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But the Christ-awakened man, who has the new or Spiritual Birth and hears the "Still Small Voice" of the Father speaking within him and invokes the presence of Jesus Christ to assist and encourage him and be his companion upon the Sacred Path, laughs into nothing the theory of eternal punishment. He asks the question, where could that place be, when God fills all space? and Jesus taught, "God is Love."

Be earnest and steadfast, our brothers when you have arrived at the entrance into the third dispensation, and search until you know the Truth. Note this: Jesus did not say, "you must know the doctrines of men and the church rules." He said: "Know the Truth."

It is not a question of man bowing to man. It is "Knowing the Truth." Jesus said: "I am the way, the Truth and the Light." Jesus knew the Truth, and when He announced, "I am the way, the Truth and the Light," He carried them into the Absolute. What is the Absolute? The Infinite in His impersonal and manifested states.

When man knows the impersonal God-and His expressed forms is all there in reality is-he, knowing the Truth, steadfastly abides in conscious understanding in the center of the absoluteness of that which is and in the consciousness that he is an individual, abiding in the unchangeableness of Eternity.

When man really knows the Truth he is earnest and sincere. Frivolity, ingratitude and indecision have no place within him, because he, through understanding the Truth, knows that he is an individual expression of God.

Here it is that man, in earnestness and sincerity, observes all the handiwork of God as he passes along the Sacred Path. He, with the eye of vision, sees there is nothing trivial in all of God's universe and that the

grains of sand and the blades of grass are as important to the Infinite as suns, stars and earths.

If man is earnest and steadfast, he will endeavor at all times and in all places to be en rapport with the Infinite, knowing that he is standing in the center of the Infinite and that the Infinite surrounds him completely and abides within him. There are no walls or partitions in the Infinite-just one ocean of Life and Being,— that is all.

Catch that message and you are free and you will be so absorbed by the beauty, the greatness, the grandeur and the sublimity of it that you will merge into an earnest and steadfast being in the midst of earnestness and steadfastness.

In that beautiful clime of unchangeableness, the illumined individual stands conscious of his immortality and an immortal universe where time has ceased to be, it being unable to cross over the threshold into Eternity. When man knows the Truth, time has been consumed from his mind and it is filled with the consciousness of Eternity.

Man, to live in this cycle, which is now being ushered in, will be compelled to "Know the Truth," to be enabled to remain on earth any great length of time. This is the age when men, through the changes they see take place about them and within their fellow man, will see that it is imperative that he, too, halts not "Between two opinions," but stands in the center of the Sacred Path in earnestness and steadfastness; and when man thus stands he will hear the Infinite whispering, "Be still, and know that I am God."

We would that all men would be in earnest about this, as it is inevitable that all men will sometime stand Redeemed; and, if the man who is awake to this, who

is walking the Christ Path, will understandingly, trustingly and lovingly remain steadfast, he will perceive that God's promises are sure and steadfast.




HE Infinite has as many different names as the different languages of men can express. The different names have no power to change the Infinite, as it is that Absolute which remains forever unchangeable.

Man may approach the Infinite Presence from any angle; and man is blessed according to the angle by which he approaches the Father.

If man decides in his own mind that God, the Infinite, is Principle, just a cold unthinking and unloving principle like as the principle of mathematics, man remains cold and intolerant to his fellow man in proportion and degree of his concept of God as unloving principle; but when he gets a clear and better angle he perceives that the great principle which he has found to work with such precision is only to assist man to return to God, using this as a working hypothesis by which to bring himself where the Loving Father resides in all His unchangeableness, just as near as man can perceive.

The man who is awakened sufficiently to learn of a principle which some call God and who will familiarize himself with the working hypothesis thereof can prove conclusively that there is a God, and this principle, if used unselfishly and understandingly, will carry man into the realization of the Infinite Presence.

When man is convinced that there is the Infinite whose Holy Presence is everywhere present, he has

solved what is a great mystery to the one who abides in ignorance.

When man has, through understanding, reached the realization that the Infinite is everywhere present and knows the impossibility of his being outside of or away from the Infinite Presence, he then can rest in abiding trust in God.

He joyously passes along in Eternity and sees Life Eternal surrounding him always. Man then can in peace and contentment abide in trust and appreciation in God.

Trust thou in this Holy Presence,

And thou will feel its strong embrace;
Knowing that when thou art lonely,
God will meet thee, face to face.

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