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will not consider him guilty for writing, or me, for selling a book containing such a recommendation. Blameable as the contriver of the plan might be, in misleading the people's judgment, in getting himself out of a scrape, after having excited them to fight for liberty, and after placing them in a situation, to be cut by the yeomanry; to get out of bis dilemma by the subterfuge of recommending them to drink the decoction of roasted rye, and English berbs, as if ministers would not raise their taxes by some other means, or as if taxation did not finally fall on the useful classes, surely, Gentlemen, you will not return a verdict of guilty upon me for this project!

Having gone through Mr. Carlile's Address, I proceed to his comments upon the Society for the Suppression of Vice, in consequence of the call by that Society for fresh subscriptions to carry on these kind of prosecutions. Think of this, Gentlemen! the Bridge-street and Essex-street Associations, calling for subscriptions to support their conspiracies, against the lives, liberties, and happiness of every man, that dare to speak in matters of religion and politics contrary to the will and pleasure of those most respectable, honourable, and distinguished men, Messrs. Murray, Sharpe, and Pritchard!— Alas! poor England! to what a condition art thou reduced:-to have thy religious and political feelings controuled and directed, by a junto of bankrupt and petty-fogging law adventurers? O! Gentlemen! what a fine opportunity you possess of convincing the public, that a British Jury, upon its mature reflection, can never suffer such inno vations to be made upon the people's rights and liberties!

In the conduct of this junto we may see the effects of religious and political controversy; the societies deal out the most severe invectives against Mr. Carlile and friends, and with singular inconsistency call them a hardened and an abandoned confederacy, as if Deists could not retort upon them, by calling them a cruel, vindictive, and perse.. cuting confederacy. But, Gentlemen, this returning of railing for railing, neither comports with the spirit of Christianity, nor the rational judgment of philosophy. In this, both parties may be blamed; but, surely, you will not attach guilt to me for selling such a publication of Mr. Carlile's, more than you would to any person for publishing the invectives of either of these vindictive societies; for, vindictive they show themselves, in declaring it their determination to continue their persecutions, although many persons have been immured in príson, and although not a single immoral act or word has been proved against them. Does not this shew the cause these men advocate to be.extremely weak, that they should resort to brute violence, instead of fair argument, to overcome the reason of the Deists?

Some years ago, much animosity subsisted between the late Mr. Wesley and Whitfield; and though they were both much persecuted by the Church bigots, they did not, I believe, think of prosecuting cach other: they, it is true, had then to endure the most gross personal abuse; yet now they are looked upon, by hundreds of thousands, as great Oracles; and may not Mr. Carlile, when the present spirit of bigotry subsides, be bailed as the Champion of Reason, against prejudice, ignorance, and superstition? Men may be brought into this very Court, at no distant period, for daring to malign, defame, and libel a Deist-who publicly preaches the superiority of natural over revealed religion.

But, Gentlemen, I should do neither Mr. Carlile nor myself justice, were Í to pass over the honest indignity that gentleman expresses at having his publications classed with obscene snuff-boxes and obscene prints: in this he has shewn that virtuous regard to moral character, which never fails to accompany real virtue, which cannot fail to raise him in your opinion, and to shew that Deism is not that base principle endeavoured to be impressed on the public mind, by the zealots and bigots of religion, and by designing and interested knaves. In expressing his indignity, he has referred to the obscene parts contained in the Bible, as being always selected by the Societies from Mr. Paine's Age of Reason, as the most proper to be prosecuted. This, I


must myself confess, though not a party in the controversy, appear to me very singular, very silly, and very short-sighted, in Mr. Car lile's persecutors.

Mr. Carlile proceeds to comment on the proceedings and inconsistency of his opponents, and boldly declares, that the friends of religion have no more kindred with the friends of morality, than the friends of vice have with the friends of virtue. I shall neither condemn nor applaud this position. I maintain that it is harmless-an opinion which time will decide.

This, I will venture to say, that morality is the very foundation, and the very best foundation, of all religions. Without the admission of moral principles, no religion could exist an age; in fact, there can be no good Christian, Mahometan, Pagan, or Deist, that is not a good moral character; it is the profession and practice of the moral virtues that endear them all to the societies to which they belong.

Mr. Carlile instances that remarkable observation by Archbishop Tillotson, than which nothing could be more extraordinary, coming as it did from a Bishop, pointing out, with surprising candour, the difference between the Old and New Testament, in the representation of the attributes of God;-which justifies Mr. Carlile, as a Deist, in this sense, in pronouncing all religion a vice in society, mere idolatry, and nothing more than the mythology of the ancients. Even according to the sacred Oracles, God changeth not; yet, in the Old Teslament, he is represented as cruel, vindictive, and merciless, irritable and changeable:-in the New Testament he is made to appear forbearing, long suffering, benevolent, and merciful.

This observation of Archbishop Tillotson, with a short addition, has been selected for indictment, as a blasphemous libel, concerning the Holy Scriptures; but I am sure there is nothing blasphemous in the whole article: on the contrary, it is the most cool and dispassionate that can be; and it is most surprising that the words of an Archbishop of the Established Church should be selected for indictment as blasphemous and profane.

The Deist does him infinite honour in representing him always and uniformly good, gracious, and bountiful; whereas Jews, Turks, and Christians shew him to be capricious, vengeful, variable, and a God of passions. Indeed, so excellent is the description given of God by Deists, that with Icestus, natural philosophers and pure moralists may exclaim, almost they persuade us to be Deists.

Gentlemen, I will not tire your patience with remarks upon all that Mr. Carlile has said, and, in several instances, well and beautifully said, in support of his principles; but this I am bound in justice to observe, that in no part of his writings do we see an immoral expression. A great regard to moral virtue pervades all he says, and shews him to be impelled by the very purest love of truth, in the part he takes; and is this a man to be immured in prison, with all his family, to please a junto of canting and knavish hypocrites? I am astonished at the Jury that could find him guilty; but where can I find words to express my surprise at a Judge that could be found to pass such sentences as bave been passed on Mr., Mrs., and Miss Carlile, against none of whom have their prosecutors dared to charge a single immoral word or act.

For my part, I have been but an humble agent in the business; but I shrink not from the responsibility; I glory in opposing the intolerant spirit of my prosecutors; and from my hatred of persecution, I feel proud in being brought before twelve of my countrymen, to raise my voice against the pitiful and wicked malice arrayed against an honest and ardent minded man, and his family, who have obeyed his good pleasure. Persecution never made converts. If Mr. Carlile be in error (which neither you nor I can tell), prosecution, fine, and imprisonment, are most unlikely means to convince him of bis errors.

Mr. Carlile's observations upon Mr. Wedderburne's subscription does eredit to his punctuality; and his postscript admirably exposes the little-mindedness of the magistracy. Were we to carry on our



trading concerns in this way, we might well be held in derision. The privileged orders have a licence to do foolish things; but if they were never more mischievous than in this case, we would forgive them.

I have now to say something upon the letters exchanged between Mr. Carlile and his friends.

In some of them we find expressions, written to him, which the writers might, upon reflection, wish to rcoal, as vulgar and injurious to fair discussion; such is that of calling persons gundy gutted priests. This, Gentlemen, I cannot approve, more than yourselves; but neither of us can consider the expression criminal; the most that can be said is, that it is vulgar: but it is not worse than many of the expressions used by the Christians towards each other, in their controversial writings.

In the writings between the Christians and Deists, I see nothing to call up an angry feeling; they are more pitiful than criminal; and in the course of time will die a natural death. The abuse will be forgot-, ten, and the principles only be taken into account. Truth and reason will prevail and live for ever.

But, I rather believe, there is something more galling to the junto than all that is said by either Mr. Carlile or his friends; that is, the determination of the people to support the persecuted family of the Carliles; and Mr. Carlile's promise to break up the juntos if so sup. ported.

We find, in these letters, expressions of disgust against King-craft, and Priest-craft; and will you say, Gentlemen, those expressions are criminal? Do not the histories of all countries shew the craft which has been used by both, for the most infamous purposes? and the Kings and Priests of these countries have partaken freely of the leaven of corruption. Their sins are a stench in the nostrils: and so greedy, arrogant, and bypocritical, have been the Priests in all ages, that some sects of Christians do entirely without them, as some countries have done, and now do, without Kings, on account of the evils arising from the expence and caprice of Kingly Governments.

Gentlemen, the founder of Christianity, by his doctrines, rendered Priests entirely unnecessary, in saying, "come unto me all ye that are weary and beavy laden, and I will give you rest:" and again, in his excellent and simple form of prayer, called the Lord's Prayer; but even less than this, he shews to be sufficient in our supplications for mercy. In the case of the publican and sinner, smiting his breast and crying, Lord be merciful unto me a sinner. The sacrifice of bulls and rams hav ing been superseded; and the offering up of a short prayer instead thereof, shew, that the Priests are a body of men totally unnecessary. What a perversion of common sense to make a mystery of praise and adoration! How can we behold the wondrous works of creation, and not admire the maker? How can we partake of the bounties of nature, and not be grateful? Besides, Gentlemen, the press has taken precedence of the pulpit, and every day reads as fine a lecture on morality as was ever preached by any Priest.

Gentlemen, lay these things to your hearts; reflect and reason upon them; and then, if you can, find me guilty.

It is time to scout such miserable men as Murray and Sharp, and their coadjutors. Were these men to succeed in putting down the Deists, where can it be conceived their intolerance would stop? were they to succeed in compelling the people to obey their doctrine, how long would it be before the English would become the scorn and scoff of all other nations?

Gentlemen, it is necessary to have men of bold enquiring minds; for without these, the human mind would become like a stagnant pool -foul and useless.

The people of these countries, as it were, intuitively hate persecution; or why, on every occasion, docs the air ring with acclamation on the acquittal of every persecuted individual.

Some of these letters speak a language which must confound the bigots, alarm oppressors, and charm the people. There is a sincerity


and power attends them, which accompanies truth, and must make many converts to the religion of nature.

Mr. Carlile has answered the letter of Wm. Ellis with great spirit, and at great length. No wonder that he should feel as he does; nevertheless, it is evident, he is more anxious about his principles than his person. Not a complaint has he made, not a murmur upon his imprisonment; but many a one against the unfairness of the arguments of his opponents: a greatness of mind and heroism appears in his conduct, which must make his very enemies respect the man, and the firmness of his character.

It would be useless to go through all the matter contained in this excellent letter; but it may be right to touch upon the parts which gave offence to the Association in Bridge-street, and upon which the parties obtained an indictment.

Mr. Carlile emphatically publishes to the world, that Britons have no Constitution; this is now well known, though de Lolme wrote a fine treatise upon it; mistaking the form of the Government, and the legislature of Kings, Lords, and Commons, for Constitutional principle of social right and justice.

Mr. Carlile's declaration gave great offence-it touched a tender chord, which vibrated through the whole frame of corruption.

Yet, though his enemies are mightily offended with the declaration, they cannot shew us the Constitution, which is so much praised and idolized by every political babbler, and every designing knave. It is a mere phantom of the mind; and like some other visionary things, worshipped by simpletons and knaves: the one fanatically, the other hypocritically.

When the corruptionists are desired to shew us the Constitution, or to tell us where it is to be found, they are dumb-founded, or abusive; or begin talking to us of Magna Charta, Bill of Rights, Act of Settlement, Habeas Corpus, Toleration Act, Coronation Oath, and other Acts of Parliament; but these, altogether, amount not to a Constitution. They are simple Acts of Parliament, and no more and ought Mr. Carlile to be punished for speaking truths, for wishing to have a written Constitution, to which the people at all times might refer, as their sheet anchor, against the encroachments of corrupt power, oppression, and tyranny.

But this, the leading faction of the land well know, would be conceding too much for them; and, therefore, suffer their dirty agents to prosecute honest men for daring to publish such truths.

Another part of this letter observes-" Reform will be obtained when the existing authorities have no longer the power to withhold it, and not before."

And have they not shewn their determination to hold out to the last extremity? More than a million of men have petitioned for it without effect, and they have been slaughtered, fined, imprisoned, transported, hanged, and famished, for the exertions they made in the cause they honestly had at heart.

It proceeds to express Mr. Carlile's opinion, and concludes by recommending the people to be" ready and steady to meet any concurrent circumstances;" and what of all this?

Have you not, Gentlemen, often heard the popular speakers upon the rights of the people, recommend a " long pull, a strong pull, and a pull altogether;" but who was ever prosecuted for the expression? No one: nor would any persons, but the meanest tools of the most corrupt faction that ever existed, think of prosecuting Mr. Carlile for his manly feelings and expressions in favour of the liberties of the country.

But he complains of having the Counts unfairly picked out from their context; what can be more unjust? Why, at this rate, every political writer may be made to speak treason, or to recommend it. It is as bad as a Judge stopping a prisoner in the middle of his defence, without hearing a concluding and qualifying sentence. But such things will not go down with a discerning and honest Jury. They

know their powers, and when they see foul play, will step in between the prisoner and judicial chicanery.

I could with pleasure accompany Mr. Carlile through every part of this manly letter, and shew to you, the benefits which must arise to society, were his opinions acted upon; but, having read_the_whole book, it is needless to go into detail upon all the topics. By this time you must have made up your minds for or against me. Two things I wish to impress upon you;-first, Mr. Carlile is a total stranger to me: secondly; that I had never read his book till I was prosecuted for it.

You must also have made up your minds upon the conduct pursued by my prosecutors; and I will here ask, what right have they to set themselves up as public censors? The laws know them not: and I am not a little astonished that the learned Judge has not long ago so decided.

The proper law officers, not undertaking to prosecute, shew their opinion to be, that no offence has been committed.

Gentlemen, it is time to bring my defence to a conclusion; I have trespassed long on your patience; I felt warmly against the spirit of intolerance; and, therefore, have been interested in the cause, as well as for my own personal liberty.

This is a new era in religion and politics. New principles are rooting up old prejudices and unjust practices; therefore, cannot fail to disturb the frame of society. The persecutors only raise a ferment, when, by a little good and gentle management, opinions would lead to practices without ruffling the public mind. But, Gentlemen, if it was now the fashion to impale men, or to consume them by fire and faggot for heresy, my enemies seem willing enough to go to such cruel extremities.

But I do believe you will teach them better, and, I flatter myself, that the Judge, with a true regard for the honour and dignity of the Bench, will advise an acquittal, and restore the harmony of the public mind, as far as my case can go.

I commit my liberty to you, and God direct you to return the verdict according to your consciences; then shall I be satisfied that I have been tried by a fair and honest Jury.

I would just observe to you, Gentlemen, that, in the evidence offered by Duke, he said he saw nothing particular in Mr. Carlile's shop; but when the words were put in his mouth by Mr. Adolphus, he said he saw the "TEMPLE OF REASON," and a placard in the window.

The Com. Serj. then summed up at great length, for upwards of two hours, in the course of which be adverted to the sentences of several who had been convicted for publishing libels, on whom fine, imprisonment, corporal punishment, and the pillory, had been inflicted and said, under the sanction of his oath, he considered the publication to be a most atrocious libel.


The Jury considered the verdict for about a quarter of an hour, and then asked whether a verdict could be returned upon any particular count in the indictment, or only generally.

Com. Serj.-A verdict may be returned either generally, or upon a particular count or counts. The Jury then retired for about twenty minutes, and on their return gave a general verdict-Guilty!!!

The prisoner was sentenced to two years imprisonment in the House of Correction, Giltspur-street, and to be of good behaviour during life, under recognizances of 500].!!!

The Common Serjeant told the Governor of the Compter, Mr. Teague, after Holmes got there, that, if hard labour was not expressed in the sentence, it was implied.

W. V. Holmes completed the period of his imprisonment in Fe bruary, 1824, and after visiting Mr. Carlile in Dorchester Gaol, set out instantly to open a shop in Sheffield, 28, West Bar Green, where

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