Addrefs to the Public Black Friars and St. Mary's Hospital House of the Carmelites, or White Friars The Monaftery of the St. Auftin Friars Priory of St. Michael de Wall-knoll The fuburbs of Newgate, Pandon, and Sandgate The Means of fupplying the Town with Water Boundaries of the Town of Newcastle Public Charities-Charity School of St. Nicholas Page. Charters, Privileges, &c.-Charters of Newcastle 352 Corporation of Newcastle, Courts 371-373 Reprefentatives of the Town in Parliament 377. Merchant Adventurers, Society of Hoastmen 383-390 Society of Mafters and Mariners 394 Twelve Companies, called Mysteries 403 Fifteen Companies, called By-trades 415 Other Companies not of the Fifteen Trades 429 For it appears to have been uniformly twenty-two feet, or a 19 For Troissart, read Froissard. II. 127 29 130 19 213 I 220 7 226 16 For foot of Westgate-street, read head. Dunston is erroneously said to belong to Morton College: it be- For Beverley Buffs, read first battalion of the Yorkshire West For Caverley, read Calverley. For Morley, read Marley. For 1713, read 1783. Add, the steeple of which is 194 feet high. 229 last. For daily burial service, read daily and burial service. 338 16 Read not only in Newcastle. 402scc.col. In the year 1787, for Thomas Hogg, read Joseph Hogg. For two or three, read between one and two guineas. Read a distillery for coal-tar at St. Peter's quay is conducted by DIRECTIONS for the BINDER. The plan of the town to face the title-page; the lift of fub- |