The Medical Mischief, You Say!: Degerminating the Germ TheoryHealth Research Books, 1996 - 48 Seiten 1961 Degerminating the Germ Theory. Also included are compilations of other works. Bernarr Macfadden's Fabulous Record, a Germ Theory Acceptable to Naturopathy, the Symptoms of Health, Hygienic Medication, the False Healing Art, the Germ Theory, Epidemi. |
The Medical Mischief You Say Degerminating the Germ Theory | 1 |
Dist as a Rational Means of Treating Disease | 7 |
Pasteur or Bechamp | 13 |
Photograph of Dr J H Tilden M D | 20 |
A Germ Theory Acceptable to Naturopathy Loy S H Baird N D | 29 |
The Garm Theory Royal E S Hays M D | 37 |
American School of Magnetic Healing vs V McAnulty | 43 |
Häufige Begriffe und Wortgruppen
advertisements Antoine Bechamp authorities bacteria Bacteriology Bechamp or Pasteur Bernarr Macfadden Bernarr Macfadden Foundation blood body cause disease causes of disease cell Charles Fort cold commercial complainants condition cure death develop diet drugs elimination energy enervated epidemic experience fact fever Fortean Fortean Society fraud George Starr germ theory healing Health Research Herbert Hume Hygienic System infection influence inoculated Isaac Jennings letter Leverson living magazine medical doctors MEDICAL MISCHIEF medical trust medicine methods microzymas mind Mitchell narcosis Natural Hygiene opinion organism Pasadena 18-M patients person Physical Culture physician pneumonia poisons Polio Polio Control Post Office Department Postmaster practice remedy resistance result School scientific scientists serums Shelton Shelton's Hygienic Review sick sleep smallpox Smithsonian spirochaetes statutes Sylvester Graham symptoms syphilis teachings thing thru Tilden tissues toxemia Trall treatment Treponema pallidum tuberculosis unhealth University vaccination virulence vital waste worms York