THE CAPITOL. OFFICERS OF THE SENATE. (Phone, Main 3120.) PRESIDENT. President of the Senate.-Calvin Coolidge, The New Willard. Secretary to the President of the Senate.-Edward T. Clark. Clerk to the President of the Senate.-Miss Ethel E. Peck, 16 Princeton Avenue, Glen PRESIDENT PRO TEMPORE. President pro tempore of the Senate.-Albert B. Cummins, The Portland. CHAPLAIN. Chaplain of the Senate.-Rev. J. J. Muir, 1717 Kenyon Street. OFFICE OF THE SECRETARY. GEORGE A. SANDERSON, Secretary of the Senate (Stoneleigh Court), was born at Hamilton, Butler County, Ohio; is graduate of the United States Naval Academy, but resigned from the naval service to engage in business in Chicago, retiring upon his election as Secretary of the Senate of the United States May 19, 1919. Assistant Secretary.-Henry M. Rose, Clifton Terrace South. Chief Clerk. Hermon W. Craven, 4709 Piney Branch Road. Reading clerk.-John C. Crockett, Silver Spring, Md. Financial clerk.-Charles F. Pace, 1539 I Street. Assistant financial clerk.-Eugene Colwell, 402 Seventh Street NE. Chief bookkeeper. James A. White, 1830 California Street. Principal legislative clerk.-H. A. Hopkins, Clifton Terrace East. Minute and Journal clerk.-Charles L. Watkins, Falkstone Courts. Assistant Journal clerk.-Howard C. Foster, 648 East Capitol Street. File clerk.-Michael J. Bunke, 1840 Vernon Street. Assistant in stationery room.-Edward B. Eldridge, 2030 Sixteenth Street. First assistant librarian.-Walter P. Scott, The Balfour. Assistant librarian.-Walter W. Scott, 2611 Adams Mill Road. Assistants in document room.-John W. Lambert, 439 Kenyon Street; John O. Cowan, Clerks.-W. L. Van Horn, 124 C Street NE.; Peter M. Wilson, 1767 Church Street; 231 C1 1 CLERKS TO SENATE COMMITTEES. Agriculture and Forestry.-Clerk, Harry G. Thomas; assistant clerks, Mabelle J. Talbert; Lois Wickham; Margaret E. Farrar. Appropriations.-Clerk, Kennedy F. Rea, 1321 Delafield Place; assistant clerks, L. M. Wells, The Champlain; Helen M. Wells; Rosalie Kaplan, 1635 Q Street; Everard H. Smith, 1413 South Carolina Avenue SE.; Mable S. Heizer, 143 Rhode Island Avenue; messenger, R. II. Ogle, 750 Gresham Place. Audit and Control the Contingent Expenses of the Senate.-Clerk, Charles W. Hall, jr., The Garland; assistant clerks, Loretta E. O'Connell, Wardman Park Hotel; Betty Pollock; Edna R. Kelly, 1317 Maryland Avenue NE.; Oco Thompson, 401 Stanton Place NE. (by resolution). Banking and Currency.—Clerk, W. H. Sault, 21 Sixth Street NE.; assistant clerks, William F. Manning, 725 First Street; Paul L. Hughes; C. E. Sault. Civil Service.-Clerk, Jens M. Otterness, 1730 M Street; assistant clerks, Randall M. Oller, 428 Eighth Street NE.; Ethel Petty, E-F Building, Government Hotels; Jacob J. Eisenmenger, 507 Sixth Street. Claims.-Clerk, George Bartholomaeus, 1812 Vernon Street: assistant clerks, Annie L. Hardesty, The Grant; Kathryn C. Robinson, 1712 New Hampshire Avenue; Mildred I. Winch, 1703 New York Avenue. Commerce.-Clerk, James H. Davis, 1357 Jefferson Street; assistant clerks, Robert W. Kelsey, 124 C Street NE.; Roy D. Booth, 630 C Street NE.: Ward Hunt, 3011 Eleventh Street; Miriam Siegel (by resolution). Conference Minority of the Senate.-Clerk, Mrs. Marian E. Martin, 1730 M Street; assistant clerks, Eugene Underwood, jr., 707 Twentieth Street; Elsie E. Hardy, 1336 South Carolina Avenue SE.; H. C. Kilpatrick, Y. M. C. A. District of Columbia.-Clerk, Thomas E. Peeney, 242 Senate Office Building; assistant clerks, Amy R. Piser, Southbrook Courts; Mildred A. Moore, 1740 Euclid Street; George T. Faulkner, 242 Senate Office Building. Education and Labor.-Clerk, Roy H. Rankin, 3405 Thirty-fourth Place; assistant clerks, Edith G. Awe, A-B Building, Government Hotels: Marguerite E. Betzenderfer, The Cordova: Charlotte A. Kenyon. Enrolled Bills.-Clerk, Wilson C. Hefner, 327 Second Street NE.: assistant clerks, J. V. Brennan, 1418 Shepherd Street; Abbie S. Irons, Government Hotels; Viola V. Creque. Expenditures in the Executive Departments.-Clerk, Elisha Hanson, Bethesda, Md.; assistant clerks, Paul C. Morrison, 321 H Street; Adele Harrison, 1712 Seventeenth Street; Clare Lang. Finance.-Clerk, L. C. Taylor, 207 East Capitol Street; assistant clerks, William B. Stewart, 1206 Kenyon Street; Paul A. Bream, 3421 Lowell Street; Lake J. Frazier, 1 Dupont Circle; James C. Skelly, 3515 Tenth Street; expert for the majority, Michael P. Feldser, 529 Ninth Street NE.; expert for the minority, George F. Crook, Y. M. C. A. Foreign Relations.-Clerk, Charles F. Redmond, 3436 Brown Street; assistant clerks, George W. Britt, 1420 Harvard Street; Joseph W. Stewart, 1341 A Street NE.; Harriet W. Redmond. Immigration.-Clerk, Henry M. Barry, Wardman Park Hotel; assistant clerks, Jeannette P. Bucknam, 1207 Rhode Island Avenue; Mrs. Sarah L. Barry, Wardman Park Hotel; Virginia Brown, The Congressional. Indian Affairs.-Clerk, Alfred B. Crossley, 624 Maryland Avenue NE.; assistant clerks, Fay A. Crossley, 624 Maryland Avenue NE.; Lola Williams, 628 D Street NE.; Florence Caulsen, 628 D Street NE. Interoceanic Canals.-Clerk, Cora M. Rubin, Wardman Park Hotel; assistant clerks, Grace J. Hileman, 67 Randolph Place; Erma L. Kuhn, Government Hotels; Ono M. Healy, Fontanet Courts. Interstate Commerce.-Clerk, John Briar, R. F. D. 2, Alexandria, Va.; assistant clerks, Paul H. Moore, R. F. D. 2, Alexandria, Va.; Clarence H. Churchman, 2030 Sixteenth Street; George A. Kern, 1208 Decatur Street. Irrigation and Reclamation.-Clerk, Helen K. Kiefer, 4419 Illinois Avenue; assistant clerks, Jessie C. Allen, The Riggs; Alice George, 753 Quebec Place; Judiciary.-Clerk, Simon Michelet, 1459 Harvard Street; assistant clerks, George L. Treat, 717 A Street SE.; Thomas K. Humphrey, 1343 A Street NE.; Carl W. Bordsen, George Washington Inn; Frances Perry, 227 East Capitol Street. Library. Clerk, W. Don Lundy, 2639 Garfield Street; assistant clerks, John B. Pettis, 2111 Nineteenth Street; Leonard C. Roy, 107 Eighth Street SE.; Edna T. Jullien, 6 West Kirk Street, Chevy Chase, Md. Manufactures. Clerk, Robert M. La Follette, jr., 3320 Sixteenth Street; assistant clerks, Ralph G. Sucher, 1351 Harvard Street; Grace C. Lynch, 943 Florida Avenue; Emil Lusthaus, 3320 Sixteenth Street. Military Affairs. Clerk, Raymond E. Devendorf, The Lincoln Apartments; assistant clerks, William A. Duvall, 3302 Fourteenth Street; Percy H. Keneipp, 3501 Fourteenth Street; H. M. Greenstreet, 1320 Twenty-first Street; A. Lincoln Brown, 131 S Street; Loretta Finley (by resolution). Mines and Mining.-Clerk, Howard M. Rice, Hyattsville, Md.; assistant clerks, Hattie E. Meek, 1358 Otis Place; Nan C. Coffin, Clifton Terrace East; Dorothy Dougherty, 1119 I Street. Naval Affairs.-Clerk, Elwin A. Silsby, 311 Senate Office Building; assistant clerks, Carl H. Schmidt, 311 Senate Office Building; Proctor H. Page, 311 Senate Office Building; Alice E. Casey, 4546 Wisconsin Avenue. Patents. Clerk, Raymond A. Burr, 414 New Jersey Avenue SE.; assistant clerks, Mary A. Connor, 1406 Meridian Place; Stella H. Netherwood, 1200 Eighteenth Street; Joseph H. Cooke, 833 Eleventh Street NE. Pensions. Clerk, Robert W. Farrar, Clifton Terrace East; assistant clerks, Kate F. Wagner, 1740 K Street; Theo. Schlenker; Margaret Patterson; Orlin M. Jones, 124 C Street NE.; Katharine M. Coleman. Post Offices and Post Roads.-Clerk, Frederick J. Beaman, 110 East Capitol Street; assistant clerks, D. G. Sutherland, 114 Third Street NE.; Lucie A. Ford, 110 East Capitol Street; Virginia L. Raymond; May A. Healy. Printing Clerk, Martha R. Gold, The Albemarle; assistant clerks, Thomas B. Donnelly, Willard Courts; George C. Peck, 810 Fifteenth Street; Frances C. O'Neill, The Ferris. Privileges and Elections.-Clerk, Charles A. Webb, 1432 Ames Place NE.; assistant clerks, Mary H. Reed, 1240 Irving Street; John P. Atkinson, 209 Tenth Street SE.; Eva R. Webb. Public Buildings and Grounds.-Clerk, Olive Boynton, 301 Maryland Avenue NE.; assistant clerks, Ada L. Staples, V-W Building, Government Hotels; Lena M. Batchelder, 614 Maryland Avenue NE.; Hazel D. Briggs, 614 Maryland Avenue NE. Public Lands and Surveys.-Clerk, Logan Morris, Rutland Courts; assistant clerks, Earl Van Wagoner, The Rochambeau; Ethel S. Johnson; Parley P. Eccles, The Santa Rosa; George L. Nielson, 1312 N Street (by resolution). Revision of the Laws.-Clerk, Lee Lamar Robinson, The Highlands; assistant clerks, Territories and Insular Possessions.-Clerk, Lester Winter, The Chateau Thierry; OFFICE OF THE SERGEANT AT ARMS. DAVID S. BARRY, Sergeant at Arms, United States Senate (1816 Jefferson Place), was born at Detroit, Mich., in 1859, and educated in the public schools at Monroe, Mich.; was a page in the Michigan Legislature 1871-1873, and in 1875 was appointed page in the United States Senate on recommendation of Senator Isaac P. Christiancy. Learned stenography and served as amanuensis to various public men and as a clerk in the Treasury and Post Office Departments and the Census Bureau. Began newspaper work in 1879 as Washington correspondent of the Detroit Post-Tribune; served in the Washington office of the Chicago Times and as correspondent of the Detroit Evening News and Detroit Evening Journal; in 1887 was appointed on the staff of the Washington bureau of the New York Sun, and in 1889 was made chief of the bureau; resigned in 1904 to become editor in chief of the Providence Journal and was its Washington correspondent in 1919, when elected Sergeant at Arms. In 1908 Mr. Barry was an assistant director of publicity of the Republican national committee, and in 1912 and 1916 the director. Assistant Sergeant at Arms.-Frank Woodworth, 136 Senate Office Building. Assistants on floor of Senate.-Edwin A. Halsey, 3704 Thirteenth Street (phone, POST OFFICE. Postmaster of the Senate.-Fred A. Eckstein, 3361 Eighteenth Street. (Phone, Columbia 835.) Chief clerk. Herbert H. Prange, 131 E Street NE. Money order and registry clerk.-Robert R. Miller, 121 Fifth Street NE. ARRIVAL AND DEPARTURE OF MAILS. Arrive 8.30 and 10.30 a. m., 12.15 and 3.45 p. m. Depart from Senate post office, Senate Office Building and Capitol, 5, 9.30, and 10.30 a. m., 12 m., 1.55, 4.30, and 6 p. m., and upon adjournment. Senate Office Building chutes collected 30 minutes earlier. FOLDING ROOM. Superintendent.-Leslie L. Biffle, 136 Senate Office Building. Assistant foreman.-J. W. Deards, Fontanet Courts. HEATING AND VENTILATING. Chief engineer.-E. C. Stubbs, Silver Spring, Md. (Phone, Kensington, 78-F5.) Assistant engineers.-F. E. Dodson, 1654 Monroe Street; R. H. Gay, 1341 Oak Street; A. S. Worsley, 310 East Capitol Street; John Edwards, 44 Rhode Island Avenue NE. OFFICERS OF THE HOUSE. (Phone, Main 3120.) SPEAKER. The Speaker. Frederick H. Gillett, 1525 Eighteenth Street. Secretary to the Speaker.-Charles H. Parkman, Burtonsville, Md. (Phone, Laurel 4-F2.) Clerk at the Speaker's table.-Lehr Fess, 3906 Kansas Avenue. Speaker's clerk.-William A. Reutemann, The Iowa. Messenger at Speaker's table.-George William Hubert, 219 East Capitol Street. CHAPLAIN. Chaplain of the House.-Rev. James Shera Montgomery, 1731 Columbia Road. OFFICE OF THE CLERK. WILLIAM TYLER PAGE, Clerk of the House of Representatives (220 Wooten Avenue, Chevy Chase), was born in Frederick, Md., October 19, 1868; attended the Frederick Academy and the public schools of Baltimore. Appointed page in the Clerk's office of the House December 19, 1881, by Clerk Edward McPherson, and has since been continuously in the service of the House of Representatives in many capacities. Republican nominee for Congress, second Maryland district, 1902. Author of "The American's Creed" and of "Page's Congressional Handbook." Elected Clerk of the House of Representatives, Sixty-sixth and Sixty-seventh Congresses. Chief Clerk.-John H. Hollingsworth, Ashland Avenue, West Hyattsville, Md. (Phone, Hyattsville 196.) Stenographer to Clerk.-Miss Lily McConnell, 320 B Street NE. Journal clerk.-Ed. M. Martin, 2815 Thirty-eighth Street. (Phone, Cleveland, 996–J.) Stenographer to Journal clerk. Reading clerks.-Patrick J. Haltigan, 1813 Kalorama Road; A. E. Chaffee, 722 E Street NE. Tally clerk. Chief bill clerk.-E. F. Sharkoff, 1329 Belmont Street. Assistants to chief bill clerk.-Joseph H. Beal; William F. Sykes; George L. Clark, 624 Lexington Place NE.; Arthur Murphy. Disbursing clerk.-Wilber H. Estey, 3013 Eleventh Street. Assistant disbursing clerk.-T. F. Maguire. File clerk. William Hertzler, 516 East Capitol Street. Assistant file clerk.-H. J. Hunt, 338 Maryland Avenue NE. Messenger in file room.-Max Morton. Enrolling clerk.-W. H. Overhue, 1354 Fairmont Street. (Phone, Columbia 5586.) Assistant enrolling clerk.-Harry M. Farrell. Stationery clerk.-Thomas H. Dugan. Bookkeeper.-Minnie E. Grosser. Locksmith.-W. J. R. Spahr. Clerks.-O. L. Newman, 613 Keefer Place; George T. Riggs, 23 First Street NE.; Harold P. Wright; F. E. Schneiberg, Congress Hall. Assistant in disbursing office.-John Andrews, 231 Massachusetts Avenue NE. Assistant in stationery room.-W. S. Armstrong. Messenger in disbursing office.-Samuel W. Duffy. Messenger to Chief Clerk.-W. W. Marsh. LIBRARY. Librarian.-John Kimball Parish, 400 B Street NE. |