. Camilo Díaz, secretary of legation and chargé d'affaires ad interim (Dec. 30, 1920), The Northumberland. Señor Don Armando López Ulloa, attaché. (Absent.) SPECIAL MISSION. *Señor Dr. Don Policarpo Bonilla, envoy extraordinary and minister plenipotentiary, on special mission, 200 West Seventieth Street, New York City. Señor Don Rafael Heliodoro Valle, secretary, 3028 Newark Street. ITALY. (Office of the embassy, 1400 New Hampshire Avenue. Phones, Main 276 and 277.)` *Senator Vittorio Rolandi Ricci, ambassador extraordinary and plenipotentiary, Wardman Park Hotel. (Phone, Columbia 10400.) Signor Guido Sabetta, counselor of embassy, 1825 M Street. (Phone, Franklin 6719.) *Signor Andrea Geisser Celesia di Vegliasco, secretary of embassy, 2168 Florida Avenue. (Phone, North 10499.) Nobile Tommaso Assereto, secretary of embassy, 1825 M Street. (Phone, Franklin 6719). *Col. Marquis Vittorio Asinari di Bernezzo, military attaché, Stoneleigh Court. (Phone, Main 2270). Capt. Piero Civalleri, R. I. N., naval attaché, office, 1752 N Street. (Phone, Franklin 7826.) *Lieut. Col. Alessandro Guidoni, air attaché, The Woodward (phone, North 1874); office, 1400 New Hampshire Avenue (phone, Main 277). Signor G. B. Ceccato, commercial delegate, 1919 Nineteenth Street. (Phone, North *Signor Adolfo Vinci, emigration delegate, 3812 Alton Place, Chevy Chase (phone, TEMPORARILY ATTACHED. *Signor Mario Alberti, financial adviser, Wardman Park Hotel. Signor Vittorio Falorsi, secretary, 2400 Sixteenth Street. (Phone, Columbia 7200.) *Signor Guido Buggelli, special attaché, The Brighton. (Phone, North 3496.) SPECIAL MISSION. *Signor Francesco Quattrone, high commissioner and minister plenipotentiary, 291 Broadway, New York City. (Phone, Worth 8933.) JAPAN. (Office of the embassy, 1310 N Street. Phone, Main 1517.) *Baron Kijuro Shidehara, ambassador extraordinary and plenipotentiary, 1321 K Street. (Phone, Franklin 4926.) *Mr. Shigetsuna Furuya, counselor of embassy, The Portland. Maj. Gen. Katzutsugu Inouye, I. J. A, military attaché. Mr. Akira Den, financial attaché, Woolworth Building, New York City. *Mr. Sadao Saburi, secretary of embassy, The Shoreham. Capt. Yoshitake Uyeda, I. J. N., naval attaché, The Benedick. Mr. Yotaro Suzuki, secretary of embassy. Maj. T. Hara, I. J. A., assistant military attaché. Lieut. Commander Saburo Sato, I. J. N., assistant naval attaché. Mr. Itaro Ishii, third secretary. Mr. Michio Kaku, third secretary, The Cairo. Mr. Shu Tomii, third secretary, 1310 N Street. Mr. Tokuji Amagi, third secretary, 1310 N Street. Mr. Chuichi Ohashi, attaché, 1310 N Street. Mr. Renkei Tsuda, attaché, The Netherlands. LUXEMBURG. (Offices of legation, The Powhatan. Phone, Main 9587.) *Baron Raymond de Waha, chargé d'affaires, The Powhatan (Oct. 12, 1920). (Absent.) MEXICO. (Office of the embassy, 1413 I Street. Phone, Franklin 5455.) *Señor Don Salvador Diego-Fernandez, minister plenipotentiary, chargé d'affaires Señor Don Manuel Y. De Negri, second secretary, 1413 I Street. *Señor Servando Barrera Guerra, third secretary, 1413 I Street. Dis Señor Don Juan B. Saldaña, third secretary, Fontanet Courts. (Phone, Columbia 336.) Go NETHERLANDS. (Office of the legation, 1800 Connecticut Avenue. Phones, North 9984, 9985, and 9986.) P *Mr. J. T. Cremer, envoy extraordinary and minister plenipotentiary (Absent.) Baron G. W. de Vos van Steenwyk, attaché, 1810 N Street. (Phone, Franklin 3905.) Co Ad NICARAGUA. (Office of the legation, Wardman Park Hotel. Phone, Columbia 10400.) *Señor Dr. Don Alejandro César, envoy extraordinary and minister plenipotentiary, 2400 Sixteenth Street. (Phone, Columbia 7200.) Señor Don Manuel Zavala, secretary of legation, Wardman Park Hotel. (Phone, Columbia 10400.) *Señor Don Adolfo Cardenas, second secretary, Wardman Park Hotel. (Phone, Columbia 10400.) Señor Don Silvio Pellas, attaché, 311 West Seventy-fifth Street, New York City. NORWAY. (Office of the legation, The Wyoming. Phone, North 2941.) *Mr. H. H. Bryn, envoy extraordinary and minister plenipotentiary, 2137 R Street. Mr. Erik Kristian Birkholm Arentz, counselor of legation, Wardman Park Hotel. *Mr. Olaf Selmer-Anderssen, secretary of legation, Wardman Park Hotel. Mr. W. T. Munthe de Morgenstierne, commercial adviser, Wardman Park Hotel. (Absent.) *Mr. Haakon Five, agricultural adviser, 1933 Park Road. (Phone, Columbia 5345.) PANAMA. (Office of the legation, 2400 Sixteenth Street. Phones, Columbia 7200 and 8525.) Señor Don J. E. Lefevre, secretary of legation and chargé d'affaires ad interim (Sept. 26, 1918), 2400 Sixteenth Street. (Phone, Columbia 7200.) Señor Don Ramón Arias Feraud, jr., commercial and financial attaché, 2400 Sixteenth Street. (Phone, Columbia 7200.) (Absent.) Señor Don Enrique Geenzier, attaché, 2400 Sixteenth Street. (Phone, Columbia 7200.) Señor Don Camilio A. Porras, attaché, 17 State Street, New York City. PARAGUAY. (Office of the legation, room 1672, Woolworth Building, New York City.) Mr. William Wallace White, consul general of Paraguay in New York City, in charge of the legation (July 12, 1920). PERSIA. (Office of the legation, 1513 Sixteenth Street. Phone, Franklin 459.) Mirza Abdul Ali Khan, Sadigh-es-Saltaneh, envoy extraordinary and minister plenipotentiary. Ali Asghar Khan, secretary of the legation. Hadi Khan, Khatiblou, attaché. PERU. (Office of the embassy, 2726 Connecticut Avenue. Phone, Columbia 1081-J.) *Señor Don Federico Alfonso Pezet, ambassador extraordinary and plenipotentiary, Wardman Park Hotel. *Señor Dr. Don Alfredo Gonzalez Prada, secretary of embassy, Wardman Park Hotel. Señor Don Alvarez de Buenavista, second secretary, Wardman Park Hotel. Señor Dr. Don Santiago Bedoya, second secretary, Stoneleigh Court. Señor Don German Aramburú y Lecaros, attaché, 2726 Connecticut Avenue. Señor Don Jorge A. Pezet, attaché, 2726 Connecticut Avenue. (Phone, Columbia 1081.) Señor Don Eduardo Higginson, commercial attaché, 42 Broadway, New York City. (Phone, Broad 2115.) Señor Don Felipe Osorio, assistant commercial attaché, 42 Broadway, New York City. (Phone, Broad 2115.) *+Señor Gen. Don Benjamin Puente, military attaché. (Absent.) *Señor Commandante Don Luis Aubry, naval attaché, Wardman Park Hotel. Señor Capt. Juan Leguia y Swayne, naval air attaché. (Absent.) TEMPORARILY ATTACHED (MILITARY MEDICAL MISSION). *Señor Commandante Dr. Don Leoncio I. de Mora, The Brighton. *Señor Capt. Dr. Don Aurelio A. Beraún, Stoneleigh Court. POLAND. (Office of legation, 2640 Sixteenth Street. Phone, Columbia 3387.) *Prince Casimir Lubomirski, envoy extraordinary and minister plenipotentiary, 2640 Sixteenth Street. (Phone, Columbia 3387.) *Mr. Michael Kwapiszewski, counselor of legation, The Wyoming. (Phone, North 2941.) *Prince Albert Radziwill, honorary counselor of legation. (Absent.) Dr. Joseph Sulkowski, second secretary, 3120 Eighteenth Street. (Phone, Columbia 2666.) Mr. Hipolit Gliwic, commercial counselor, 1503 Connecticut Avenue. *Maj. Casimir Mach, acting military and naval attaché, 1926 Biltmore Street. (Phone, Columbia 3719.) PORTUGAL. (Office of the legation, Wardman Park Hotel. Phone, Columbia 10400.) Viscount d'Alte, envoy extraordinary and minister plenipotentiary. (Absent.) Commandant Philemon Duarte d'Almeida, naval attaché, 15 Whitehall Street, New RUMANIA. (Office of the legation, 402 Continental Trust Building, Fourteenth and H Streets. Phone, Franklin 7208.) *Prince A. Bibesco, envoy extraordinary and minister plenipotentiary, 4445 Massachusetts Avenue. (Phone, Cleveland 779.) Mr. N. H. Lahovary, secretary of legation, Wardman Park Hotel. (Absent.) RUSSIA. Office of the embassy, 1125 Sixteenth Street. Phone, Main 870.) *Mr. Boris Bakhmeteff, ambassador extraordinary and plenipotentiary, 1218 Sixteenth Street. (Phone, Franklin 6121.) *Mr. Henry de Bach, counselor of embassy, 1831 M Street. (Phone, Franklin 5008.) *Mr. Serge Ughet, financial attaché, 829 Park Avenue, New York City. SALVADOR. (Office of the legation, Wardman Park Hotel. Phone, Columbia 10400.) *Señor Don Salvador Sol M., envoy extraordinary and minister plenipotentiary. (Absent.) Señor Dr. Don Octavio Béeche, minister of Costa Rica, in charge of legation (Oct. 8, 1920). *Dr. Don Hector David Castro, secretary of legation, 1440 Girard Street. (Phone, Columbia 1126-W.) SERBS, CROATS, AND SLOVENES. (Office of the legation, 1339 Connecticut Avenue. Phone, Main 7609.) *Dr. Slavko Y. Grouitch, envoy extraordinary and minister plenipotentiary, 2148 Wyoming Avenue. (Phone, North 6851.) *Mr. D. M. Stanoyevitch, secretary of legation. Mr. Vladimir Goutésha, secretary of legation. Mr. Zhivoin Kittich, attaché. Mr. Miloutine Milovanovitch, attaché. Maj. Nikola Hristich, military attaché. (Absent.) SIAM. (Office of the legation, 2308 Wyoming Avenue. Phone, North 1849.) Phya Prabha Karavongse, envoy extraordinary and minister plenipotentiary. *Mr. Edward H. Loftus, secretary of legation, The Dresden. (Phone, North 3593.) Khun Debavadi, attaché. Mr. Tab Donavanik, attaché. Mr. Chuer Bunnag, attaché. |