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have heard much in this teaching about Lov

Wing Kindness; and these lines of this short chap

ter are only written that the student-devotee may examine himself.

The teachings, given in this book from cover to cover, are to the individual, because we know that the earnest student devotee is ever desirous to glean deeper light than he at present has, it matters not if he is standing among the foothills or nearing the summit. Because God is infinite, therefore, it requires Eternity itself for the individual to fully comprehend Him. We know that it is a never-ending study and practice for man, the individual manifestation of the Infinite, to learn and realize the Infinite God.

One of the first notes which the awakened man hears and which sounds so strong and deep he can never forget is "God is Love."

If God is Love and ever desirous that His son should again become conscious of this, the individual who is a deep student of Truth will soon feel the Loving Kindness of his Heavenly Father vibrate through his being; he will express something of that Love to all whom he meets. Some there may be, who will not understand him and he may find it necessary to appear somewhat stern, as Jesus Christ did when he drove the money changers out of the Temple; yet, it was in loving kindness Jesus did this. He, standing in the deep principle of Truth, taught a lesson there, that all things Spiritual

are sacred and that in money changing there is no sacredness when done greedily in the desire for gain, making a merchandise of worship.

Loving kindness should fill the heart and mind of every student and devotee of Truth. If it is thus, it will ever express itself, at all times, and in all places in a beauty like the Christ, healing the sick, feeding the hungry and forgiving sins.

Loving Kindness is the natural expression of the Christ-Consciousness. Then when man, through the Christ-Consciousness, becomes a conscious son of the Living, Loving God, he will express loving kindness always.

Loving and tender, thou wilt be when Love for God and thy fellow man fill thy heart.

Then compassion and wisdom will express in Loving Kindness.

The heart of humanity as "it beats in every heart" is hungry for kindness from all men and all men in carnality appreciate Loving Kindness.

Be kind, Loving and True to our Brothers,

As you meet them, each moving onward toward his destination

And each thirsting for a smile and a word of cheer; Then, in Loving Kindness prove yourself a blessing to




HE individual, who has studied deeply into the Reality of God and His Creation, into the Reality of that Unchangeable Presence, which is, forever was and will never cease to be, will find it of vast assistance to him, if he keeps direct in the center of the Path, does not permit himself to be too deeply impressed with any one point in the great Message of Truth and, from his place in the center of the Path use common sense judgment in connection with the experience he encounters in his human life.

Remember, that man is human and subject to humanity's laws and beliefs, which are carnality's ways, until he is illumined into the Dinvine-Concept of himself and through this illumination becomes a conscious son of God.

Between the time man awakens and begins to study Truth, until he stands on the mountain top in full illumination, is the place where it is wisdom expressed to never permit himself to become fanatical; but to use reason at all times, and at all times be tempered in "a sweet reasonableness."

Jesus Christ, our Elder Brother, the Way-Director, raised the dead, healed the sick and comforted His brothers who were in distress and left His message for those who are following in his footsteps. Therefore, we know the possibility of this greatness. Let then your faith soar to the mountain top; but, at the same time, keep your bearing; and always remember, that you will find

in the teachings of Jesus Christ direction for every step upon the Path.

No man is required to place his hand in the fire to prove that he knows the reality of Spirit; neither should he find it necessary to abstain from food to convince man that he has mastered appetite.

The man who knows naught of the Truth (that great unknowable Wholeness, to the unenlightened; and which is to the one who has the Light so real) will trample the rare gems of its loveliness under his feet as unconsciously as a herd of wild deer from the mountains will trample the fields of grain. It remains, therefore, that the student devotee knows whereof he speaks, to whom he speaks and when to speak.

Remember, always, that "Silence is golden." The student who knows whereof he speaks, knows also when to remain silent.

Argument is never necessary, as the very presence of the Infinite will answer in its silent tongue, more eloquent and convincing, than any words a student may use; even, though they be very learned in educational


Then always remember to silently ask of the Infinite, our ever Present Father, to protect, sustain, direct and lead; and all will be well.

If one has the message of Jesus Christ in his mind, he can always learn from it, as it is at all times abiding in the Father and revealing the Father.

In aswering any question, answer from Principle; or, if you know not, humbly say so.

Humility is an accompaniment of the Christ-Consciousness and in sublime humility there is Eternal Greatness.

Then endeavor, dear reader, if you are a studentdevotee of the Infinite Truth, to be balanced, poised and stable at all times. Then you will keep in the center of the Path; and while there you can never become a

fanatic, but, will always be able to give a reason for the desire within you and to know whereof you speak. So be it!

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