THE Complete ART OF POETRY. In Six PARTS. 1. Of the Nature, Use, Excellence, Rise and Progress II. Of the Use and Neceffity of Rules in Poetry. III. Of the Manner, Rules, and Art of Compofing IV. Of Tragedy and Comedy, how to draw the Plot, V. The Rules of the Epic or Narrative Poem. Of the By CHARLES GILDON, Gent. VOLUME. I. LONDON: Printed for Charles Rivington, at the Bible and Crown in 2 TO THE Moft Excellent Majefty OF GEORGE, King of Great-Britain, France and Ireland, Defender of the Faith, Elector of Brunswick, Lunenburg, &c. May it please your Majesty, HESE Poetical Institutions being now to visit the Public, I could not but think their best Security would be to appear under the aufpicious Protection a 2 405273 |