CONGRESSIONAL COMMISSIONS AND JOINT COMMITTEES. COMMISSION FOR THE EXTENSION AND COMPLETION OF THE CAPITOL BUILDING. Chairman.-George P. Wetmore, Newport, R. I. Joseph G. Cannon, Representative from Illinois, The Raleigh. Secretary. Henry A. Vale, 2415 Twentieth Street. Chairman.- COMMISSION ON ENLARGING THE CAPITOL GROUNDS. Joseph G. Cannon, Representative from Illinois, The Raleigh. COMMISSION IN CONTROL OF SENATE OFFICE BUILDING. Chairman.-Lee S. Overman, Senator from North Carolina, The Powhatan. COMMISSION IN CONTROL OF THE HOUSE OFFICE BUILDING. Chairman.-Frederick H. Gillett, Speaker of the House of Representatives, 1525 Isaac Bacharach, Representative from New Jersey, The Chaumont. JOINT COMMITTEE ON PRINTING.! (Capitol Building, ground floor, west entrance. Phone, Branch 49.) Chairman. George H. Moses, Senator from New Hampshire, 1901 Wyoming Avenue. Vice chairman.-Edgar R. Kiess, Representative from Pennsylvania. Arthur Capper, Senator from Kansas, 1100 Sixteenth Street. Duncan U. Fletcher, Senator from Florida, 1455 Massachusetts Avenue. Albert Johnson, Representative from Washington, The Albemarle. William F. Stevenson, Representative from South Carolina, 1203 Clifton Street. Clerk.-Ansel Wold, 1324 Monroe Street. Inspector of paper and material (Government Printing Office).-Herbert K. MacGeary, 113 B Street SE. NATIONAL FOREST RESERVATION COMMISSION. (930 F Street. Phone, Main 6910.) President.-John W. Weeks, Secretary of War, 2100 Sixteenth Street. Willis C. Hawley, Representative from Oregon, The Woodley. Gordon Lee, Representative from Georgia, Arlington Hotel. Secretary.-W. W. Ashe, 1512 Park Road. LINCOLN MEMORIAL COMMISSION. (Office, Senate Office Building, room 141. Phone, Main 3120, Branch 888.) Chairman.-William Howard Taft, New Haven, Conn. Joseph G. Cannon, Representative from Illinois, The Raleigh. George Peabody Wetmore, Newport, R. I. Samuel W. McCall, Winchester, Mass. John Temple Graves, special resident commissioner, 1730 P Street. Thomas R. Marshall, Indianapolis, Ind. Nathan B. Scott, The New Willard. Secretary.-Henry A Vale, 2415 Twentieth Street.. Executive and disbursing officer.--Lieut. Col. Clarence O. Sherrill, United States Army, 1839 California Street. (Office, 1729 New York Avenue. Phone, Main 1460.) 1 For official duties, see p. 352. GRANT MEMORIAL COMMISSION. (Office, Lemon Building, 1729 New York Avenue. Phone, Main 1460.) Chairman.-Bishop Samuel Fallows, 2344 Monroe Street, Chicago, Ill. Frank B. Brandegee, chairman Senate Committee on the Library, 1521 K Street. Executive and disbursing officer.-Lieut. Col. Clarence O. Sherrill, United States Army, 1839 California Street. MEADE MEMORIAL COMMISSION. (Office, Lemon Building, 1729 New York Avenue. Phone, Main 1460.) Chairman.-John W. Weeks, Secretary of War, 2100 Sixteenth Street. Frank B. Brandegee, chairman Senate Committee on the Library, 1521 K Street. Norman J. Gould, chairman House Committee on the Library. William C. Sproul, governor of Pennsylvania, Harrisburg, Pa. Executive officer.-Lieut. Col. Clarence O. Sherrill, United States Army, 1839 California Street. COMMISSION ON MEMORIAL TO WOMEN OF THE CIVIL WAR. (Office, Lemon Building, 1729 New York Avenue. Phone, Main 1460.) Chairman.-John W. Weeks, Secretary of War, 2100 Sixteenth Street. Frank B. Brandegee, chairman Senate Committee on the Library, 1521 K Street. Executive and disbursing officer.-Lieut. Col. Clarence O. Sherrill, United States Army, 1839 California Street. ARLINGTON MEMORIAL BRIDGE COMMISSION. (Office, Lemon Building, 1729 New York Avenue. Phone, Main 1460.) Chairman.-Warren G. Harding, President of the United States. Calvin Coolidge, Vice President of the United States, The New Willard. Frederick H. Gillett, Speaker of the House of Representatives, 1525 Eighteenth Street. Bert M. Fernald, chairman Senate Committee on Public Buildings and Grounds, Congress Hall. John W. Langley, chairman House Committee on Public Buildings and Grounds, The Chastleton. Executive and disbursing officer.-Lieut. Col. Clarence O. Sherrill, United States Army, 1839 California Street. JOINT COMMITTEE ON THE LIBRARY. Chairman.-Frank B. Brandegee, Senator from Connecticut, 1521 K Street. Norman J. Gould, Representative from New York. Simeon D. Fess, Representative from Ohio, George Washington Inn. PUBLIC BUILDINGS COMMISSION. (Room 124, Senate Office Building. Phone, Main 3120, Branch 891.) Chairman.-Reed Smoot, Senator from Utah, 2521 Connecticut Avenue. John W. Langley, Representative from Kentucky, The Chastleton. Frank Clark, Representative from Florida, George Washington Inn. Elliott Woods, Architect of the Capitol, Stoneleigh Court. James A. Wetmore, Acting Supervising Architect of the Treasury, 1336 Oak Street. Lieut. Col. Clarence O. Sherrill, United States Army, 1839 California Street. Secretary and disbursing officer.-Edward Clark, 5504 Colorado Avenue. LEGISLATIVE DRAFTING SERVICE. SENATE BRANCH. (Room 446, Senate Office Building. Phone, 880.) Draftsman.-John E. Walker, The Roydon. HOUSE BRANCH. (Room 297, House Office Building. Phone, 592.) Draftsman. Middleton Beaman, 1862 Mintwood Place. (Phone, Columbia 6618.) Assistant draftsman.—Frederic P. Lee, Alto Vista, Bethesda, Md. (Phone, Bethesda 68-W.) Clerk.-Burton G. Henson, 108 Sixth Street SE. JOINT COMMITTEE ON THE THREE HUNDREDTH ANNIVERSARY OF THE LANDING OF THE PILGRIMS. Oscar W. Underwood, Senator from Alabama, 2000 G Street. Joseph Walsh, Representative from Massachusetts. Clifton N. McArthur, Representative from Oregon, The Somerset. JOINT COMMISSION TO VISIT THE VIRGIN ISLANDS. William S. Kenyon, Senator from Iowa, The Altamont. Walter E. Edge, Senator from New Jersey, 1626 Rhode Island Avenue. Philip P. Campbell, Representative from Kansas, Central Station, No. 2. JOINT COMMISSION ON POSTAL SERVICE. (Created by sec. 6 of public law 187, Sixty-sixth Congress (Post Office appropriation act).) Assistant secretary.-F. C. Riedesel. JOINT CONGRESSIONAL COMMITTEE INVESTIGATING NAVAL BASE SITES ON SAN FRANCISCO BAY. Chairman.-L. Heisler Ball, Senator from Delaware, 3244 Thirty-eighth Street. Miles Poindexter, Senator from Washington, 1750 N Street. Henry W. Keyes, Senator from New Hampshire, 2400 Sixteenth Street. Thomas J. Walsh, Senator from Montana, 2400 Sixteenth Street. Key Pittman, Senator from Nevada. Fred A. Britten, Representative from Illinois, Wardman Park Hotel. Frederick C. Hicks, Representative from New York, 1826 Massachusetts Avenue. A. E. B. Stephens, Representative from Ohio, Congress Hall. Lemuel P. Padgett, Representative from Tennessee, 1851 Mintwood Place. JOINT COMMITTEE ON THE REORGANIZATION OF THE ADMINISTRATIVE BRANCH OF Chairman.-Walter F. Brown, representing the President. Vice chairman.-Reed Smoot, Senator from Utah, 2521 Connecticut Avenue. C. Frank Reavis, Representative from Nebraska, 2943 Macomb Street. |