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N presenting the flashlights of Truth contained in this book, we claim no new Truth; neither a new interpretation of Truth.

We have gathered flashlights of Truth which have been given to the men of earth from time immemorial, and woven them into a fabric-this book.

As God is One, Truth is One. It matters not, if it is expressed through the Sacred Books of the East, the Scriptures of the Hebrews or the Bibles of the other peoples of the earth.

If anyone, in sincerity and without prejudice, will read from the beginning of this book unto the finish, he will perceive one complete web of Truth; and in this completeness the West and the East can unite.

We have emphasized the flashlights of Truth which were given by the Nazarene Master, our Elder Brother and the world-Savior, because His was that message which each individual necessarily must know and bring into expression, that he may become extricated from Maya, the great illusion.

We have brought forth the flashlights of Jesus' message, that the practical deductions may be understood, that man can free his mentality and physical body from the false conclusions of the carnal man concerning himself.

When the individual has attained freedom through the Christ Light, he has achieved: he is at Home, the place which the Enlightened Gautama, the Buddha, called Nirvana.

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