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move Laughingly along in God's Law, he has left the old man with his carnal mind and beliefs, fears, doubts and superstitions nailed upon the cross in that other dimension from which he came as he climbed the mountain of Truth.

Oh, thou Infinite Cosmos, thou ever Present Perfection and Beauty, thou dost ever abound in Harmony and Peace so Sublime that the sweet music of the Spheres is ever and aye floating over the Strings of the Infinite Harp!

"How can man live in such trusting attitude that he can move alone here and now, laughing in God's Law?"

By reading the instructions which are given to the individual in the preceding chapters of this book, man can learn the way and how to travel over that way until he arrives at the destination which is illumination, the illumination of the Laughter in God's Law.

What is man to become illumined about? The Reality. What is the Reality? God and God manifest; God in His unmanifested state and God in manifestation in universes and systems of universes and all that in them is, this is the Real, the Unchangeable and Eternal.

When man with the Cosmic-Consciousness looks into the Cosmos, which is the Infinite Universe, he understandingly knows that Eternity is there. He knows, with that knowing mind within him, that time has never touched that sublime dimension; therefore, he sees all in youth, beauty and contentment and acting in buoyancy and joyousness continually, forever and for


Eternity is! And in that Infinite Universe, wherein all universes dwell, the never changing, never ending and never beginning Eternity is, forever was, and never will cease to be; but for man to know this, he must climb the steep moutnain of Truth, scale the very heights, and on the summit, with the Cosmic-Consciousness, serenely stand and vision Eternity and the un

changeableness thereof; and, as he thus does, he is lost from the earth-mist. Those who still live there in the mist no longer know him, even though they dwell in the same house or are of the same household.

Man. standing on the summit, with clear vision can look into and through the mist of earth and he sees and knows where each and every one who is living in the mist stands; and wise indeed are those who are living in the mist and know not the way nor that other dimension, if, when they come in touch with the one who in Cosmic-Consciousness is living in that other dimension, they ask for an explanation of that Divine Land, which lieth at their very door, even though they know it not, that he may teach them and lead them unto the same heights where he stands.

As they move along the Path, learning the lessons from day to day concerning the Great Reality, their chains one by one snap asunder. First, the ignorance in the mind begins to shift about and finally is absorbed by wisdom. The effect of this often expresses in the body being healed and the environments becoming harmonious. Then love and appreciation become evident in his heart and mind and expresses to those of his fellow men whom he meets upon the great highway of Life. Then it is, O man, that you can laughingly live in God's Law and joyously abide in that concept which is bliss; and, as you look out into the Heart of the Infinite and see the verdure of its beauty, grandeur and sublimity, you, as the Cosmic-Consicousness bursts into your consciousness, lose your limited concept of God, Man and the Universe, and of your own personal self. You, then, see and understand, therefore, appreciate your individuality, which is your Real Self, which has not changed even from the dawn of that great day, when God became manifest in your individuality. You, individually, are a manifestation of the Infinite, and abide always in the Infinite Universe.

The Infinite Eye sees man ever thus, even though

through ignorance man has become covered with the debris of earth. The encasements of earth, being composed of illusions, do not obscure man from the everpresence of the Infinite. The Psalmist, having caught a glimpse of the Reality and Omnipresence of the Infinite, sang: "Though I make my bed in hell, Thou art there."

Thus we see, that man in his deepest ignorance and darkest confusion cannot stray beyond the Loving Care and sustaining Power of the Heavenly Father.

And the Heavenly Father is ever whispering sweet, soft and low in the even-tide, at noon and in the darkness of night; and the music of His lullaby brings love, trust, peace and contentment into expression in man; and, when man realizes that the Presence of the Infinite is so vital and Real, he will in gratitude, joyously stand, Laughing in God's Law.




N the old, or second dispensation, man, not having the clear vision of the Christ-consicousness, taught and believed that Paradise was a place prepared for those of earth's children who were pronounced by priest and clergy worthy to enter that abode after they had passed through death; therefore, they placed it far away; and the poets under that concept sang their songs of that beautiful land over there and that far away home of the Soul and of the pearly gates that will swing ajar by-and-by.

Those living in Christendom and walking upon the Christian Path, have had the message that Jesus Christ of Nazareth gave, all these centuries, since that day in the river Jordan when the Holy Ghost descended upon Jesus, after John had baptized Him in the water of that river; but the past two thousand years being the sowing age and not the full harvest time, man can only catch the true meaning of it, as in the springtime the plowman rejoices and courageously plows the ground, harrows it and sows the seed, because he in some (to him) mysterious way feels the assurance of the harvest as his faith detects the odor from the far distant fields of golden grain.

That being the springtime,-the sowing season of the dispensation, man necessarily either looked back to the old, the Mosaic dispensation, the winter, or, forward to the third dispensation, the summer, or harvest time. Man living thus, read the scripture and study its sacred

pages in and through its letter and see Paradise a beautiful land some place afar in the skies.

As long as man studies the message of the blessed Bible, or Bibles, in its letter he misses the mystical depths which the Spiritually awakened man finds.

As long as man has only an intellectual understanding of the scriptures, he perceives not that Divine sublimity of the very presence of the Living God, which is behind the message which God caused to be given to the men of earth. Just as a blind man, holding a rose in his hand, knows it is there, and he can tear it to pieces petal by petal and throw them to the winds; yet he sees not its beauty.

The perfume and beauty of the rose is there, brought into expression by God; but it is that intangible and mystical presence over which man has no control.

The third dispensation, the Spiritual Age, or the onethousand-year-day of the Spirit's reign, is that in which man is awake with the Christ born in him and expressed in Cosmic-Consciousness. Then man perceives that the beauty and perfume of the rose is that delicate yet substantial thing which (even though not comprehended by the intellect) belongs to Paradise and is perceived by the Soul. In the Spirit Age, the reign of the Spirit with Christ in His personal and impersonal aspect, man learns the deeper truths of the message of Jesus of Nazareth and perceives that the Kingdom of Heaven is within man, and that God, the FatherMother, abides within the Kingdom of Heaven, which is the reign of Harmony. As Jesus taught that He and the Father are one, so man, each and all, when awakened in this age, can perceive that Jesus' message was direct to the individual and that the individual is to come into the understanding and realization of his at-one-ment with the Father.

When man thus stands (having climbed the steep, rugged mountain of Truth) on the Mount of Transfiguration, with the Christ-Consciousness expressing in

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