MISCELLANEOUS. SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION. (The Mall. Phone, Main 1811.) Secretary. Charles D. Walcott, 1743 Twenty-second Street. Assisiant secretary.-C. G. Abbot, 2203 K Street. Chief clerk.-H. W. Dorsey, Hyattsville, Md. Accountant and disbursing agent.-W. Irving Adams, 1862 Mintwood Place. Editor.-Webster P. True, 1320 Fairmont Street. THE ESTABLISHΜΕΝΤ. Warren G. Harding, President of the United States; Calvin Coolidge, Vice President Chancellor, BOARD OF REGENTS. Chief Justice of the United States; Calvin Coolidge, Vice President of the United States; Henry Cabot Lodge, Member of the Senate; A. Owsley Stanley, Member of the Senate; Medill McCormick, Member of the Senate; Lemuel P. Padgett, Member of the House of Representatives; Frank L. Greene, Member of the House of Representatives; John A. Elston, Member of the House of Representatives; Alexander Graham Bell, citizen of Washington, D. C.; George Gray, citizen of Delaware (Wilmington); Charles F. Choate, jr., citizen of Massachusetts (Boston); John B. Henderson, citizen of Washington, D. C.; Henry White, citizen of Maryland (Washington, D. C.); Robert S. Brookings, citizen of Missouri (St. Louis). Executive committee. George Gray (chairman), Alexander Graham Bell, Henry White. GOVERNMENT BUREAUS UNDER DIRECTION OF SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION. NATIONAL MUSEUM. Administrative assistant to the secretary in charge of the National Museum.-W. de C. Head curators.-G. P. Merrill, 1422 Belmont Street; Leonhard Stejneger, 1472 Belmont Ravenel, 1742 S Street. Street; Walter Hough, acting, 1423 Monroe Street. Editor. Marcus Benjamin, The Highlands. NATIONAL GALLERY OF ART. Director. William H. Holmes, 1454 Belmont Street. BUREAU OF AMERICAN ETHNOLOGY. (Office in Smithsonian Building.) Chief.-J. Walter Fewkes, Forest Glen, Md. INTERNATIONAL EXCHANGES, Assistant secretary in charge.-C. G. Abbot, 2203 K Street. NATIONAL ZOOLOGICAL PARK. (Adams Mill Road. Phone, Columbia 744.) Superintendent. - Ned Hollister, 1338 Oak Street. ASTROPHYSICAL OBSERVATORY. Director.-C. G. Abbot, 2203 K Street. REGIONAL BUREAU FOR THE UNITED STATES, INTERNATIONAL CATALOGUE OF SCIENTIFIC LITERATURE. Assistant in charge. Leonard C. Gunnell, Smithsonian Institution. 291 Misc Offic Dutie Judic ary Dip Co D G P C A NATIONAL ACADEMY OF SCIENCES. (Smithsonian Institution. Phone, Main 1811.) President. Charles D. Walcott, 1743 Twenty-second Street. Vice president.-A. A. Michelson, University of Chicago, Chicago, III. Home secretary.-C. G. Abbot, 2203 K Street. Treasurer.-F. L. Ransome, 1455 Belmont Street. Assistant secretary. --Paul Brockett, 3303 Highland Avenue, Cleveland Park. NATIONAL RESEARCH COUNCIL. Chairman. Secretary. Vernon Kellogg, 2330 Massachusetts Avenue. PAN AMERICAN UNION. (FORMERLY INTERNATIONAL BUREAU OF THE AMERICAN REPUBLICS.) (Seventeenth between C and B Streets. Phone, Main 6638.) Director General.-L. S. Rowe, Pan American Annex. Assistant Director. Francisco J. Yánes, The Oakland. Counselor. Franklin Adams, The Marlborough. Chief clerk and trade adviser. - William A. Reid, 1842 Sixteenth Street. Chief accountant. --Virginia H. Wood, The Connecticut. Librarian. Charles E. Babcock, Vienna, Va. Managing editor of bulletins. - Isabel K. Macdermott, The Wyoming. Chief mail clerk.-W. J. Kolb, 1501 Park Road. Secretary to Director General.-C. M. Litteljohn, 1744 C Street. Secretary to Assistant Director,---Helen L. Brainerd, 2626 Garfield Street. GOVERNING BOARD. Charles E. Hughes, Secretary of State (chairman ex officio), 1529 Eighteenth Street. Beltrán Mathieu, ambassador of Chile, 2 2223 R Street. Dr. Tomás A. Le Breton, ambassador of Argentina, 1600 New Hampshire Avenue. Dr. Jacobo Varela, minister of Uruguay, 1616 Twenty-second Street. Emilio C. Joubert, minister of the Dominican Republic, 1631 Massachusetts Avenue. J. E. Lefevre, chargé d'affaires of Panama, 2400 Sixteenth Street. INTERSTATE COMMERCE COMMISSION. [Those having ladies with them are marked with * for wife, † for unmarried daughter, and || for other ladies.] (Interstate Commerce Commission Building, Eighteenth Street and Pennsylvania Avenue. Phone, Commissioners: Main 7460.) * Edgar E. Clark, chairman, 1730 Lanier Place. * Charles C. McChord, The New Willard. * Balthasar H. Meyer, Highlands Manor, Wisconsin Avenue. * Henry C. Hall, 2238 Q Street. * Winthrop M. Daniels, The Altamont. * Clyde B. Aitchison, Clifton Terrace West. || Joseph B. Eastman, 2325 Twentieth Street. * Mark W. Potter, Wardman Park Hotel. John J. Esch, 116 Todd Place NE. Johnston B. Campbell. Ernest I. Lewis. Secretary.-* George B. McGinty, 3917 Fourteenth Street. Assistant secretary. -* Alfred Holmead, 1104 Maryland Avenue SW. Chief clerk and purchasing agent.-T. Leo Haden, 3814 Thirteenth Street. Disbursing clerk.-W. M. Lockwood, 1121 Euclid Street. Appointment clerk.-J. B. Switzer. Chief counsel.-P. J. Farrell, 1424 Clifton Street. Director of valuation. C. A. Prouty, The Portner. Chief examiner.-Robert E. Quirk, 1736 Columbia Road. UNITED STATES RAILROAD LABOR BOARD. (5 North Wabash Avenue, Chicago, Ill.) Public group: R. M. Barton, chairman; G. Wallace W. Hanger; Ben W. Hooper. Labor group: Albert Phillips; A. O. Wharton; W. L. McMenimen. Management group: Horace Baker; J. H. Elliott; Samuel Higgins. Secretary.-C. P. Carrithers. Assistant secretary. -Robert F. Cole. Supervising statistician. -Horace Secrist. Chief statistician.-V. J. Banzer. Supervisor of dockets.-Harry H. Reed. Solicitor.-L. G. Brooks. Disbursing officer.-Earl U. Gray. CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION. (Offices, 1724 F Street. Phones, Main 75, 76.) Commissioners. --Martin A. Morrison, president, 1410 N Street. Mrs. Helen H. Gardener, 1838 Lamont Street. Chief examiner.--Herbert A. Filer, 1815 Eighteenth Street. Chiefs of division: Application.-Dr. Thomas A. Griffin, 2434 Twentieth Street. Certification clerk.---Matthew F. Halloran, Hyattsville, Md. UNITED STATES BUREAU OF EFFICIENCY. (Winder Building, Seventeenth and F Streets. Phone, Main 8686.) Chief. Herbert D. Brown, 1811 Lamont Street. Assistant chief and senior accountant.-Harold N. Graves, 6926 Ninth Street. Accounting.-V. G. Croissant, 1348 Euclid Street. Statistics. George C. Havenner, 1745 Minnesota Avenue SE. FEDERAL RESERVE BOARD. (Treasury Building. Phone, Main 6400.) Chairman. Andrew W. Mellon, Secretary of the Treasury (ex officio member), 1785 Massachusetts Avenue. D. R. Crissinger, Comptroller of the Currency (ex officio member), The New Willard. Governor. William P. G. Harding, 1336 Nineteenth Street. (Private secretary, E. M. McClelland, 537 Second Street SE.) Vice governor.-Edmund Platt, 2339 Ashmead Place. (Private secretary, Joseph L. Durland, 1750 S Street.) Adolph C. Miller, 2320 S Street. (Private secretary, D. C. Elliott, 2014 Wyoming Avenue.) Charles S. Hamlin, 1751 New Hampshire Avenue. (Private secretary, J. P. Moore, 6208 Wisconsin Avenue.) John R. Mitchell, The Shoreham. (Private secretary, R. F. Leonard, 2254 Cathedral Avenue.) Assistant to governor.-R. G. Emerson, University Club. General counsel. - Walter S. Logan, 2006 N Street. Fiscal agent.-W. M. Imlay, 106 Raymond Street, Chevy Chase, Md. Chief clerk. John DeLaMater, 3330 Seventeenth Street. Statistician.-M. Jacobson, 1424 Madison Street. Chief examiner and chief division of examination.-J. F. Herson. Chief division of reports and statistics.-E. L. Smead, 1428 Irving Street NE. Director division of analysis and research.-H. Parker Willis, 37 Liberty Street, New York City. FEDERAL TRADE COMMISSION. (Temporary Building, No. 4, 2000 D Street. Phone, Main 7720.) COMMISSIONERS. Chairman. Huston Thompson, Florence Courts West. Nelson B. Gaskill, The Chastleton. John Garland Pollard, 2349 Ashmead Place. Victor Murdock, 1719 Eighteenth Street. John F. Nugent, 2726 Connecticut Avenue. Secretary.-J. P. Yoder, 3311 Highland Place, Cleveland Park. LEGAL DIVISION. Acting chief counsel. Adrien F. Busick, McLean, Va. ECONOMIC DIVISION. Chief economist.--Francis Walker, 2351 Ashmead Place. EXPORT TRADE DIVISION. Chief.-W. F. Notz, 1727 Lamont Street. TRADING WITH THE ENEMY DIVISION. Chief. Margaret R. Wilson, The Calverton. ADMINISTRATIVE DIVISION. Assistant secretary. - Warren R. Choate, 1820 Newton Street. Chairman.- UNITED STATES SHIPPING BOARD. (1319 F Street. Phone, Main 5201.) Special assistants to the chairman.—Robert A. Dean, 2336 Massachusetts Avenue; Secretary. John J. Flaherty, Virginia Highlands, Va. (R. D. 2, Alexandria). Assistant secretary.-J. P. James, 504 Carroll Avenue, Takoma Park, Md. General counsel.-Edward M. Hyzer, The Shoreham. Division of industrial relations. Darragh de Lancey, director, University Club. SE. Ship sales division.-J. Harry Philbin, manager, 2625 North Charles Street, Baltimore, Recruiting service. - Capt. I. L. Evans, director, 45 Broadway, New York, N. Y. UNITED STATES SHIPPING BOARD EMERGENCY FLEET CORPORATION. (1319 F Street. Phone, Main 5201.) TRUSTEES. W. S. Benson, John A. Donald, F. I. Thompson, Guy D. Goff, Charles Sutter, Richard H. Bailey, jr. OFFICERS. President.-W. S. Benson, The Wyoming. Vice presidents. -John A. Donald, 52 Apawamis Avenue, Rye, N Y.; F. I. Thompson, Wardman Park Hotel. Secretary. John J. Flaherty. Offic' Assistant secretary.-J. P. James. Dutie General comptroller.-A. Tweedale, The Calverton. Treasurer.-R. W. Bolling, 2326 California Street. General counsel.---Edward M. Hyzer. Division of operations. -Capt. Paul Foley, United States Navy, director, The Dresden. Judic ary Navy, director, 45 Broadway, New York City. Division of supply and sales. - Capt. E. W. Bonnaffon, United States Navy, director, 1164 Nineteenth Street. Dip. Division of insurance.-B. K. Ogden, director, Falkstone Courts. Co North Broad Street, Philadelphia, Pa. Construction claims board.-James Talbert, chairman, 1115 Euclid Street. |