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creasing the number of examiners. Since the ber of acres planted is certainly one third more 1st of January 1,600 patents have been issued, than it was in that year. If the failure of the and the whole number for the year will reach corn crop be as large as we suppose, there will 1,900, or double that of 1853. The principal re- be a reduction of 1,000,000 in the number of fatcommendations of Mr. Mason are that the ex-ted hogs in the United States, and of cattle in amining force be permanently augmented, that proportion. The number of hogs fatted in the better provision be made for taking testimony West, according to the Cincinnati Price Curin cases of appeal, and a new rate of fees estab-rent, is nearly or quite 2,500,000. In the United lished. States, 3,000,000, at least.


FROM this report it appears that there have been built within the present year 264 ships and barks, 69 brigs, 435 smaller vessels, and 121 steamboats, registering an aggregate of over 340,000 tons. There were built in the New-York District, 40 ships and barks, 7 brigs, 185 smaller vessels, and 36 steamboats-68,496 tons. The total registered tonnage of the United States, on the 30th of June, was 5,661,416; of which 2,333,819 was employed in foreign trade; 2,622,114 in coasting; 146,965 in cod-fishing; 181,901 in whaling, and 677,613 in steam navigation.



Ir is a fact that during the late drouth, which was the most serious ever experienced in America, upon all deeply plowed land crops suffered least. On all subsoil-plowed land they suffered but little. Upon land underdrained, subsoiled, deep plowed, and frequently stirred upon the surface, the growing plants kept as green and vigorous as in a wet season.

It is a fact, then, that all clay lands, or lands with a stiff subsoil, would be vastly improved by deep surface plowing, subsoil plowing, and underdraining, in drouth as well as wet seasons.

It is a fact that one of the most neglected agricultural improvements in this country is irrigation. If all the running streams that might easily be used for that purpose were turned upon the cultivated fields, to add moisture and fertility to the soil, it would increase the products of this country at least five hundred millions of dollars annually.

One effect of this reduction will be, that there will be little or no export. There can not be any considerable export without at once raising the price beyond what meat can be exported at profitably.

The number of cattle and hogs brought to market depends so much on the corn crop, that the diminution of the crop by a partial failure is likely to produce very important results on the trade in domestic produce.

Though the scarcity of corn may not raise the price of pork correspondingly with the increased price of the grain, it will lessen the quantity sent to market.

As the manufacture of whisky never ceases, the consumption of corn will go on, increasing the price of food, without producing one single corresponding benefit to the laborer.

Hundreds, yes, thousands of farmers, have suffered great loss for the want of water, for family use and for stock, because wells, springs, brooks, and ponds have dried up; all of which could have been avoided.

Do you wish to know how?

By building capacious cisterns. From two to three feet in depth of water falls in rain and snow all over the surface of the earth in the course of a year. From your roofs you can always fill cisterns if you have them, and there lay up a storehouse of water for a dry time.

It is estimated that a barn thirty by forty feet supplies annually from its roof 864 barrels, or enough for more than two barrels a day for every day in the year. Many farmers have in all five times this amount of roof, or enough for twelve barrels a day yearly. If, however, this water was collected, and kept for the dry season only, twenty or thirty barrels daily might then be used.

A cistern 10 feet diameter, 9 feet deep, will hold 168 barrels. That is a very good size to make barn cisterns. If you want more capacity, make two. A cistern 5 feet diameter will hold 5 2-3 barrels to each foot in depth. One 6 feet diameter 6 3-4 nearly of barrels to each foot. And 7 feet diameter 9 1-8 barrels per foot; 8 feet nearly 12 barrels; 9 feet 15 1-8 barrels; 10 feet

The actual bona-fide loss to farmers from the drouth of 1854, by lessening the products of the soil, is more than two hundred millions of dol-18 2-3 barrels per foot. lars, besides the loss of property destroyed by fire.

The corn crop of 1849, according to the census report, was in

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How to build a cistern. Dig your hole about four inches larger than the determined size. If the earth is compact, you need no brick-work. If it is loose, allow a foot increase of excavation for the wall. When you are ready, mix water lime with twice its bulk of coarse, clean sand, and plaster two or three coats over bottom and sides. Use the mortar as fast as mixed. Finish the top from eighteen inches below the surface with a double row of bricks as "headers," to support a four-inch plank covering, and over that earth, to prevent freezing. Every such cistern is worth its cost every year.

Now, 20 per cent. on this amount is fifty-six millions of bushels, for the loss in these five It is a fact that all domestic animals can be States. In our opinion, the real loss was more improved in size and value. One hundred and than double, as none of the estimates make the fifty years ago, the average weight of cattle at loss per acre less than one third, while the num-the Smithfield Market was not over 370 pounds,

and that of sheep 28 pounds. Now, the average, down. Cover this with felting paper, laying the weight of the former is over 800 pounds, and of the latter 80 pounds.

The average weight of cattle, properly termed beeves, in the New-York market, is about 700 pounds, and sheep 50 pounds.

sheets to break joints, with one third exposed, just as you would courses of shingles. Fasten the courses to the boards by nailing thin strips of lath, and also upon the eaves, sides, and all exposed edges. The whole is now covered by the "composition," which we believe is just such as caulkers use, that is, boiling pitch. It satuand to the boards. As fast as one man puts on pitch enough, another must cover it with clean gravel, dried by heating in a very hot sun, or an iron pan over the fire. Make a complete gravel surface in the hot pitch, and your roof will be very tight and durable.

The average live weight of the heaviest drove of beeves of 100 in number ever brought to this market was 2,067 pounds, weighed from dry feed-rates the paper and sticks the sheets all together ing, in Illinois, last spring.

The mode of selling cattle in New-York is at so much per pound for the estimated weight of meat contained in the four quarters. The estimation is made upon the live weight of cattle as follows:

A drover in buying a lot of grass-fed, common stock in Illinois should never calculate to get an estimate of over one half here of the live weight there. That is, if the drove average 12 cwt. they will make 6 cwt. of meat each.

Medium beeves may be estimated at 54 or 55 pounds per cwt. Good beeves at 56 or 57 pounds. Extra good, large, and fat, from 58 to 62 pounds per cwt.

In the Boston market, the weight is generally estimated upon "five quarters," that is, the product of meat, fat, and skin. There the cattle are generally weighed, and the product estimated upon an average, 64 pounds per cwt.

In New-York not one bullock in ten thousand goes upon the scales to determine his price to the butcher.

It is a fact that cattle of a large breed or variety are the most profitable to the grazier who feeds for beef. It is doubtful whether that rule will hold good with poultry. Dorking fowls are medium size, and a much esteemed variety. They have five toes.

WHEAT in California has been grown at the rate of sixty-six and two thirds bushels, of 60 pounds, per acre. That is more than three times the average of the Atlantic States, and higher than we have ever known grown upon the best wheat fields of the old States, or fertile lands of the Western praries.

KING BIRDS.-It is a fact that they do eat bees. That is settled. And it is almost indisputably settled that the birds never touch a working bee. They pick out the drones and destroy them, as all drones should be. These are beautiful birds, and should never be destroyed, because they are both ornamental and useful to the farmstead.

WHEAT SOWN in drills will yield ten per cent. more than broadcast sowing, and it requires one fourth less seed. That wheat seed will produce chess, is just about as clear as that the earth is globular, notwithstanding science told Galileo "it can not be so." It says the same of


MUCK.-Many farms contain mines of gold in their deposits of swamp muck-the sweepings and scrapings of ages washed down and buried in some valley. To extract the gold, it must be dug in a dry time, and carted up to the high land fields, and converted into grains of wheat, rye, oats, corn, barley, and thence, by an easy transmetation, into grains of gold.

Before using muck, it should be mixed with alkaline substances, such as ashes, lime, soda, etc., to neutralize the acid, which is the antiseptic that has preserved the vegetable fibres of its composition almost as unchanged as though they had been mineral instead of vegetable substances.

Perhaps the best way to correct this acidity and decompose the muck is the following:

TIMBER should be cut while the tree is in its Take a tub or barrel of water and set a basket most rapid season of growth, and near the close of salt in it, so that the water just comes up to of the growing season, when the terminal bud of wet the bottom of the salt, and let it dissolve as each limb is fully formed. Saw logs cut in win-long as it will. When it will take no more, the ter always decay on the outside more or less if water is saturated. Use that to slake lime, and left over, while summer cut logs keep sound for use that lime in the formation of your muck pile, years. Hickory cut in winter soon suffers with at the rate of a bushel to a cart load, and the "powder-post." If cut in August it will keep muck will soon become as fine as loamy earth, for ever. and may be used as a top dressing for grass or grain, or, better still, be mixed with manure to form a compost. It should always be used in stables to absorb all the urine, and keep the place as free from offensive smell as a clean house.

POSTS should always be set top end down. They will last twice as long. Put six inches of broken stone in the bottom of the hole.

LOCUST trees make most valuable timber, and grow quick and easy from the seed, if it is MANURE should never be hauled to the field scalded with boiling water, or still better, lye, and dropped in little piles to await the time when and then planted as you would beets or onions, it is wanted-often from fall till spring. It loses and the plants are about as sure as those vege-half its value. Manure should never be exposed tables to live when transplanted.

SALT applied at the rate of four quarts to a ton of hay will aid materially in its preservation, and make it more nutritious and wholesome for stock, and is just about the amount usually fed by a good farmer to an ox while eating that quantify of hay.

COMPOSITION ROOFs are cheaper than tin, better than shingles, are perfectly tight, and almost fire-proof against sparks, when made as follows: Sheet the rafters with close boarding up and.'

to the weather; and we think it should never be kept in a cellar under the barn, unless it is absolutely perfectly disinfected by the use of muck, charcoal, peat, plaster, copperas, or something else.

In the farm yard, manure should be stacked every day, and made to shed rain, or piled under a roof. It is nonsense to talk of making manure by letting cattle tramp clean straw in the mud. The straw is worth more clean than dirty. The chemistry of the dung heap ought to be taught

in every country school. It is not "a dirty subject."

APPLES intended for winter keeping should not be shaken or beaten from the trees, nor suffered WHAT IS DIRT? The grain, meat, fruit you eat to remain until ripe enough to fall of their own are all dirt. You sit in the dirt and sleep in the propensity. Just before the time when apples dirt. The white linen table cloth before you is would be liable to freeze upon the trees, they dirt. The beautiful clean porcelain plate, upon should be picked by hand, as carefully as though which you place your food, was dug out of a clay- they were eggs, and handled so as hardly to dull bank last week. That bright steel blade, with the bloom upon the surface. They should never which you are now lifting the salt out of that be packed in barrels under the trees, but taken crystal cup, if left in contact with that salt a little under shelter, and piled upon and covered with space-a very short fraction of eternity-would clean straw, to undergo the sweating which they turn to dirt-very dirty dirt. Even the crystal will do wherever they are placed. The longer cup, reduced to powder and mixed with water, they can lie unharmed by frost in this pile, the would change into the potato you are eating. better will they keep, after being packed for sale, And if crystal is dirt-nothing but dirt, what are or in bins, in a dry, clean, cool cellar for winter you yourself? Dust thou art. You need not be use. If they are to be barreled for sale, make ashamed to talk about yourself or your fellow-three sorts, and mark the barrels No. 1, No. 2, what you are or he will be, in the course of No. 3, and be very careful that not a single one nature's eternal changes-for by her immutable of No. 3 gets into a No. 1 barrel. Never handle laws we are but dirt purified from its most offen- your apples on a wet day. Pick them dry, and sive particles for a little season, and shall return pack them dry, and keep them dry. again to our original condition.


The officers marked thus (*) have the rank of Commanders; thus (†) Lieutenants; the rest are Captains.

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Under the aet of the late session of Congress, authorizing the construction of six steam frigates, they are building as follows:-the Merrimack at Boston; the Niagara at New-York; the Wabash at Philadelphia; the Minnesota at Washington; the Roanoke and the Colorado at Norfolk; each to carry 50 guns.

STATES AND TERRITORIES-38. Alabama-Formed out of territory ceded to the U. S. by S. C. and Ga. Admitted into the Union Dec. 14, 1819. Arkansas-Formed from territory ceded to the U. S. by France. Admitted June 15, 1836. California-Formed of territory ceded by Mexico. Admitted September 9, 1850. Carolina, North-One of the original thirteen. Ratified the Constitution of the U. S. Nov. 21, 1789.

Carolina, South-One of the old thirteen. Rati-
fied the Constitution of the U. S. May 23, 1788.
Connecticut-One of the old thirteen. Ratified
the Constitution of the U. S. Jan. 9, 1788.
Delaware-One of the thirteen original States.
Ratified the Const. of the U. S. Dec. 7, 1787.
Florida-Formed from territory ceded to the
U. S. by Spain. Admitted March 3, 1845.
Georgia-One of the original thirteen. Rati-
fied the Constitution of the U. S. Jan. 2, 1788.
Illinois-Formed out of territory ceded to the
U. S. by Virginia. Admitted Dec. 3, 1818.
Indiana-Formed from territory ceded to the
U. S. by Virginia. Admitted Dec. 11, 1816.
Iowa-Formed from part of the territory of Wis-
consin. Admitted Dec. 28, 1846.
Kentucky-From Va. Admitted June 1, 1792.
Kansas-Part of Louisiana cession by France.
Organized as a territory July, 1854.
Louisiana-Formed from territory ceded to the
U. S. by France. Admitted April 8, 1812.
Maine-From Mass. Admitted March 15, 1820.
Maryland-One of the old thirteen. Ratified
the Constitution of the U. S. April 28, 1788.

Massachusetts-One of the original thirteen.
Ratified the Constitution Feb. 6, 1788.
Michigan-Formed from territory ceded to the
U. S. by Virginia. Admitted Jan. 26, 1837.
Minnesota Ter.-Ter. Gov. established in 1849.
Mississippi-Formed from territory ceded to the
U. S. by Georgia. Admitted Dec. 10th, 1817.
Missouri-Formed from territory ceded to the
U. S. by France. Admitted August 10, 1821.
Nebraska-Part of Louisiana cession by France.
Organized as a territory July, 1854.
New-Hampshire-One of the thirteen. Ratified
the Constitution of the U. S. June 21, 1788.
New-Mexico Territory-From Ter. ceded by
Mexico and Texas. Ter. Gov. estab. 1850.
New-York-One of the old thirteen. Ratified
the Constitution of the U. S. July 25, 1788.
New-Jersey-One of the old thirteen. Ratified
the Constitution of the U. S. Dec. 18, 1787.
Ohio-Formed out of territory ceded to the U. S.
by Va. Admitted November 29, 1802.
Oregon Territory-Territorial Gov. established
August 14, 1848.
Pennsylvania-One of the thirteen. Ratified
the Constitution of the U. S. Dec. 12, 1787.
Rhode Island-One of the thirteen. Ratified
the Constitution of the U. S. May 29, 1790.
Tennessee-Formed of territory ceded to the
U. S. by N. C. Admitted June 1, 1796.
Texas-Ind. Republic. Admitted Dec. 29, 1845.
Utah Territory-Ter. gov. estab. Sep. 9, 1850.
Virginia-One of the original thirteen. Ratified
the Constitution of the U. S. June 26, 1788.
Vermont-From New-York. Admitted, 1791.
Wisconsin-Formed from part of the territory
of Michigan. Admitted May 29, 1848.





214 Essex...





GOVERNOR, 1854. PRESIDENT, 1852. GOVERNOR, 1854. PRESIDENT, 1852. Rep. Rum. Whig. Dem. Whig. Dem. F.S. Counties. Whig. K.N. F.S. Dem. Whig. Dem. F.8. Morrill.Cary. Reed. Parris. Scott.P'rce.Hale. Washb'n. Gard'r. Wilson.Bishop.Scott.P'rce.Hale. Androscoggin 2258 170 651 1593.. (New County.) Barnstable... 632 1964 147 353..1379 892 473 Aroostook.... 325 447 579 564.. 724 787 80 Berkshire....1428 3938 176 1572..3579 2973 631 Cumberland .5780 673 1247 3121..4471 6504 1379 Bristol. .1440 6144 535 1022..3827 3267 Franklin.....1998 193 351 930. 997 1310 596 Dukes,.. 63 273 3 55.. 250 225 48 Hancock.....3052 9 317 1121..1809 2619 .3298 11523 1136..6539 4576 3485 498 1657 1357..4489 2703 954 Franklin.....1447 2304 825..2552 1726 1218 .2791 242 2175 1956..5224 5168 563 Hampshire..1366 2925 429..3300 1425 1243 186 432 3045..1560 4049 697 Hampden....1012 4931 44 1048..3445 3458 757 156 1619 3521..3132 4513 1015 Middlesex....5310 14155 2228..8750 8925 4231 13 327 953.. 693 851 381 Nantucket... 269 234 3 Sagadohock..2258 68 524 546.. (New County.) Norfolk......1976 7360 458 Somerset.....2024 50 1671 1931..2394 2019 457 Plymouth....1400 5254 534 Waldo.......3376 104 708 2156..1379 3126 757 Suffolk... Washington..2174 99 691 2176..2278 2690 211 Worcester....3302 12114 1573 2597..7283 5966 7138 York........4565 516 1068 3426..3393 5270 726



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90.. 329 189 189

621..3589 3454 2479

454..2993 2080 2440 .4336 8384 470 1312..4568 5413 1600

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1150 181







803 908



458 353

7.... 467

[blocks in formation]

Franklin......2207 1294

[blocks in formation]

Grand Isle.... 590

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[blocks in formation]

GOVERNOR, 1854. PRESIDent, 1852. Whig. Dem. Temp. Whig. Dem. F. S. Counties. Dutton. Ingham. Chap'n. Scott. P'rce. Hale 3891 Fairfield...... 3120 1717.. 4814 Hartford. 4207 6104 1577.. 6329 3648 992..3946 Litchfield..... 2873 Middlesex..... 1461

5155 167





501.. 2065

2734 238







827 1638

101....2053 881
176....3358 1528



986 1105

New-Haven... 3812
New-London.. 1819
Tolland...... 779 1768
Windham..... 1394 2295


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