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last farthing"; but, in the fullness of time, they will be free and again take up their problem and continue to study its mystery until they have solved it. Then they will understand the deep Laws of God, which are contained in the One Law,-God's Law.

As the finite man, or the man in the finite concept, looks at this stupendous task, the curtain hangs thick and low, and darkness is over the face of the deep.

Again we say, "man in his finite state cannot pierce the gloom of ignorance and superstition which has formed in the finite mind; this is impossible, as the finite cannot comprehend the Infinite."

There is a way of escape from the finite state, so that man may cause the curtains to be draped aside and step into the higher concept and fathom the depths beyond and know. This is through first awakening, then getting understanding, then attaining unto the New Birth; then on, and on!

Jesus Christ said, "When he the Spirit of Truth, "The Comforter,' is come, He will guide and lead you into all Truth."

Man can then see that it is with man to work his way through the maze of the experiences of the carnal life and learn the Truth and "Seek, ask and knock" until he has arrived at Home, Redeemed.

Man, himself, is responsible for his having desired a change which brought him unto the Tree of Knowledge, and, contrary to the whispering of Divine Wisdom, ate thereof. God endued man at creation with this power to desire a change, or, as designated by some, free-will.

This free-will is that which keeps man from the perfect expression of God. As he is "God's Image and Likeness," this free-will is the only thing which man really has, and is the one thing which God requires. When man's self-will is surrendered unto God's Will, or merged thereunto, man, then, will be happy and content, having Divine Satisfaction.

Through the teachings which are being given in this book man can learn how to lay down the self-will and how to live consciously in the Father's Will: this is man's inheritance; it is his Birthright.

When man has arrived at the ripening cycle, the very powers that be assist him unto the fullness of his ripening, just as the orange is assisted to its full ripening, in the ripening season, by the Laws of Nature. The orange is taken from the tree and gives itself for usefulness; so man steps aside from the Wheel of Experience and, having surrendered his self-will (carnal desires) is ready for service, as the Father desires.

Thus we see the Mysteries of God unfurl, as page by page we scan the Book of Life and line by line read behind the letters and perceive the Spiritual Workings of the Infinite, whose Intelligence is so great, whose Love is so strong that, "Not a sparrow falleth but the Father knoweth"; and who heareth the faintest call of the smallest of His Creation.

Hark! Let all be still, and list to the Silence within, and without; for this is the Presence of God. God is omnipresence.

God dwells in His Temple! Let all men be still before Him. Then in that Sacred Stillness, list for "His Still, Sweet Voice," which will ever lead, guide, encourage and sustain those who turn to Him and seek to know Him.

There is a valley which is dark and dreary, though. the sun shines clear and bright. The carnal mind is king there, and rules in darkness, doubt and despair; but his reign is not eternal, because the counterfeit will be shorn of its power.

Then man will recognize the Kingdom of Harmony, which he then perceives is within, enabling him to dwell in Harmony and Peace among his fellow man.




NTIL the mind has become Illumined, the workings of God's Laws are mysterious.

When the finite mind catches a glimpse of the workings of the Infinite, men call it supernatural and leave it there. But, occasionally, all down the ages since the dawn, when the first Souls stepped into a low vibration and were cast out from the Garden of Eden, there has been one now and then who has become enough in tune with the Infiinite to understand, in part, the Mysteries of God and have taught them to humanity. All men will remain in humanity until they become again in tune with the Infinite and be man as he was before he partook of the Fruit in the Garden of Eden.

In the Mysteries of God, the scasons come and go. Seed-time and harvest follow each other in the continuous round of the panorama which is spread before the gaze of man throughout the endlessness of Eternity.

Creation is continuous. God rests, then manifests; and the panorama changes for the benefit of creation; or, rather, for those who are living in the concept of the carnal creation.

Man will live in the carnal concept of himself until he attains full Illumination. In this concept of himself and the universe, he requires the fruit and grain of the harvest time; and, to have the harvest, man must sow the grain and plant and care for the trees and vines. God said unto Adam, after he was cast from the Garden, "You shall now earn your bread by the sweat of your brow;"

and to wo-man-the negative part of man-"Thou shalt bring forth children in pain and sorrow." Thus it has been, and it will continue to be to each and every man, and woman, as long as they live in the carnal concept and walk upon the carnal path, and throughout Eternity it will be thus.

In the midst of the carnal sleep, even while man is very busy attending to his duties and counting the seasons as they come and go, there is a way of escape for each Soul, as soon as it is awakened sufficient to desire it.

Jesus Christ, when He was teaching His message of Truth, near twenty centuries ago, in His efforts to assist those who were awakened to learn the way, said unto them: "Ye shall know the Truth, and the Truth shall make you free." Pilate asked Jesus the very important question, "What is Truth?" There is no record that Jesus made an answer to this question. It has caused wonder in many minds that Jesus did not see best to answer Pilate's question.

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Jesus had arrived at that place where He knew "He and the Father are one. From that Illuminated Consciousness, He knew and comprehended the Mysteries of God of His Creation, His Laws, His manifestations. How could so vast and sublime a subject be treated with a few words, in answer, in the short time at His disposal? Besides, the state of mind those present were in could not have comprehended any answer He might have given; therefore He saw that it was best to answer it not. Jesus' Life's example was then before the world, His message had gone forth; and, if Pilate really desired to Know the Truth, the opportunity was at hand.

Jesus Christ is one who has come into the God-light fully and comprehends the Mysteries of God. We can see by Jesus' life and teachings, when one attains "The full Christ-Consciousness" that the Mysteries of God are clear to him; but in the carnal mind consciousness

we know that they are so deep and dark that they seem past finding out.

"Know the Truth," is the command of Jesus; and His promise is, "It shall make you free." The Infinite, speaking some five hundred years before this, through the lips of Gautama Buddha, said, "Ignorance is the cause of all this misery." Gautama had awakened sufficiently from the slumber of the "Adam-sleep" to observe the sufferings the people were in, and earnestly sought until he found the cause.

When a child starts to school, it is ignorant of those things which the school will teach it. The child comes to the school and is placed in the care and under the tutorship of a teacher, according to its knowledge. One may be placed in the kindergarten to cut out and make paper boxes; and another, in a room in advance, where it will learn its letters, the letters being the foundation of all learning, and each letter representing far more than simply its form.

In order to understand the Mysteries of God we necessarily must have a clear understanding of God. When we come into the clear light that is shining in this twentieth century, we look past the old conception of God, which has been recognized as correct through the past thousands of years, and gain a clearer concept.

In the morning hours of God's dealings with the Hebrew people, the mists hung low and the morning air was damp and chilly; and in this atmosphere the people naturally recognized God as a cold and revengeful being, -filled with wrath; but as the sun arises and its bright, warm rays pierce the mist and gloom, the atmosphere becomes warmer and the hearts of the people respond to this warmth; and, as the sun moves toward the noon hour, the people become more enlightened, and humanity is gradually coming into a state of universal brotherhood.

Today, when the sun has near reached the zenith, we find many people thinking of their fellow man, their

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