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May be seen in operation at the Era Works, Atlantic Docks, Brooklyn.

[graphic][subsumed][merged small]

HE UNION POWER COMPANY of the United States, and the ERA FOUNDRY AND ENGINE WORKS are merged in, and their reputation for producing Machinery and Castings of unri valed excellence will be maintained by the ERA WORKS, Atlantic Docks, Brooklyn.

The Gwynne Pumping Engine and Reaction Pump are made exclusively at these works, from new and improved patterns, at prices from $30 to $5,500.

Address communications to Box No. 2977, Post Office.





Is constantly Manufacturing, and has always on hand, every variety of Printing Ink, from the finest Black and Colored to News Ink, which he warrants equal to any ever manufactured, and at as low prices as can be sold by any regular manufacturer.

Orders forwarded by Steamboat and Railroad to any part of the country, by addressing a note to me at 38 Rose Street, New-York.

P. S.-The New-York Tribune, Herald, Times, Sun, and Journal of Commerce; also, most of the principal Papers in the United States, are printed with my News Ink.




Issue FOREIGN CIRCULAR LETTERS OF CREDIT and CIRCULAR NOTES, for the use of Travellers, on the following Cities:

[blocks in formation]



Brought Home to the Door of the Million.

WONDERFUL discovery has recently been made by Dr. Curtis of this city, in the treatment of Consumption, Asthma, and all diseases of the Lungs. We refer to "DR. CURTIS'S HYGEANA, or INHALING HYGEAN VAPOR AND CHERRY SYRUP." With this new method, Dr. C. has restored many afflicted ones to health; as an evidence of which he has innumerable certificates. Speaking of the treatment, a physician remarks: "It is evident that in inhaling-constantly breathing an agreeable, healing vapor-the medicinal properties must come in direct contact with the whole aerial cavities of the lungs, and thus escape the many and varied changes produced upon them when introduced into the stomach, and subjected to the process of digestion." The Hygeana is for sale at all the druggists throughout the country.New-York Dutchman of Jan. 14.

The Inhaler is worn on the breast under the linen, without the least inconvenience -the heat of the body being sufficient to evaporate the fluid.

Hundreds of cases of CURES like the following might be named:

One package of the Hygeana has cured me of the Asthma of six years' standing. JAS. F. KEESBERRY, P. M. of Duncannon, Pa.

I am cured of the Asthma of ten years' standing, by Dr. Curtis's Hygeana.

MARGARET EASTON, Brooklyn, N. Y. Mrs. PAUL, of No. 5 Hammond st., N. Y., was cured of a severe case of Bronchitis by the Hygeana.

My sister has been cured of a distressing cough of several years' standing, and decided to be incurable by her physicians. She was cured in one month by the Hygeana. J. H. GAUBERT, P. M., Richmond, Me.

The Rev. Dr. CHEEVER, of N. Y., testifies of our medicine in the following language: NEW-YORK, Nov. 15, 1854.

Dear Sir-I think highly of Dr. Curtis's Hygeana, as a remedy in diseases of the throat and lungs. Having had some opportunity to testify its efficacy, I am convinced that it is a most excellent medicine, both the Syrup and the inhaling application to the chest.

Prof. S. CENTER writes us as follows:

Gentlemen-I have recently had occasion to test your Cherry Syrup and Hygean Vapor in a case of chronic sore throat, that had refused to yield to other forms of treatment, and the result has satisfied me, that, whatever may be the composition of your preparation, it is no imposition, but an excellent remedy. I wish, for the sake of the afflicted, that it might be brought within the reach of all.

Dr. JOHNS, one of the most celebrated Physicians in New-York, writes as follows: Dr. Curtis: Dear Sir-Having witnessed the excellent effects of your Hygeana, or Inhaling Hygean Vapor and Cherry Syrup, in a case of chronic Bronchitis, and being much in favor of counter-irritation in affections of the throat, bronchial tubes and lungs, I can therefore cheerfully recommend your Medicated Apparatus as being the most convenient and effectual mode of applying anything of the kind I have ever seen. No doubt thousands of persons may be relieved, and many cured, by using your remedies.

I must here be allowed to confess that I am opposed to prescribing or using secret compounds, but this little neatly-contrived article, and its effects in the case above alluded to, have induced me to speak in its favor.

You are at liberty to use this in any way you may think proper.

Respectfully yours, &c.,

C. JOHNS, M. D., No. 609 Houston st., N. Y.


Sold by CURTIS & PERKINS, and BOYD & PAUL, No. 149 Chambers st., N. Y. Four Packages sent Free to any part of the United States for Ten Dollars.

N. B.-Dr. Curtis's Hygeana is the ORIGINAL and ONLY GENUINE ARTICLE; all others are base imitations, or vile and INJURIOUS counterfeits. Shun them as you would POISON.






Duodecimo, Cloth, 450 pp. Illustrated. Price $1.25.

This work contains a full, complete, disinterested, and reliable biography of the chief Editor of the New-York Tribune, written upon information obtained from reliable sources, in the various places where Horace Greeley resided.

It has a full-length portrait of the man as he at present appears, also as he appeared when he
arrived in New-York; a view of the Tribune Editorial Rooms, with Greeley at work, etc. etc.
That an estimate may be formed of the critics' value of the book, a few brief Opinions of the
Press are here inserted :-

It should be read by every young man in the Union. Boston Courier.

His Life is a living epistle.-N. Y. Christian Intelligencer.

The book is full of noble heroism.-Erie (Pa.) Constitution.

His life illustrates what self-culture and industry will accomplish.-Boston Bee.

It contains an instructive lesson for the young. -Niagara (N. Y.) Courier.

His life teaches the same lessons as that of Franklin.-Utica Herald.

It presents a picture of an active and energetic life. Boston Traveller.

A very readable work-eminently interesting and instructive.-Salem Register.

We heartily commend this volume to the young men.-Providence (R. I.) Freeman.

A book which will be usefully read by the whole community.- Worcester (Mass.) Spy.

His life may be studied by every young man. -N. Y. Picayune.

The book is valuable. Nothing like it since the Life of Franklin.-Montpelier Watchman.

The history of such a man is a positive benefit. -Brattleboro (Vt.) Statesman.

We recommend that a place be found for it in every family library.-Belvidere (N. J.) Intelligencer.

A book which will win its way into thousand homes.-Auburn Cayuga Chief.

It cannot fail to interest and profit the young men.-Binghamton Journal.

It is worthy of perusal by the young men of the country.Bangor Journal.

A book full of encouragement and instruction. -Toledo Blade.

It offers many attractions for the youth of America.-Worcester Transcript.

Published and for sale by

Every body should read the Life of Horace Greeley.-Amherst Express.

It is long since we read a book with such interest.-Augusta Journal.

The most interesting and reliable biography that ever appeared.-Addison (N. H.) Democrat.

It holds up what may be accomplished by industry and perseverance.-Hartford Times.

Every act of his life is portrayed in vivid colors.—Jersey Shore (Pa.) News Letter.

The Life of one of America's best as well as greatest men.- Vergennes (Vt.) Independent. Let the book be read in every home in America.-Hartford Republican.

A life almost heroic, and there are thousands who will be glad to read it.-Rochester Ameri


A volume for earnest men and boys to read and study.-Springfield (Mass.) Republican. To the youth we commend it for their guidance and example.-Nantucket Inquirer.

Every young man should possess it and read it.-Concord (N. H.) Democrat.

There is much in Greeley's history to admire. Every young man should emulate his example.Troy Times.

An honorable account of an eminently selfmade man.-Bunker Hill Aurora.

The young may read with profit and the old with delight.-Hampshire Gazette.

The book should be in the hands of every young man.-Litchfield Inquirer.

It should be read by every boy in Christendom. -Bradford (Vt.) Ing.

It will be an advantage to the young to read this book.-Rochester Union.

Just the book for every young man to study.— Olean (N. Y.) Journal.


No. 23 Park Row, New-York.


On the receipt of $1.25, the publishers will send this book, free of postage, to any part of the

United States.

DAILY,... $6



WEEKLY,... $2.

THE WEEKLY TRIBUNE Commences its XIVth annual volume with the month of September-commences it with a circulation (115,000) larger than was ever before accorded to any general newspaper whatever. This circulation has been gradually and laboriously attained by concentrating upon THE TRIBUNE the best efforts of many editors and correspondents, and by a greater liberality of outlay in each department than was probably ever before risked on any journal. It has been attained, not by sailing smoothly in the current of Opinion before the wind and basking in the smiles of majorities, but by an earnest, fearless devotion to Truth and Progress as above all partisan exigencies, all temporary interests, all momentary illusions of popularity and success. Its thorough advocacy of Temperance and Liquor Prohibition, of Justice to the despised and downtrodden, and of the equal and inalienable Rights of the Human Race, irrespective of Sex or Creed or Color, have from time to time repelled many sunshine friends, whose prejudices or seeming interests were thereby contravened, but have combined to form a character which it will endeavor to maintain, and assign it a position among journals which we feel that it will be henceforth a success not to impair.

The leading ideas to which THE TRIBUNE is devoted may be briefly set forth as follows: 1. FREEDOM, to do whatever is essentially right-not alone for white Americans, or Anglo-Saxons, or Caucasians even-not for one Race to determine whether they will or will not hold another Race in abject bondage-but for every Race and Nation, and every adult rational human being. This Freedom is rightfully absolute in the broad domain of Opinion, and involves the equal and imperative right to Political Franchises; 2. ORDER, or the necessary right of the legally indicated majority to interdict in the sphere of Action all practices which it deems demoralizing, therefore prejudicial to the common weal; 3. BENEFICENCE, or the wisdom and policy of employing the resources and credit of the community to accomplish works of general and unquestioned utility to which individual means are inadequate, or which, though eminently conducive to the public good, do not promise to reimburse by their direct income the outlay required for their construction; 4. INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT, as the corner-stone of a true and benignant National Policy, counting the naturalization of a new and valuable art or product of the soil as more important than the acquisition of a fresh province or island, and equally within the legitimate sphere of National concern and National effort; 5. PEACE, as a vital condition of true Progress, to be cherished by the most anxious, assiduous study to proffer as readily as we are prone to require redress for every wrong, and never to be surrendered except at the call of endangered Liberty. Such are the chief landmarks by which THE TRIBUNE directs its course.

But a small portion of THE TRIBUNE is allotted to what is currently distinguished as light reading; but Reviews of New Books of decided interest, with choice extracts illustrating their quality, are freely given, while the great body of our paper is devoted to a lucid and careful digest of the News of the Day, with Editorial comments thereon. We have reliable Correspondents in each quarter of the globe, and in nearly all the principal cities of Europe and America, and their letters will aid our readers to a clearer understanding of the causes which are now gradually converting the Old World into one gigantic arena for the death-struggle of rival interests, passions and ambitions.

THE TRIBUNE contains reliable reports of the Markets. Our Cattle Market reports alone are worth more than the price of the paper to those who are engaged in raising and selling Cattle. No paper involving so great an expense as our Weekly and Semi-Weekly could be afforded at the price of these sheets except in connection with a Daily, nor could our Daily be sustained at its price without the aid of our Country editions. Large as our circulation is, it would involve us in ruinous loss but for the receipts for Advertising. We believe that in THE TRIBUNE is realized the largest variety and extent of solid information concerning the events of the day which has been or can be combined with extreme cheapness; and in that faith we commend it to the favorable regard of the reading public. We offer no premiums for subscribers, tempt none to take it by gambling prospects of winning farms or mansions in a lottery in which tickets are furnished to its patrons, employ no traveling agents to importune people into taking it, and waste none of our room in dunning our subscribers for pay.



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