Abbildungen der Seite

Witherings, Mr. Wm. Wellington, Shropshire
Willon, Mr. John Walker,Surgeon, Ashbourn, Derbyfa
White, Mr. Jofeph, Birmingham.

Wade, Mr. Officer of Excife, Chalfont St. Peters Bucks
Whitehead, Mr. Thomas, of Bristol

Wilfon, Mr. Samuel, Mercer, Glocefter

Webb, Mr. Nicholas, fenior, ditto

Ward, Mr. Thomas, Henwicks-Hill, Worcester

Weft, Mr John, Draper, ditto

Wickins, Mr. Thomas, Glover, ditto
Wilkins, Mr. Nathaniel, Grocer, ditto

Walden, Mr. Thomas, ditto

Watkins, Mr. Thomas, Attorney, ditto

Watson, Mr. Jofeph, ditto

Wareing, Mr. Thomas, ditto

Wright, Mr. John, Portrait Painter, Salop.

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F the Name of any Perfon, who has favoured this Publication with his Subfcription, be not found in the preceding Lift, the Author begs that fuch Omiffion may not be imputed to any wil ful neglect, and hopes fuch Perfon will be pleased to affift his recollection by a line, that the Book may be deliver'd at the fubfcribing Price of Five Shillings, which is one Shilling less than it will be fold at to Non-fubfcribers. The Author alfo hopes for his Subfcribers' Pardon, if he has fallen into any errors with refpect to their Titles, Places of abode, or manner of spelling their names, in which laft article it is fcarce poffible for any one not to be fometimes miftaken, who has not had particular inftructions from the Subscribers themselves.


Chap. II. Account of Fire continued; Pain phyfically defcribed, 185 Chap. III. The Opinion of the Ancients concerning Fire, adopted by Bishop Berkeley, and confirmed by Modern Experiments,


Chap. IV. Fire not a Quality, but a' created
Entity, of a pofitive Nature and permanent
Existence.- Heat how produced,
Vilette's Mirror, its Conftruction and fur-
prifing Effects,


Chap. V. A new and brief Theory of the Office of the Sun; with Remarks on Motion, 231 Chap. VI. Oppofites, a principal Caufe of very confiderable Operations of Nature. Account of the Freezing of Quickfilver,



Chap. I. Being a new Plan of Philofophy, founded on the late difcover'd Subtile Medium, and countenanced by the Authority of a very ingenious modern Author,

257 Chap. II. Abstract of Mr. Jones' Effay, 263 Chap. III. Abstract of Mr. Jones' Elay continued, Chap. IV. Mr. Jones' Animadverfions on the Doctrine of a Vacuum, and the vis inertia of Matter,


287 Chap. V. The Doctrine of Refiftances confidered, and other Arguments for a Vacuum examined and refuted,


Chap. VI. Animadverfions on Mr. Barrow's Ac

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