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went forth with faith and vision. His vision was strong enough, and his faith so deep that he knew the Lord was on his side. The Lord is on the side of all those who have vision clear enough to perceive Him.

The man of vision is conscious of his immortality here and now, and that he is living in the midst of immortality.

When Jesus Christ was speaking to His disciples, yearning to tell them the Truth, He said, "I have many things to say unto you, but you cannot bear them now. At that state of their understanding, they could not hear what He would say. Jesus did not endeavor at that time to force their understanding into vision.

Jesus told them to tarry in Jerusalem, after His departure, until they were baptized with the Holy Spirit. This they did, as is recorded in the second chapter of Acts; and after that their vision was strong enough to enable them to proclaim to all men, fearlessly, the message of man's redemption. Their vision was so strong, it enabled them to look past the death scene. Stephen, as they stoned him, stayed his mind on God and he visioned the heavens open and Jesus Christ seated at the right hand of God.

Jesus' vision was clear and He prayed, "Father, forgive them, they know not what they do." Vision! Yes, when the mists of earth have cleared away, there will be spirit-sight, seership; and this becomes clear-seeing,— this is Vision Divine.

The carnal mind can become alert, sensitive and open to seeing and seership become manifest in it. This is clairvoyant or psychic sight; but, being in the carnal mind, it is limited and cannot be relied upon; but when vision, which is God-sight, becomes manifest in man, it can be relied upon; and some are given to prophesy, others to proclaim the hidden things of the deep,-secrets of God as He reveals them to His seers through vision; and others, those who vision God's great Love and beauty, sing continually of the Being that Is.

Those who vision the Lord of Glory in all His greatness, tenderness and Love are those who have washed their robes in the blood of the lamb, which is wisdom, Love and the power of Truth,-Truth, "the lamb which has been slain from the foundation of the world.'

Washing the robes in the blood of the lamb, in the inner realization, is gaining wisdom and power by searching to know the Truth. The earnest one will touch the hem of the garment of Love, when they vision the Truth, and be healed of his infirmities.

The Truth is no longer slain by the one who has vision, but he lays his garment down at the feet of Truth; and, in humility, love, gratitude and serenity, awaits the bidding of the Infinite, our Father-Mother-God. Then it is that they go in and out and find pasture and the still waters flowing silently through the green fields. In these fields the evergreen tree of Life stands stately, calm and powerful and blesses all who come to partake of its fruit, which is immortality. This is vision; and all men who attain unto an understanding of the Truth will vision this here and now. There is no river to cross. It is in the concept of man's mind and heart the change takes place; and by and by he visions himself, God and the Universe as the reality. If his vision is full and complete, he has God-consciousness. Then he loves God, because he has become conscious of God's Love. He also loves his fellow-man, because he is filled with love; yes, he has become conscious that he is the essence which is Love.

When man visions God as He is,-Love, Peace, Harmony, Power and Good,-man will become peaceful, harmonious and loving, because he will express that which he visions.

In vision there is no imperfection; it cannot be seen, because vision is of God and sees only the Real and Eternal.

The man of vision sees the clouds of carnality as they move along over the surface of the earth, where the man

lives who is lost in the carnal sleep; but these do not obstruct his vision, because he sees through them; and, if he is fully conscious of his vision, he can vision the clouds into their native place. Where is their native place! Nowhere. Because they are no-thing.

Vision, then, is the one thing needful, as man nears the regeneration period unto the redemption of the body. Vision, strong and clear, visions the perfect man as he has ever been,-pure, holy and redeemed, a Son of God clothed in God-consciousness, which is Vision Divine.




HAT which is, is God, the Infinite, "the All in All." This is the One and only Substance. There is only one substance filling all space. This substance, which is everywhere present, is the Breathing, Pulsating Intelligent Essence, which is God; and this became manifest in the myriad forms which compose Infinity. All forms are composed of this intelligent substance, according to the place they are to fill in the plan of the Infinite.

The lowly grass covering the barren earth with its carpet of green is not to be despised; neither the grains of sand lost in the countlessness of themselves as they clothe the seashore with a lowly garb.

Is there any substantiality in the grass and the sand? Yes. God is the substance of each, and the unchanging substantiality of God exists in each and every grain of sand and every blade of grass.

The Substantiality of that which Is is the Reality out of which universes and all that is within them are made.

The Spirit-Substance which is God-Substance was unmanifest when the Infinite was in repose. When the Infinite chose to achieve it for a change, "The One became the many." The Infinite expressed through the forms of its different degrees of expression, according to the nature of each and the place they were to fill within the manifested desire. With the reason, if not with spiritual insight, it can be shown that all is substantial, because the Substance which is very God is their foundation, their

overshadowing, their indwelling; and there is nothing


This is God's creation as He expressed it into forms; and every form is pulsating with Infinite Life.

Then we see a living, pulsating creation, all of God, all in God; all abiding in the substance which is the Substantiality of God, or that which IS.

The Spiritual creation cannot change. They of it cannot die; they cannot disappear; they cannot depart. Permanent and steadfast is God's creation.

It is well for the student and devotee to dwell here in the understanding of the permanency of that which IS. From his deep abiding place he can reach out through the unsubstantial,-the shadow of the Real,-and, with vision clear, speak words of Light which will consume the shadows.

God's Spiritual creation is the Real, the True. It is the Truth. It is the Light in which no shadow dwells. From whence, then, did the shadow proceed which the awakened man finds undesirable? From the mind which has formed in man as he looks outward and away from man's own center, his heart-center, in which is the divinity of each and every man. As the mind looks outward, it sees with this outward-looking mind the shadows cast by itself and the minds of all who have passed out from Paradise into the Garden of Eden and then out into the world.

How did the shadows first become apparent? By the Soul as it dwelt in Paradise desiring a change; or, rather, by the Soul using that inherent quality which it reflects from the Infinite, being in "God's image and likeness."' God, as we have said, has the power to desire a change, and when He so desired He merged into expression from His unmanifest state. Man, reflecting God, has inherent within him this power to choose a change; but man, being an individual expression of the Infinite, man's expressions were limited, therefore finite and carnal.

When man began to see his expressions, he looked so

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