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supplying, equipping, mobilizing, training, and demobilizing the Army and for the use of the military forces for national defense. As agent of and in the name of the Secretary of War he issues such orders as will insure that the policies of the War Department are harmoniously executed by all branches of the Military Establishment and that the Army program is carried out speedily and efficiently.

The War Department General Staff is charged with the preparation of plans as outlined above, including those for the mobilization of the manhood of the Nation and its material resources. It investigates and reports upon questions affecting the efficiency of all branches of the Army and the state of preparation of all branches for military operations. It performs such other military duties, not otherwise assigned by law, as may be from time to time prescribed by the President, and renders professional aid to the Secretary of War, the Assistant Secretary of War, and the Chief of Staff.

The Executive Assistant to the Chief of Staff has charge of the Office of the Chief of Staff and acts for the Chief of Staff in his absence. He is charged with the supervision of the organization, administration, and methods of all of the divisions of the General Staff and with the supervision over the administrative procedure of the several branches of the Army, and with the collection, for the Secretary of War, the Assistant Secretary of War, the Chief of Staff, and the General Staff, of statistical information of military importance.

In order to perform as promptly and efficiently as possible the many duties of a supervising, coordinating, and informing character attendant upon the planning and carrying out of the Army program, the Chief of Staff has organized the General Staff into four main divisions under his direct control, each division being under an officer who is an assistant to the Chief of Staff and who has full power to act for the Secretary of War and for the Chief of Staff in all matters under his control.

These four divisions are as follows:

(a) The Operations Division: This division is charged with those duties of the War Department General Staff pertaining to the operations of the Army. It is specifically charged with: The formulation of policies relative to the procurement, promotion, transfer, retirement, discharge, and assignment of the personnel of the Regular Army, National Guard, Organized Militia, and Organized Reserves; supervision over the recruitment, mobilization, and demobilization of the Army, and over the movement and the disposition of troops; the formulation of policies relative to hospitalization projects and to construction projects concerned with the distribution and assignment of troops; the determination of priorities for the movement and the equipping of troops; and with the determination of types and allowances of equipment to be used by the Army, including the supervision over research and development work and the examination of inventions.

(b) The Military Intelligence Division: This division is charged with the collection, evaluation, and dissemination of military information for the use of the Secretary of War, Assistant Secretary of War, the Chief of Staff, and the War Department General Staff. It is specifically charged with the formulation of policies with reference to military topographical surveys and maps; the supervision and training of military attachés, observers, and foreign-language students; the use of codes and ciphers; the translation of foreign documents; and the procuring of maps from foreign sources. (c) The War Plans Division: This division is charged with those duties of the War Department General Staff pertaining to organizing and training the military forces for the national defense. It is specifically charged with: The formulation of plans for the national defense and for the use of the military forces for that purpose, including plans and regulations affecting the organization, distribution, and training of the National Guard and the Organized Reserves; with supervision over the training, educational, morale, and recreational activities of the Army; preparation of tables of organization for all branches of the Army; and the compilation of military records for historical purposes.

(d) The Supply Division: This division is charged with those duties of the War Department General Staff pertaining to the supply of the Army. It is specifically charged with the supervision and coordination of the following activities: The purchase and lease of all real estate and the purchase and manufacture of supplies and equipment; the storage, distribution, and issue of supplies; the computation of requirements based on the military program; the formulation of plans for assuring adequate provision for the mobilization of matériel and of the industrial and transportation activities of the country for war-time needs; the transportation of troops and supplies; the disbursement of funds; the preparation of estimates; control and coordination of patent activities.


The Chief of Cavalry is under the supervision of the Chief of Staff in all matters relating to his arm, and furnishes the Chief of Staff with information and advice on all questions affecting the Cavalry. He exercises direct supervision and control of the Cavalry School and Boards, and formulates and develops the tactical doctrine of his arm in accordance with the War Department doctrine. By means of the agencies at his disposition he prepares the necessary manuals, training literature, and training memoranda relating to the employment, instruction, and training of his arm and to the care and use of material and equipment. He cooperates with the chiefs of supply services in developing the armament and equipment of his arm and submits to the Chief of Staff such recommendation as to the armament and equipment as may be necessary. He submits to the Chief of Staff recommendations as to the organization of units of his arm, and such recommendations as to the training and instruction of units of his arm, including units of his arm of the Reserve Officers' Training Corps, as he may consider advisable. He confers with the appropriate agencies of the War Department in all matters connected with the organization, training and instruction, equipment, and general administration and efficiency of the personnel and the organizations of his arm in the Organized Reserves and the National Guard. He cooperates with the personnel bureau of The Adjutant General's Office and recommends officers of his arm to be detailed as students at service schools, at technical, professional, and other educational institutions, and for similar duties, and makes recommendations for the appointment, assignment, transfer, examination, and retirement in all cases of officers and warrant officers and, in cases not covered by regulations, of noncommissioned officers and other enlisted men of his arm. He or his representatives visit such places as may be necessary in connection with the efficiency of his arm.


The Chief of Field Artillery is under the supervision of the Chief of Staff in all matters relating to his arm. He furnishes the Chief of Staff information and advice on all questions affecting his particular arm. He exercises direct supervision and control of the special service schools and the special boards of his arm. He formulates and develops the tactical doctrine of his arm in accordance with the War Department doctrine which requires that the Army be trained for offensive combat. He prepares the necessary manuals, training literature, and training memoranda relating to the employment, instruction, and training of his arm, and to the care and use of material and equipment which, after being submitted to the Chief of Staff and approved by the Secretary of War, are distributed by The Adjutant General of the Army to the service for its information and guidance. He cooperates with the chiefs of supply services in developing the armament and equipment of his arm. He submits to the Chief of Staff such recommendations as to armament and equipment as are necessary; recommendations as to the organization of units of his arm; recommendations as to the training and instruction of units of his arm, including units of his arm of the Officers' Training Corps, as he may consider advisable. He confers with the appropriate agencies of the War Department in all matters connected with the organization, training and instruction, equipment, and general administration and efficiency of the personnel and organizations of his arm in the Organized Reserves and National Guard. He cooperates with the personnel bureau of The Adjutant General's Office and recommends officers of his arm to be detailed as students at service schools, at technical, professional, and other educational institutions, and for other similar duties, and makes recommendations for the appointment, assignment, transfer, examination, and retirement in all cases of officers and warrant officers and, in cases not covered by regulations, of noncommissioned officers and other enlisted men of his arm.


The Chief of Coast Artillery is charged with the duty of keeping the Chief of Staff advised and informed as to the efficiency of the personnel and matériel of the Coast Artillery, and of initiating such measures relative thereto as, in the judgment of the Chief of Coast Artillery, shall tend to promote their efficiency. He exercises direct supervision and control of the special service schools and the special boards of his He formulates and develops the tactical doctrine of his arm in accordance with the War Department doctrine. He prepares the necessary manuals, training literature, and training memoranda relating to the employment, instruction, and training of his arm, and to the care and use of material and equipment. He cooperates with the chiefs of supply services in developing the armament and equipment of his arm. He submits to the Chief of Staff recommendations as to the organization,


training, instruction, and equipment of the Coast Artillery Corps, including units of the Coast Artillery Reserve Officers' Training Corps. He confers with the appropriate agencies of the War Department in all matters connected with the organization, training, instruction, equipment, general administration, and efficiency of the personnel and organizations of his arm in the Organized Reserves and National Guard. He cooperates with the personnel bureau of The Adjutant General's Office, and recommends officers of his arm for detail as students at service schools, at technical, professional, and other educational institutions, and for other similar duties. He makes recommendations for the appointment, assignment, transfer, examinations, and retirement in all cases of officers and warrant officers and, in cases not covered by regulations, of noncommissioned officers and other enlisted men of his arm. He submits to the Chief of Staff recommendations as to the character, number, and method of mounting the armament deemed necessary in any harbor-defense project. The Coast Artillery Corps is charged with the duty of providing the necessary personnel to man all elements of the fixed defenses, railway artillery, antiaircraft artillery, trench artillery, mobile guns of 6-inch caliber and greater, and mobile howitzers and mortars of caliber greater than 6 inches.


The Chief of Infantry is charged with the duty of keeping the Chief of Staff advised and informed on all questions affecting the Infantry. He exercises direct supervision and control over the special service schools and the special boards of his arm. He formulates and develops the tactical doctrine of the Infantry in accordance with the War Department doctrine and prepares the necessary manuals, training literature, and training memoranda relating to the employment, instruction, and training of his arm and of the care and use of material and equipment. He cooperates with the chiefs of supply services in developing the armament and equipment of the Infantry and submits to the Chief of Staff such recommendations as to armament and equipment as may be necessary. He submits to the Chief of Staff recommendations as to the organization of Infantry units and also as to their training and instruction, including units of the Infantry Reserve Officers' Training Corps. He confers with the appropriate agencies of the War Department in all matters connected with the organization, training and instruction, equipment, and general administration and efficiency of the personnel and organizations of his arm in the Organized Reserves and National Guard. He cooperates with the personnel bureau of The Adjutant General's Office and recommends officers to be detailed as students at service schools, at technical, professional, and other educational institutions, and for other similar duties, and makes recommendations for the appointment, assignment, transfer, examination, and retirement in all cases of officers, warrant officers, and, in cases not covered by regulations, of noncommissioned officers and other enlisted men of the Infantry. He or his representatives visit such places as may be necessary in connection with the efficiency of his arm.


The Chief of Chaplains coordinates and supervises the work of chaplains and develops plans for the moral and spiritual betterment of the Army. He exercises direct supervision over the Chaplains' Service School and such projects for the instruction of chaplains as may be considered necessary to secure a properly trained personnel. He investigates the qualifications of all candidates for appointment as chaplains.


The chiefs of the military bureaus of the War Department are officers of the Regular Army of the United States and a part of the Military Establishment, viz:

The Adjutant General is charged with the duty of recording, authenticating, and communicating to troops and individuals in the military service all orders, instructions, and regulations issued by the Secretary of War through the Chief of Staff, or otherwise; of preparing and distributing commissions; of compiling and issuing the Army Register and the Army List and Directory; of consolidating the general returns of the Army; of arranging and preserving the reports of officers of the Army detailed to visit encampments of militia; of compiling and maintaining a list showing the names of officers of the Army on detached service; of managing the recruiting service; of handling matters pertaining to the education and recreation of the soldier; and of conducting correspondence concerning the military service generally, including such as pertains to military training camps, rifle practice, the Officers' Reserve Corps, the Reserve Officers' Training Corps, and the Enlisted Reserve Corps. He is also vested

with the government and control, under the direction of the Secretary of War, of the United States Disciplinary Barracks and its branches, and all offenders sent thereto for confinement and detention; and is charged with the duty of issuing and recording orders from the War Department remitting or mitigating sentences of general prisoners who have been discharged from the military service, or honorably restoring them to duty. The Adjutant General is vested by law with the charge, under the Secretary of War, "of the military and hospital records of the volunteer armies and the pension and other business of the War Department connected therewith"; of publishing War Department regulations, manuals, and miscellaneous documents pertaining to the military service and distributing to the Army such publications; of obtaining, compiling, and keeping continually up to date all obtainable information as to the names, ages, addresses, occupations, and qualifications for appointment as commissioned officers of the Army, in time of war or other emergency, of men of suitable ages who, by reason of having received military training in civilian educational institutions or elsewhere, may be regarded as qualified and available for appointment as such commissioned officers, and of issuing certificates of enlistment in the Enlisted Reserve Corps. He also has charge of the records of the permanent Military Establishment and all business relating to pension, pay, bounty, and other matters pertaining to or based upon the military or medical histories of former officers or enlisted men, including the consideration of applications for the congressional medal of honor, the distinguished-service cross, and the distinguished-service medal; for the benefits of the act of Congress approved April 27, 1916, establishing the Army and Navy medalof-honor roll; for certificates of military service, and certificates authorizing the purchase of service medals; and for removal of charges of desertion and the issue of discharge certificates to such soldiers finally charged with desertion as are entitled to relief under the terms of existing law. The archives of The Adjutant General's Office include all military records of the Revolutionary War in the possession of the General Government; the records of all organizations, officers, and enlisted men that have been in the military service of the United States since the Revolutionary War, including those pertaining to the volunteer forces and the National Guard while in the active service of the United States; the records kept by draft boards and State headquarters while operating under the provisions of the selective-service law approved May 18, 1917, with the exception of those pertaining solely to the fiscal administration of the office of the Provost Marshal General; the records of the movements and operations of troops; the medical and hospital records of the Army; all reports of physical examination of recruits and identification records; the records of the Bureau of Refugees, Freedmen, and Abandoned Lands; and a considerable collection of the Confederate records, including those pertaining to the legislative, executive, and judicial branches of the Confederate Government.

The Inspector General, with his assistants, inspects the United States Military Academy; the service schools; garrisoned posts and commands; camps of maneuver and instruction; staff offices at department headquarters; general hospitals; armories and arsenals; quartermaster, ordnance, medical, torpedo, signal, and engineer depots, recruit depots and recruiting stations; the disciplinary barracks and its branches; and military prisoners in United States penitentiary, Leavenworth, Kans.; ungarrisoned posts; national cemeteries; United States Army transports, cable boats, mine planters, and harbor boats; unserviceable property; money accounts of all disbursing officers of the Army; Soldiers' Home, District of Columbia, and the headquarters and 10 branches of the National Home for Disabled Volunteer Soldiers; the National Guard as required by the act of June 3, 1916; also makes such special investigations and such annual inspection of troops as may be ordered, and conducts the survey of business methods and War Department activities.

The Judge Advocate General is the official legal adviser of the Secretary of War, the Chief of Staff, the War Department and its bureaus, and the entire Military Establishment. He advises concerning the legal correctness of military administration, including disciplinary action, matters affecting the rights and mutual relationship of the personnel of the Army, and the financial, contractual, and other business affairs of the War Department and the Army. The functions of the Judge Advocate General's Department include not only those of the Judge Advocate General and of his office in Washington but also those of judge advocates serving as staff officers at the headquarters of army, corps area, department, corps, division, and separate brigade commanders, and at the headquarters of other officers exercising general court-martial jurisdiction.

The Quartermaster General, under the authority of the Secretary of War, is charged with the purchase and procurement for the Army of all supplies of standard manufacture and of all supplies common to two or more branches but not with the purchase or the procurement of special or technical articles to be used or issued exclusively by other supply departments; with the direction of all work pertaining to the construc

tion, maintenance, and repair of buildings, structures, and utilities other than fortifications connected with the Army; with the storage and issue of supplies; with the operation of utilities; with the acquisition of all real estate and the issue of licenses in connection with Government reservations; with the transportation of the Army by land and water, including the transportation of troops and supplies by mechanical or animal means; with the furnishing of means of transportation of all classes and kinds required by the Army; and with such other duties not otherwise assigned by law as the Secretary of War may prescribe. Supply service. Has charge of all duties pertaining to the procurement, storage, and distribution of supplies. Construction service. Is charged with the construction, maintenance, and repair of all buildings, structures, and utilities of the Army (other than permanent fortifications). Transportation service.-Is charged with the transportation of the Army by land and water. Remount service.-Is charged with the purchase of horses and mules required in connection with the operations of the Army, and control of remount depots and stations. Administrative division.-Performs duties of general administrative nature, and has charge of the general mail and files; control of fiscal matters; preparation of tables of requirements; coordination of orders and regulations for the Quartermaster Corps; collection and preparation of statistical data. General service division.-Is charged with the technical examination and study of all quartermaster operations and activities functioning under the direction of the Quartermaster General. Personnel division. Has charge of all matters pertaining to commissioned, enlisted, and civilian personnel of the Quartermaster Corps. Cemeterial division. Has supervision over all matters pertaining to cemeteries, including interments, disinterments, and bringing home of remains of officers, enlisted men, and civilian employees who were killed in action or died in possessions of the United States or in foreign countries.

The Chief of Finance has responsibility for and authority over the finances of the War Department, including the disbursement of all funds, the classification and compilation of all estimates of appropriations, including supplemental and deficiency estimates, to be submitted by the War Department, the preparation of the estimates for pay and mileage, and the preparation of such other estimates as may not pertain to other bureaus or services of the War Department. He will have similar responsibility and authority with respect to the administrative examination and recording of money accounts, the auditing of property accounts, and such other duties as may be required by law, regulations, or orders in connection with the expenditure and accounting for funds and property of the War Department.

The Surgeon General is the adviser of the War Department upon all medical and sanitary affairs of the Army. He has administrative control of the Medical Department; the designation of the stations of the commissioned personnel and civilian employees of the Medical Department, and the issuing of all orders and instructions relating to their professional duties; the recruitment, instruction, and control of the enlisted force of the Medical Department and of the Army Nurse Corps. The Army Medical Museum, the library of the Surgeon General's Office, and the general hospitals are under his direct control.

The Chief of Engineers is charged under the direction of the War Department with control in technical matters over all of the Corps of Engineers and with the command of such portions of the corps as are not placed by the War Department under some territorial command nor assigned to some tactical unit containing other than Engineer troops. The duties of the Corps of Engineers comprise reconnoitering and surveying for military purposes, including the laying out of camps; the preparation, reproduction, and distribution of military maps of the United States and its possessions, including cooperation with other Government and private mapping agencies, and in field operations of maps of the theater of operations; selection and acquisition of sites, and preparation of plans and estimates for military defenses; construction and repair of fortifications and their accessories, including submarine mine systems, installation and maintenance of searchlights and electric power and lighting systems, installation of fire-control systems, and the maintenance pertaining to such latter systems which involve structural work; planning and supervising defensive or offensive works of troops in the field; military demolitions; military mining; military camouflage; military bridges; water supply of troops in the field; examination of routes of communication for supplies and for military movements; and, within a theater of military operations, all general construction and road work, including maintenance and repair (except telegraph and telephone lines), and the construction, operation, and maintenance of all railways, utilities, ferries, canal boats, or other means of inland water transportation. It collects, arranges, and preserves all correspondence, reports, memoirs, estimates, plans, drawings, and models which concern or relate in any way to the several duties above enumerated. The Corps of Engineers is also charged with the development, procurement, storage, and issue of certain classes of supplies and equip


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