Abbildungen der Seite

10. Nullus ǎd- | hûc mûn- | do præ- | bēbāt | lumină | Titan;

nüllüs,—nül, § 283, IV,—lūs, ◊ 301.

adhuc,—–ăd, ý 299, 1, and ý 285, 1,—huc, f 299, 4.

mündō,—mūn, ◊ 283, IV,—dō, § 297, Exc. 1.

præbēbāt,—præ, ý 283, II,—bē, § 290,-bāt, ◊ 299, 2, and § 283, IV. lūmină,―lū, long by derivation from luceo, 284,—mi, ý 287, 3,—nă, Ó 294, 1.

Titān,—Ti, § 282, 4,—tān, § 299, 2, Exc. 2.

11. Nec novă | crescen- | dō rēpă- | råbāt | côrnuă | Phoebe.

nếc, ( 299, 1, and f 283, IV.

năvă,―no, § 291, 29, Exc.-vă, § 294, 1.

créscěndo,—crés, ( 283, IV,—cên, ý 283, IV,—dõ, ( 297, Exe. 1. rēpārābāt,—rēp, § 285, Rem. 3,—ă, § 282, 4,—rā, § 290,—bāt, § 299, 2. and ý 283, IV.

cōrnuă,-cōr, § 283, IV,—nă, § 283, I,--ă, § 294, 1.

Phabe,-Pha, 283, II,—bě, § 295, Exc. 1.

12. Nec cir- cúmfü- | so pên- | dăbăt în | áĕrě | tēllús. něc, see line 11th.

circumfuso,-cir, § 283, IV,—cùm, § 299, 3, and ◊ 283, IV,-fü is long as compounded of fusus, § 285, 1, and § 284, Exc. 1, and Rem. 2,—sð, 297, Exc. 1.

pēndēbāt,—pēn, § 283, IV,—de, § 290,-băt, § 299, 2.

in, see line 6th.

āĕrě,-ă, ◊ 283, Exc. 6,-ě, ◊ 287, 3,—rě, § 295.

téllūs,-těl, 283, IV,—lūs, § 301 and note.

13. Pōndori- | būs li- | brâtă să- | is: nec | brachiă | lōngō. pōndĕribūs, pōn, ◊ 283, IV,-děr, § 287, 3,—i, § 288, 3,—bas, § 301, and

◊ 283, IV.

librātă,―li, § 282, 4,—brā, § 290,-tă, § 294, 1.

suis,-sŭ, § 283, I,—is, § 301, Exc. 1, (a.)

nec, see line 11th.

brāchia,—bra, ý 282, 4,—chi, ý 283, I,—ặ, ( 294, 1.

lōngō,-lōn, 283, IV,—gō, 297, Exc. 1.

14. Mărgině | tērrā- | rūm pōr- | rēxĕrăt | Amphi- | tritē. A spondaic line, § 310, I, 1.

mārginē,-mār, § 283, IV,—gi, § 287, 3,—ně, § 295.

tērrārūm,—tēr, § 283, IV,—rā, § 288, 3,-rūm, § 299, 3, and § 283, IV. pōrrēxērāt,—pōr, § 283, IV,—rēx, § 283, IV,—ě, § 290, 2d Exc. in E,răt, ◊ 299, 2.

Amphitrite,-am, § 288, IV,-phi, § 282, 4,-tri, § 282, 4,-të, 295,

Exc. 1.

15. Quaque fü | it tēl- | lūs, il- | lic êt | pōntés ét | äēr.

quãque,—quã is long because quâque is properly the ablative of quisque, § 294, 1, Exc.—que, § 295.

fuit,-fü, § 283, I,-it, § 299, 2, and § 283, IV.

tellus,-tēl, § 283, IV,-lūs, § 301, Exc. 2. The genitive is tellūris, § 287, 1st Exc. in U.

illic,-il, § 283, IV,-lic, § 299, 4.

ēt,--see line 5th.

pōntés,—pōn, § 283, IV,—tūs, § 301.


āēr,—ā, § 283, Exc. 6,—ēr, § 299, 2, Exc. 3.

In proving the following lines, as the student may now be presumed to have made himself familiar with the General Rules in § 283, the references to them are omitted.

16. Sic ĕrăt | instăbi- | lis tēl- | lūs, in- | nābilis | ūndā.

Sic, § 299, 4.


-see line 6th.

instăbilis,—in,-stab, as a derivative from statum, the supine of sto, is short, § 284 and Exc. 1, (2,)—i, § 291, 9, Exc.-lis, § 301. tellus,-see line 15th.

innābīlis,—in,—nāb, is from natum, the supine of no, § 284,-, § 291, 9, Exc.-lis, § 301.

undā,―ün,-dā, § 301, note.

17. Lūcis ĕ-| gēns ā- |ēr: nūl- | 11 săă | förmă mă- | nēbāt. lūcis,―lū, § 287, 2d Exc. in U,—cis, § 301.

ĕgēns,—ě, § 282, 4,—gēns—.

āēr,-see line 15th.

nüllī,—nül,—lī, § 296.

săă,—sũ,—ă, § 294, 1.

förmå‚—för,—mă, § 294, 1.

mănēbāt,—mă, § 292, 4, Exc.—nē, § 290,—bāt § 299, 2, and ◊ 301, note. 18. Obsta- | batqu(e) ălï- | is ăli- | ûd: quiă | côrpõr(e) în | ûnô,

ōbstābāt,―ôb,—stā, § 290,-bāt.

qu(e), § 305.

ăliis,—ă, § 282, 4,—li,—is, § 301, Exc. 1, (a.)

ǎliūd,—ă, § 282, 4,—lī,—ūd.

quìă,—qui,—ă, § 294, 2, Exc.

corpor(e),—cor,-po, § 287, 1st Exc. in O,-re, § 305, 1. in, § 299, 1.

ünō,-ü, 291, 18,-no, § 297, Exc. 1.

19. Frigidă | pūgnā- | bānt căli | dis, hū- | mēntiä | siccis. frigidă,—frig is long, as a derivative from frīgus, § 284,—ž, § 291, 7, ―dă, § 294, 1.

pugnābānt,-púg,-nă, § 290,-bānt.

călīdis,―căl is short in căleo, § 284,—i, § 291, 7,—dis, § 301, Exc. 1, (a.) hūmēntiă,―hu, § 282, 4,—mên,—tī,—ă, § 294, 1.

siccis,-—sic,—cis, ý 301, Exc. 1, (a.)

20. Molliǎ | cūm dū- | ris, síně | pōndĕr(e) hå- | bēntiă | pōndūs. mõlliă,—mõl,—lī‚—ă, § 294, 1.

cum, 299, 1,

dūris,—dū, § 291, 22,—rīs, ý 301, Exc. 1, (a.) sině,—si, ý 291, 16, Exc.-ně, ◊ 295.

pōndĕr (e,)—pōn,—dě, § 287, 3,—re, 305, 1. hăbêntra,—hả, ý 282, 4,—bên,—ti,—ă, ( 294, 1. pōndūs,―pōn,-dūs, ◊ 301, note.

21. Hanc Děŭs | ět měli- | ōr li- | tēm nā- | tūră di- | rēmit. hàng.

Děŭs,-Dě,--ús, § 301.

ět,--see line 5th.

měliōr,—mě, ◊ 282, 4,—li,—dr, § 299, 2.

lītēm,-li, § 287, 2nd Exc. in I,—tēm.

nātūră,―nā derived from nätus, § 284, and Exc. 1,-tū, § 291, 22,ră, ◊ 294, 1.

dīrēmīt,--dir, originally dis, ◊ 196, (b.) 2, & § 301,-e by derivation from emit, the perfect of emo, § 284, and Exc. 1,-mit, § 301, note.

22. Nam co- | lỏ ter- | rās, ēt | terris | abscidit | undās.


cælo,-ca-lō, § 297, Exc. 1.

tērrās,―tēr,―rās, ◊ 300.

ēt, see line 5th.

tērrīs,—lēr,—ris, § 301, Exc. 1, (a.)

ābscīdīt,—āb,—sci derived from scidi, § 284 and (1.)—dīt, § 299, 2. ündās,―ün,—dās, 300.

23. Et liqui- dūm spis- | sō sē- | crēvīt āb | ãērē | cœlūm. et, see line 5th.

liquidum,—liq derived from liqueo, ý 284,—už, § 291, 7,—dūm.

spissō,—spis,-sō, 297, Exc. 1.

secrevit,-sē, 285, Rem. 2,-cre derived from crevi, the perfect of cer

no, 284, and Exc. 1,—vil, ◊ 299, 2.

ǎb, § 299, 1.

[blocks in formation]

24. Quæ post- qu(am) évôl- | vit, cœ- | côqu(e) èx- | êmit ă- | cèrvō. qua.

pōstquam,—pōst,—quam, ăm is cut off by echthlipsis, ◊ 305, 2, and the letters qu are pronounced with the é of ēvõlvit. évõlvit,—ē, § 294, (a.) and § 284,—võl,—vit.

cacó,-ca,-co, § 297, Exc. 1.

qué, 305, 1.

ëxēmit,—êx,—é derived from emi, the perfect of emo, § 284, and Exc. 1,-mit, 299, 2.

ăcērvō,—ă, ◊ 282, 4,—cēr,—vō, § 297, Exc. 1.

25. Dissociată lo- | cis con- | côrdi | păcĕ li- | gåvit. dîssõciātă,—dīs,—so derived from socius, § 284,—ci,—ā, ◊ 290,-tă, ◊ 294, 1.

lõcis,—lõ, 282, 4,—cis, § 301, Exc. 1, (a.)

cōncōrdi,—cōn,—cōr,—di, § 296.

pācē,-pā, ◊ 287, 3,-cě, § 295.

līgāvit,—li, § 282, 4,—gā, § 290,-vit, § 391, note.

The preceding twenty-five lines contain but twelve forms or varieties in the arrangement of dactyls and spondees. Besides these, other forms are found in the subsequent parts of the poem. The following are the forms exhibited in the preceding lines, of which the first occurs five times, the second and third four times each, the fourth three times, the fifth twice, and each of the others once only.


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An examination of the preceding lines will show, that in the number and distribution of the cæsuras there is great variety. In the first line, e. g. there are three cæsuras of the foot, viz. in the first, second and

third feet, each of which is likewise a cæsura of the rhythm, § 309. In the second line are four cæsuras of the foot, viz. in the second, third, fourth and fifth feet, all of which, except that in the fifth foot, are likewise cæsuras of the rhythm. A cæsura of the kind found in the fifth foot of this line is sometimes called the feminine, or the trochaic cæsura. See Gr. § 310, N. 1. In the 21st line are five cæsuras of the foot, of which the first four are likewise cæsuras of the rhythm.


The cæsural pause in twenty of the preceding lines, is that which is denominated the heroic casura, ý 310, 4; and in each of these cases coincides with the cæsura of the foot and of the rhythm in the third foot. In the 8th, 13th, 16th, 18th, and 19th lines, the pause occurs after the arsis of the fourth foot, although in each of these lines a cæsura of the foot occurs in the third foot, ý 310, 5. See ý 310, N. 2.


The Epistles of Ovid and many of his other poems are composed in alternate hexameter and pentameter lines; which combination is called Elegiac verse, §311, R. 2. The pentameter like the hexameter line belongs to the dactylic metre, because the dactyl is its principal foot, § 304, 2. According to the more usual division of this kind of verse, however, it is resolved into two hemistichs, ◊ 304, 1-"the first consisting of two feet, either dactyls or spondees, followed by a long syllable; the last, of two dactyls, also followed by a long syllable,” ◊ 311, III., R. 1.

The following are examples of Elegiac verse, divided into the feet of which the several lines are composed. The lines are taken from the beginning of the Epistle of Deïanira to Hercules, and are arranged in couplets, the first being a hexameter and the second a pentameter line. The place of the Casural pause is marked by double perpendicular lines.

I. Gratulor | Echăli- | ăm || tītŭ- | lis ac- | cēdērē | vēstrīs :
Victo- rem vic- | tæ || succubu- | issẽ quĕ- ¦ rōr.

Grātūlŏr,—grāt is long because derived from grātus, ◊ 284. (For the a of gralus, see ( 291, 28.)-й, § 282, 4,—lor, § 299, 2.

Echăliām,-E, § 283, II,—chă, § 282, 4,—lĩ, § 283, I,—ām, naturally short, 299, 3, but here long by position, ◊ 283, IV.

tītūlīs,—tīt, § 282, 4,—–ũ, § 291, 11,—lis, § 301, Exc. 1, (a.)

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