Abbildungen der Seite
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natural-key, s.

Music: The key of C.

natural-liberty, s. [LIBERTY.] natural-marmalade, s.


II. Theol.: An adherent of any form of Naturalism. The word was used (1) by German writers as an equivalent of Pantheist; (2) by English writers for (a) one who rejects revelation, and (b) for one who, while admitting that the Scriptures contain some truths, maintains that these truths are only a republication of natural religion, and so unnecessary. (Blunt.)

"[I] have appeared in the plain shape of a mere natu ralist myself, that I might, if it were possible, turn him Bot.: The American name for the pulp of Achras off from downright atheism."-H. More: An Antidote sapota. [ACHRAS.] Against Atheism. (Pref., p. 7.)

natural-modulation, s.

B. As adj.: The same as NATURALISTIC, 1 (q. v.). Music: Diatonic, as opposed to chromatic modu- somewhat naturalist kind."-Saturday Review, March 29, "Sketches from Mr. Trollope's South African tour of a lation. 1884, p. 415.

natural-obligation, s. [OBLIGATION.] natural-order, s.

năt-u-ral-ist'-ic, a. [Eng. natural; -istic.]
1. In accordance with nature; natural; following
"The rendering is of a naturalistic rather than of a
prophetic character."-Athenæum, Feb. 18, 1882.
2. Natural, plain.

Bot. (pl.): The orders established under the or based on nature; realistic. natural system of botany. [ORDER.]

natural-persons, s. pl.

Law: Such as are formed by God, in opposition to artificial persons, or those formed into corporations by human laws for purposes of government or society.

natural-philosophy, s.


2. MORAL-PHILOSOPHY.] natural-pitch, s.

Music: The pitch of a pipe before it is overblown. natural-religion, s.

Comparative Religions:

1. A theological system devised by human reason without supernatural aid or revelation.

2. (See extract.)

"The term natural-religion is used in various and even incompatible senses. Thus Butler, in his Analogy, signi tes by natural-religion a primæval system which he expressly argues to have been not reasoned out, but taught first by revelation."-Tylor: Prim. Cult. (ed. 1873), ii. 356. (Note.)

natural-rights, s. pl.

Law: Those relating to life and liberty. natural-science, s.

Science: A term formerly used as the equivalent of Physics (q. v.), now employed as a synonym for Natural History (q. v.) in its most comprehensive signification.


natural-selection, s. (See extract.) "[The] preservation of favorable individual differences and variations, and the destruction of those which are injurious I have called natural-selection selection will modify the structure of the young in rela tion to the parent, and of the parent in relation to the young. In social animals it will adapt the structure of each individual for the benefit of the whole community, if the community profits by the selected change. What natural-selection cannot do, is to modify the structure of one species, without giving it any advantage, for the good of another species."-Darwin: Orig. of Species (ed. 1859),

ch. iv.

natural-steel, s. A steel obtained directly from the richer and purer kinds of ore by reducing them with charcoal and refining the cast-iron thus produced, so as to deprive it of part of its carbon. It is principally used for making files and other tools. It is frequently termed German steel, being largely produced in Germany.

natural-system, s.

Bot.: The system of botany which attempts to arrange plants according to their natural affinities. {BOTANY.]

natural-theology, s.

Theol. & Phil.: The science which deals with the evidences for the being of God, drawn from purely natural sources, without reference to revelation. *natural-writer, s. A naturalist; a writer on natural history.

"A lapwing, which bird our natural-writers name Vannellus."-Browne: Miscell. Tracts, iv.

*năt-u-ral-esque (que as k), s. [Eng. natural; -esque.] Keeping pretty closely to the characteristics of nature; as, a naturalesque style of orna mentation.

năt -u-ral-işm, s. [Eng. natural; -ism.]

1. Ord. Lang: A state of nature; a natural state, 2. Theol.: The name given to all forms of belief or speculation which deny or ignore the doctrine of a personal God as the author and governor of the universe. It is opposed to Theism (q. v.). năt-u-ral-ist, s. & a. [Eng. natural; -ist.] A. As substantive:

1. Ordinary Language:

1. One versed or learned in natural science in its widest sense.

2. One versed or learned in natural history.

boil, boy; pout, jowl; cat, çell,


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"He was apt to resolve into a fulfillment of a merely naturalistic order."-Brit. Quar. Review, 1873, p. 86.

*năt-ụ-răl-1-tỷ, *nat-u-ral-1-tie, s. [French naturalité, from Lat. naturalitatem, accus. of naturalitas, from naturalis (q. v.).] The quality or state of being natural; naturé.

"The goddis by their naturalitie and power, close up the furies, and governe the steares."-Golden Boke, let. x. năt-u-ral-i-zā -tion, 8. [Eng. naturaliz(e);

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The naturalization laws of this country are wholly the fabric of the Federal government, while the privileges attendant, so far as regards suffrage, &c., are left to the discretion and gift of the various state legislatures. For a foreigner to become a citizen of the United States it is necessary for him, first, to declare his bona-fide intention to become a citizen, and the declaration must be made at least must be made before a United States circuit or two years before final papers are taken out. It district court, or (in a territory) before the supreme court or a district court, or (in a state) before a court having a common law jurisdiction and a clerk and seal. At the time of admission to citizenship, the applicant must have been, at least five years previously, a resident of the United States, and must produce evidence that he is a fit subject upon whom to confer the rights of citizenship, and must, further, renounce allegiance to all foreign princes and governments-particularly to the one to which he was last subject. After admission he is, in all respects, a citizen of the United States and entitled, in every regard, to the same protection that the native-born citizen is. In the case of children of a foreigner, who, at the time of their father's naturalization, were not of legal age, the act of the father is considered as conferring citizenship upon them, and further process is unnecessary. Any alien of twenty-one or over, of good moral charac ter, who has served in the United States army, and resided in the country for one year previous to application, is entitled to full citizenship upon production of evidence establishing these facts, citizens of this country, if born abroad, are AmeriChinamen cannot be naturalized. The children of can citizens, and entitled to protection as such. Upon the naturalization of any foreigner, if he hold any title of aristocracy, such title must be renounced. In some of the states a foreigner who has declared his intention to become a citizen is fledged citizens are admitted to that privilege. permitted to vote, while in others none but full

2. Biol. The introduction of plants through human agency into new lands or regions. They are of a diversified nature. In Dr. Asa Gray's Manual of the United States, 260 naturalized plants are genera.


2. To receive or adopt as native or natural; as, to naturalize foreign words.

3. To make familiar or well-known. "Naturalizing to any degree authors, whose names only float amongst us."-Observer, No. 2.

4. To accustom or habituate to a climate or coun try; to acclimatize.

II. Law: To adopt into a nation or state; to confer the rights and privileges of a natural-born subject upon.

B. Intransitive:

1. To become naturalized; to become like a native. 2. To explain phenomena by natural laws, to the exclusion of the supernatural.

"We see how far the mind of an age is infected by this

naturalizing tendency.”—Bushnet., (Annandale.)

năt-ụ rạ1-lý, *nat-u-ral-lye,ade. [Eng, natu ral; -ly.]

1. In a natural way; according to nature; by the powers or impulses of unassisted nature; by nature, not by art or training.

"Though I am not naturally honest, I am sometimes so by chance."-Shakesp.: Winter's Tale, iv. 4.

2. Spontaneously; without art or artificial treatment; as, A plant grows naturally in some places. affectation or artificiality; according to life. 8. According to nature; in a natural way, without

"That part

Was aptly fitted and naturally perform'd." Shakesp.: Taming of the Shrew. (Induct. 1.) 4. According to the usual course of things, as, This might naturally have been expected.

năt -u-ral-ness, s. [Eng. natural; -ness.] 1. The quality or state of being natural; the state of being given or produced by nature. 2. Conformity to nature; freedom from affectation or artificiality.

nā -ture, s. & a. [Fr., from Lat. natura, orig. born; Sp., Port., & Ital. natura.] fem. sing. of naturus, fut. par. of nascor to be

A. As substantive:

1. The universe, as distinguished from the Creator; all that exists or is produced without artificial means; the world of matter and of mind; the system of which we ourselves form a part; creation; all created things, by which man is more immedi ately surrounded, as land, oceans, plants, animals, &c.

2. By metonymy, the agent, producer, or creator of creation; the powers concerned to produce exist of things; the powers which carry on the processes ing phenomena, whether in sum or in detail; the personified sum and order of cause and effect.

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"It may be in your power; but it is not in your nature.” -Macaulay: Hist. Eng., ch. v. 5. Quality, sort, kind, species.

"Your capacity is of that nature.” Shakesp.: Love's Labor's Lost, v. 2. *6. Human life; vitality; natural existence. "I would repent out the remainder of nature." Shakesp.: All's Well that Ends Well, iv. 3. 7. Natural affection; the innate and involuntary affection of the heart and mind.

"Fond nature bids us all lament."

Shakesp.: Romeo and Juliet, iv. 5. 8. That which is in conformity with nature, truth, or reality; sentiments or images adapted to nature, as distinguished from that which is affected, artificial, or false.

9. The natural course of things.

"My end

Was wrought by nature, not by vile offense." Shakesp.: Comedy of Errors, i. 1. B. As adj.: Natural; growing naturally or spontaneously; as, a nature grass. (Scotch.) ¶ 1. To (or walk) the way of nature, To pay nature: To die.

enumerated belonging to 162 camera. Th2 stund the debt of no
cause the native plants to die out, as the Maori
vanishes before the colonizing European. (Darwin:
Origin of Species (ed. 6th), pp. 89, 163.)

năt-u-ral-ize, v. t. & i. [Eng. natural; -ize; Fr.

A. Transitive:

I. Ordinary Language:

1. To make natural or accustomed; to accustom, to render natural, easy, and familiar; to make a second nature.

chorus, chin,

bench; go, gem; thin, this;

"He's walked the way of nature."
Shakesp.: Henry IV., Pt. II., v. 2

2. In a state of nature:

(1) Ord. Lang.: Naked, as when born; starknaked.

(2) Theol.: In a state of sin; unregenerate. (3) Good (or ill) nature: A naturally good (or bad) temper or disposition.

(4) Laws of Nature, Natural laws: That instinctive sense of justice, and of right and wrong, felt by every human being.

sin, aş; expect, Xenophon, exist. ph = f.

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Anthrop.: The mythology which represents natural phenomena as the result of the action of conscious agents. (Tylor: Prim. Cult. (ed. 1873), i. 318.) nature-printing, s. A process in which impressions which may be printed from are obtained from objects, such as leaves, fibers, lace, &c. In one method the object, such as a fern frond, is placed between a steel plate and one of heated lead and subjected to a strong pressure, forming an exact intaglio copy in the lead from which impres

sions are taken.

nature-worship, s

Compar. Religions: A generic term to denote a stage of religious thought in which the powers of nature are personified and worshiped. It found its highest and most beautiful expression in the my thology of ancient Greece. Classifying religions with regard to the estimation in which the deity is held, Lubbock (Orig. of Civilization, 1882, p. 206) makes nature-worship the second stage, atheism (the absence of definite ideas on the subject) being the first.

"The third and last stage in early religious development is the anthropomorphic stage, which links nature worship on to monotheism."-Keury: Outlines of Primitive Belief, p. 46.

*nature, v. t. [NATURE, 8.] To endow with natural qualities.

"He which natureth every kynde,
The mighty God."

Gower: C. A., vii.


nâu'-cor-is, s. [Gr. naus a ship, and koris=a bug.]

Entom.: A genus of Nepida (Water-scorpions). The body is almost circular, and slightly convex. nâu -cra tēş, 8. [Gr. naukrates having the mas tery at sea.]

Ichthy. Pilot-fish (q. v.); a genus of Carangida. The body is oblong, sub-cylindrical, covered with small scales; a keel on each side of the tail. The spinous dorsal consists of a few short, free spines. Villiform teeth in jaws, and on vomer and palatine bones.

of naufrago-to suffer shipwreck.] To wreck; to *nâu -fra-gāte, v.t. [Lat. naufragatus, pa. par. shipwreck; to bring to ruin. [NAUFRAGE.] *nâu-frage (age as Iġ), s. [Fr., from Lat. naufragium, from navis a ship, and frango (root frag-) to break.] Shipwreck, ruin.

"Guilty of the ruin and naufrage, and perishing of infinite subjects."- Bacon: Speech on Taking his Place in


*nâu-fra-gi-āte, v. t. [Lat. naufragium=a shipwreck.] To shipwreck. (Lithgow: Pilgrimes Farewell.)

*nâu-fra-gous, nâu-fra-geous, a. [Lat. ngu fragus-causing shipwreck.] Causing shipwreck. [NAUFRAGE.]

"That tempestuous and oft naufrageous sea."-Bp. Taylor: Artificial Handsomeness, p. 33.

naught, nought (as nât), *nawiht, *nogt, *nouht, s., a. & adv. A. S. náwiht, náht, from na= no, not, and wiht = whit, thing; not is thus a doublet of naught.]

A. As subst.: Nothing, naught.

"Of manhood him lacked righte naught." Chaucer: C. T., 758. B. As adjective:

1. Worthless; of no value or account. "His title was corrupt and naught." Shakesp.: Henry V., i. 2. *2. Naughty, bad, wicked, vile. *3. Ruined, lost.

All will be naught else."

"Begone! away! Shakesp.: Coriolanus, iii. 1. C. As adv.: In no degree; not at all; nothing. (1) To be naught of: To disregard, to be regardless of. (2) To set at naught: To treat as of no account, *na-tür-1-an, s. [Eng. natur(e); -ian.] A natu unworthy of consideration; to defy, to despise, to ralist. (Watson: A Decacordon, p. 341.) disregard.

*na -ture-less, a. [Eng. nature; -less.] Not in accordance with nature; unnatural.

nā -tur-işm, s. [Eng. natur(e); -ism.]
Med.: A view which ascribes everything to na- naught(y); -ly.]


nă -tur-ist, s. [Eng. natur(e); -ist.] One who ascribes everything to nature..

"Those that admit and applaud the vulgar notion of nature, ists."-Boyle: Works, v. 168. *na-tür -I-ty, s. [English natur(e); -ity.] The quality or state of being produced by nature. *nă‍-tur-ize, v. t. [Eng. natur(e); -ize.]

I shall hereafter many times call natur

1. To endow with a nature or with special qualities.

2. To refer to nature.

"Naturizing all

That was, or is, or shall in Nature be." Davies: Summa Totalis, p. 6. nauck-ite (au as ow), s. [Named after Director Nauck; sut. -ite (Min.).]

Min.: A resin, found in small bright crystals lining the interior of a lump of pitch occurring with some articles in a much decomposed copper case dug up out of boggy ground near Crefeld, Germany. Experiments showed that it belonged to the hydrocarbons. Crystals, though minute, were measur able. Crystallization, orthorhombic.

nâu -chế ạ, s. [Gr. naus = a ship, and klei = to inclose, from the half capsule being of the shape of a hull.]

Bot. A genus of Cinchonacea, family Cinchonidæ. It consists of unarmed trees or shrubs, with a funnel-shaped corolla, a two-celled fruit with many seeds and leaves opposite, or three in a whorl. About thirty-seven are known-natives of India or Africa. Nauclea (anthocephalus)__cadamba, Indian tree, affords good shade. The wood of N. cordifolia is used for furniture. N. gambir is said to yield gamboge gum.


nâu cler -ăs, 8. [Gr. nauklēros=a shipmaster.] 1. Ichthy.: A genus erected for the reception of what has since proved to be the young of the Pilotfish. [NAUCRATES.]

#2. Ornith.: An old genus of Falconidae, sub-family Milvinæ. Nauclerus furcatus is now Elanoides furcatus, placed under the Aquilinæ (q. v.). [SWALLOW-TAILED KITE.]

nâught -1-1ỹ, *nâught-lỷ (gh silent), adv. [Eng. 1. In a naughty manner; wickedly, corruptly. "Mock at me, as if I meant naughtily." Shakesp.: Troilus and Cressida, iv. 2.

2. Perversely, mischievously. (Said of children.) nâught-1-ness (gh silent), naught-i-nesse, nought-i-nes, s. [Eng. naughty; -ness.]

1. The quality or state of being naughty or wicked; wickedness.

"I know thy pride and the naughtiness of thine heart." -1 Samuel xvii. 28.

2. A wicked act; wicked or evil conduct; wicked


3. Perverseness, mischievousness, misbehavior. (Said of children.)

nâught -ỷ (gh silent), a. [Eng. naught; -y.] *1. Worthless; of no account; good for nothing,


xxiv. 2.

"The other basket had very naughty figs."-Jeremiah 2. Wicked, evil, corrupt.

"So shines a good deed in a naughty world." Shakesp.: Merchant of Venice, v.

*3. Dangerous, unfavorable, unfit.

"'Tis a naughty night to swim in."

Shakesp.: Lear, iii. 4. 4. Perverse, mischievous, misbehaving; not obedient or good. (Applied to children or their conduct, or used in mock censure.)

naughty-pack, s. A term of abuse or reproach. *nâul-age (age as iġ), s. [Lat. naulum, from Gr. naulon, from naus a ship. The freight or passage money for passengers or goods by sea, or over a river. (Bailey.)

nâu mạ-chỹ, mẫu mã -chi-a, s. [Gr. nauma chia sea-fight, from nuus=a ship, and mache battle.]

*I. Ord. Lang.: A naval combat; a fight at sea. II. Roman Antiquities:

1. A representation of a naval combat. "Now the naumachia begins."

Lovelace: Lucasta; Posthuma, p. 43. 2. A place constructed for exhibiting sham sea fights.



nau'-man-nīte (au as ow), s. [Named after the celebrated German' mineralogist, C. F. Naumann; suff. -ite (Min.).]

Min.: An isometric mineral occurring in cubes, massive, granular, and in thin plates. Hardness, 25; specific gravity, 80; luster, metallic; color and streak, iron-black. Composition: Selenium. 26-8; silver, 732; yielding the formula AgSe. Found with other selenides in calcite at Tilkerode, Harz, Germany.

nâum-bũrg'-I-a, s. [Named by Willdenow, it is believed, after John Samuel Naumburg, who published a botanical work at Erfurt, in 1792.] Bot.: A section of the genus Lysimachia, containing Lysimachia thyrsiflora.

nâu-pli-Y-form, a. (Lat. nauplius (q. v.) (genit. nauplii), and forma=shape, appearance.] Having the shape of a nauplius; resembling a nauplius (q. v.).

"The larvae of the Copepods are naupliiform.”—Nicholson: Zoology (1878), p. 278.

nâu -pli-us (pl. nâu-pli-i), s. [Lat., from Gr. nauplios a kind of mollusk which sails in its shell as in a ship. (Pliny: H. N., ix. 30, 49.)]

Zool.: A term applied by O. F. Müller to the unsegmented ovate larvæ of the lower Crustacea, with a median frontal eye, but without a bone cara pace. The name is now employed to designate all the larval forms having this character.

dition of a nauplius."-Huxley: Comp. Anat. Invert. "The embryo almost always leaves the egg in the conAnim., p. 268.

nauplius-form, s.

Zool. The earliest stage in the development of many Crustacea, especially those belonging to the lower groups. (Darwin: Origin of Species.) [NAUPLIIFORM.]

nâu rõ pom -ětěr, s. [Gr. naus=a ship; chope an inclination, and metron a measure.] An instrument for measuring the amount of a ship's heel or inclination at sea.

nâu‍-sco-pỷ, s. [Fr. nauscopie, from Gr. naus a ship, and skopeō to see, to observe.] The art of discovering the approach of ships, or the vicinity of land, from a distance.

nâu-se-a, s. [Lat. nausea, nausia, from Greek nausia sea-sickness, from naus=a ship.]

Pathol.: A sick feeling which may go on to vomiting, caused by the digestive system or the brain being in an abnormal state. In hysteria and pregnancy, irritation or tumors of the abdominal the early stage of zymotic disease, or epilepsy, and or the pelvic viscera may produce it, as may also diseases of the brain.

nâu-sẽ-ant, 8. [Lat. nauseans, pr. part of nauseo to be sea-sick, to be sick.] A substance or preparation which causes nausea.

of nauseo to be sick.] nâu -sẽ-ate, c. i. & t. [Lat. nauseatus, pa. par.

*A. Intrans.: To feel nausea: to be inclined to

vomit; to become squeamish; to conceive an aver


"Don't over-fatigue the spirits, lest the mind be seized with a lassitude, and nauseate."-Watts: On the Mind. B. Transitive:

1. To loathe; to reject with disgust. "Hunger and thirst with patience will we meet, And what offended nature nauseates, eat.” Rowe: Lucan, iii. 521.

2. To cause to feel nausea; to affect or fill with loathing or disgust.

"He let go his hold and turned from her, as if he were nauseated."-Swift: Gulliver's Travels.

nâu-sẽ-à ́-tion,, s. [NAUSEATE.] The act of causing nausea; the state or condition of being nauseated.

nâu-se-a-tive, a. [English nauseat(e); -ive.] Causing nausea or loathing; nauseating.

nâu-seous (se as sh), a. [Lat. nauseous, from nausea sea-sickness; sickness; Fr. nauséeur; Ital. & Sp. nauseoso.] Loathsome; disgusting; exciting, or tending to excite nausea; regarded with abhorrence; distasteful.

"His very food is nauseous to him."-South: Sermons, vol. iv., ser. 3. nâu-seous-ly (se as sh), adv. [Eng. nauseous; -ly. In a nauseous manner; in a manner tending disgustingly. to excito nausea, disgust, or loathing; loathsomely;

"So nauseously, and so unlike, they paint.” Garth.: Claremont, nâu-seous ness (se as sh), s. [Eng. nauseous; -ness. The quality or state of being nauseous; loathsomeness, disgustingness.

fate, fat, färe, amidst, what, fall, father; wě, wět, here, camel, her, thêre;

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"It has given me a kind of nausity to meaner conversations."-Cotton: Montaigne, ch. lxxvi.

nâutch, s. [Hind. nách a dance.] An entertainment consisting in watching dancing by professional dancing-girls, called nautch-girls.

nautch-girl, s. In the East Indies a native dancing-girl; one who dances at a nautch. nâu -tic-al, *nâu -tic-all, *nâu'-tic, *nâutick, a. [Lat. nauticus-nautical, from Gr. nauti kos pertaining to ships; nautes a sailor; naus=a ship; Fr. nautique; Ital. & Sp. nautico.] Pertaining to seamen, ships, or navigation.

nautical-almanac, s. [ALMANAC.] nautical-day, s. [DAY.]

nautical-distance, s. The arc of a rhumb line intercepted between any two places.

nautical-mile, s. [MILE.]

nâu -tic-al-1y, adv. [Eng. nautical; -ly.] In a nautical manner; in matters pertaining to navigation.

nâu ́-ti-form, s. [Gr. nuus=a ship, and Latin forma form, shape.] Shaped like the hull of a ship.

nâu-til-1-dæ, s. pl. [Lat. nautil(us); fem. pl. adj. suff. -ida.]

1. Zool. A family of Tetrabranchiate Cephalopods. Sutures of the shell simple; the siphuncle central, sub central, or near the concavity of the curved shells; simple. By some naturalists it is divided into two sub-families, but the only recent genus is Nautilus (q. v.).

2. Palæont.: The Nautilide proper have gradually decreased from the Paleozoic, through the Secondary and Tertiary periods, to the present day. nâu -tỉ-161d, a. & 8. [Gr. nautilos=the nautilus, and eidos form, appearance.]

A. As adj.: Resembling a nautilus.

B. As subst.: That which has the form or appearance of a nautilus.

nâu -ti-lŭs, 8. [Lat., from Gr. nautilos a seaman, a nautilus; nautes a sailor; naus a ship; Gr. nautile; Ital. & Sp. nautilo.]

I. Ord. Lang.: A name popularly applied to two very different animals: the Paper Nautilus-the Nautilus of poets, which belongs to the genus Argonauta (q. v.), and not to Nautilus [1I. 1, 2]; and to the Pearly Nautilus (Nautilus pompilius), for a long period the only known species. The quotation

refers to the Paper Nautilus.

II. Technically:

1. Zool. The typical and only recent genus of the family Nautilida (q. v.). The shell is involute, with an outer porcellanous and an inner nacreous layer. The soft structures of the animal were first described by Owen in 1832, and its anatomy is elaborately discussed by E. Ray Lankester in the Encyclopædia Britannica (ed. 9th, art. Mollusca). Three species are known: Nautilus pompilius (the Pearly Nautilus), N. macromphilus, and Ñ. umbilicatus, all from the Indian and Pacific Oceans.

2. Paleontology: Range in time from the Upper Silurian to the present day, with a maximum development in the Carboniferous period.

3. Hydraul. Engin.: A form of diving-bell requir ing no suspension. Water admitted through the

naval-crown, 8.


1. Roman Antiq.: [CROWN. 8., A. I. 1 (1).], 2. Her.: The naval crown is formed with the stern and square sails of ships placed alternately upon the circle or fillet.

naval militia. s. Part of the national guard, organized in a number of the States, whose duty in time of war will be to man the coast and harbor defense vessels, and also to operate in boat squadrons with torpedoes against any hostile fleets appearing in our waters.

naval-officer, s.

1. In America: An officer of the United States Navy; an officer who assists in collecting the customs on importations.

2. In England: An officer of the Royal Navy. *nā -val§, 8. pl. [NAVAL, B.]

nāv-arch, s. [Gr. nauarchos, from naus=a ship, and archō to command.]

Greek Antiq.: The commander of a fleet; an admiral.

chos=a navarch (q. v.).] Skill in navigating ves*nav-ar-chy, 8. [Gr. nauarchia, from nauarsels; nautical skill.

gings of ships."-Petty: Advice to Hartlib, p. 6. "Navarchy, and making models for buildings and rig

nāve (1), s. [A. S. nafu, nafa; cogn. with Dut. naaf; Icel. nof: Dan. nav, Sw. naf; Ger. nabe: Sansc. nábhi-the navel, the nave of a wheel, the center.] [NAVEL.]

1. The central portion of a wheel, from which the spokes radiate; the hub.

"'Twas twisted betwixt nave and spoke." Wordsworth: Alice Fell.

2. The navel. (Shakesp.: Macbeth, i. 2.) nave-hole, s. The hole in the center of a guntruck for receiving the end of the axle-tree. nave-shaped, a. [MODIOLIFORM.]

nāve (2), *nef, s. [Fr. nef=a ship, a body of a church; from Lat. navem, accus. of navis a ship, a body of a church; Ital. & Sp. nave; cf. Ger. schiff= a ship, a nave.] That part of an ecclesiastical edifice to the west of the choir, and in which the congregation assemble; the part of a church between the aisles. [NAVY.]

"Double rows of lusters lighted up the nave."-Eustace: Italy, vol. i., ch. v.

Dut. navel, from naaf-a nave; Icel. nafti, from nof na -vel, *nā -vell, s. [A. S. nafela; cogn, with =a nave; Dan. navle, from nav; Sw. nafle, from naf: German nabel, from nabe; Sanscrit nábhi.] [NAVE (1).]

I. Ordinary Language:

1. In the same sense as II. 1.

2. The central part or point of anything; the middle. (Cf. the use of the Gr. omphalos (1) a navel, (2) the central point.)

*3. The nave of a wheel.

all molten."-3 Kynges vii. (1551.) "And the axle-trees, the navelles, spokes and shaftes were

II. Technically:

1. Anat.: The cicatrix of the umbilicus which causes a narrow and deep impression on the sur

navel-wort, s.


Bot. The genus Cotyledon (q. v.). The popular name has reference to the depression in the center of the leaf.

*nā -veled, a. [Eng. navel; -ed.] 1. Lit.: Furnished with a navel. 2. Fig.: Situated in the center. (Byron: Childe Harold, iv. 173.)

naveau, navel; from Low Lat. na vew (ew as u), s. [O. Fr. napellus, dimin. of Lat. napus= a turnip.]


campestris). It has lyrate, den- Leaf of NavelBot. The wild turnip (Brassica tate, somewhat hispid leaves. Hooker divides it into three subspecies-B. campestris proper, the probable origin of the Swedish turnip; B. napus, the rape or coleseed; and B. rapa, the origin of the turnip.

nā-vi-çěl-la, s. [Lat.. dimin. of navis a ship.] Zool.: A genus of Neritida, from fresh and brackish waters of countries bordering the Indian Ocean shelf beneath; operculum very small and shelly; and the islands of the Pacific. The shell is oblong, smooth, and patelliform, with a small columellashell covered with a dark olive epidermis. Twentyfour species have been described.

na-vic-u-la, s. [Lat. a small vessel, a boat.] gated case or flattened cylinder, open at both exZool.: A genus of Infusoria, shaped like an elontremities.

na-vic-u-lar, a. [Lat. navicularis, from navicula a little ship; dimin. from navis=a ship; Fr. naviculaire.]

Ord. Lang. Of or pertaining to small ships or boats; shaped like a boat.

II. Technically:

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1. Anat.: Pertaining to the navicular bone (q. v.). (Field, Dec. 6, 1884.)

2. Bot.: [BOAT-SHAPED.] navicular-bone, s.

Anat.: The scaphoid bone of the hand or foot. navicular-fossa, s.

Anat.: A slight depression at the base of the internal pterygoid process; it gives attachment to the tensor palati muscle. (Quain.)

năv-i-ga-bil-i-tỷ, s. [Fr. navigabilité, from navigable navigable (q. v.).] The quality or state of being navigable; capability of being navigated. from navigo-to navigate (q. v.); Sp. navegable; năv -I-ga-ble, a. [Fr., from Lat. navigabilis, Ital. navigabile.]

1. That may or can be navigated; capable of being navigated by a ship; affording passage to ships.

"The valleys of the Forth and Carron were navigable arms of the sea." ."-Wilson: Prehistoric Man, ch. vi.

*2. Fit for navigation or sailing; sailing; engaged in navigation.

"The better supporting of navigable vessels."-Hakewill: Apologie, bk. ii., ch. viii., § 1.

năv-i-ga-ble-ness, s. [Eng. navigable; -ness.] The quality or state of being navigable; navigability.

năv -I-ga-bly, adv. [Eng. navigab(le); -ly.] In

cock into pipes flows into the exterior chambers, face of the abdomen. It marks where the foetus a navigable manner; so as to be navigable.

causing the apparatus to sink. The workmen enter through an aperture at the top, closed by an airtight cover, and can in still water move the machine in any required direction by stepping on the ground and pushing. Air is condensed in a reservoir at the surface to a degree somewhat greater than the condensation due to the depth, and passes through a pipe into the chambers rendering the machine specifically lighter than water, and enabling it to lift stones or other objects below. A gauge indicates the amount of lifting power attained as the air is admitted, so that the supply may be cut off when the requisite power is reached. nautilus-propeller, s. A water-jet propeller on the reaction principle. Water is forced, by a turbine driven from the engine, through two nozzles. one on each side of the vessel, and directed fore or aft. It has proved practicable, but wasteful.

*na-vā -ġl-ŭm, a. [Low Lat., from Lat. navis= a ship.] A form of feudal tenure, being a duty on certain tenants to carry their lord's goods in a ship.

nā -val, *nā -vall, a. & s. [Fr. naval, from Lat. navalis, from navis a ship; Sp. naval; Ital. navale.]

[blocks in formation]

was attached to the placenta by the umbilical cord.
2. Ordn.: A perforated lug on the underside of a
carronade which is engaged by a through bolt and
thereby secured to the carriage.
navel-bolt, 8.

*năv-i-gant, subst. [Lat. navigans, pr. par. of
navigo= to navigate (q. v.).] A navigator, a sailor.
"Under whose [God's] merciful hands navigants above
all other creatures naturally be most nigh and vicine."-
Hackluyt: Voyages, i. 229.
Ordn.: The bolt which secures a carronade to its navigate to manage a ship: navis a ship.
năv-1-gate, v. i. & t. [Lat. navigatus, pa.
and ago to drive; Fr. naviguer; Sp. navegar; Ital.


navel-gall, s. (See extract.)

"Navel gall is a bruise on the top of the chine of the
back, behind the saddle, right against the navel, occs
sioned either by the saddle being split behind, or the
stuffing being wanting, or by the crupper buckle sitting
or knobs lying directly behind the sad.
down in that place, or some hard weight
dle."-Farrier's Dictionary.

[blocks in formation]

Her.: The point in a shield be
tween the middle base point and
the fesse point; the nombril.
Navel-souls, s. pl. [OMPHALOPSUCHOI.]
*navel-stead, s. The place of the navel, the
navel. (Chapman.)
navel-string, 8. The umbilical-cord (q. v.).
çell, chorus, chin, bench; go, gem; thin, this;

by water; to manage a ship at sea. A. Intrans.: To sail; to pass from place to place

"The Phoenicians navigated to the extremities of the western ocean."-Arbuthnot: On Coins.

B. Transitive:

1. To pass over in a ship; to sail on or over; to traverse in ships.

"Drusus, the father of the Emperor Claudius, was the first who navigated the northern ocean."-Arbuthnot: On Coins.

2. To direct or manage in sailing, as a ship; as, to navigate a vessel.

năv-l gă tion, s. [Fr., from Lat. navigationem, acc. of navigatio a sailing; from navigatus, pa. par. of navigo-to navigate (q. v.); Sp. navegacion, navigacion; Ital. navigazione.]

1. The act of navigating; passing from place to place in ships; sailing.

2. The art or science of navigating or conducting vessels from one port to another, on the ocean, by

sin, aş; expect, Xenophon, exist. ph = f.


the best routes. Navigation more especially means the art of directing and measuring the course of ships, and of determining the position of the ship at any moment, and the direction and distance of her destination. The management of the sails, steering, and the general working of the vessel belong rather to seamanship. There are two methods of determining the position of a ship at sea: the first is by means of the reckoning; that is, from a record which is kept of the courses sailed and distances made on each course; the second is by means of observations made on the heavenly bodies, and the aid of spherical trigonometry. The first method gives only approximate results; the second admits of great accuracy. The position of the vessel being known at any moment, the direction and distance of any other point may be determined either by the aid of a chart, or by the application of the principles of trigonometry. To the approximate methods of determining a ship's position it is necessary to add frequent checks by astronomical observations. The principal objects to be attained by astronomical observations are, to ascertain the latitude, the longitude, and the variation of the needle, for correcting the dead reckoning.

"I have greatly wished there were a lecture of navi gation read in the cities."-Hackluyt: Voyage. (Epis. Ded. *3.)

3. Shipping; ships in general.

"Tho' the yesty waves Confound and swallow navigation up." Shakesp.: Macbeth, iv. 1. (1) Aerial navigation: The act, art, or science of sailing or floating in the air in balloons.

(2) Inland navigation: The navigating or passing of boats, vessels, &c., on canals, lakes, or rivers in the interior of a country; conveyance by boats in the interior of a country.

navigation-laws, s. pl.

Law: By common law, a river is considered as navigable only so far as the tide ebbs and flows in it. This is also the doctrine in several of the United States. In other states, the doctrine of the civil law prevails, which is, that a navigable river is a river capable of being navigated, in the common sense of the term. (Kent.)

năv-I-gå-tor, *nav-i-ga-tour, s. [Lat. navigator, from navigatus, pa. par. of navigo-to sail; Fr. navigateur; Sp. navegador; Ital. navigatore.] 1. A sailor, a seaman; one who navigates or sails; one who is skilled in the art of navigation.

"By means of it [the mariner's compass] navigators found that at all seasons, and in every place, they could discover the North and South with so much ease and accuracy." "-Robertson: America, vol. i., bk. i.

*2. A navvy (q. v.).

"There's enough of me to make a good navigator if all trades fail."-C. Kingsley: Yeast, ch. xi.

*na-vig ĕr-oùs, a. [Lat. navis a ship, and gero to bear, to carry.] Capable of bearing or floating ships.

năv -vý, s. [An abbreviation of navigator, the name having been originally applied to laborers employed on canals for inland navigation.] A common laborer employed in the construction of such works as canals, railways, &c. (Eng.)

na-vý, *na -viě, s. [O. Fr. navie a ship, a navy, from Lat. navia=a ship, a vessel; navis a ship; Gr. naus; Sanse. nau-a ship, a boat; A. S. naca a boat ; Icel. nökhvi; Ger. nachen. From the same root as Lat. no-to swim; Gr. nao=to flow.] *1. A fleet.

2. The shipping of a country collectively. "None but wood ships were built, either for the war navies or the merchant navies of the world."-Brit. Quart. Review, 1873, p. 89.

3. The war-ships belonging to a country collect ively; the naval establishment of a country, including the ships, officers, men, armaments, stores, &c., intended for use in war. As early as 1840 the building of ironclad vessels was suggested to the United States Government by Mr. Stephens, of New York, and it was in this country that the first seagoing ironclad cruisers were built. Previously to 1840 the ships of the line of the British navy were all sailing vessels; in 1841 steam began to be substituted for sails.

4. The collective body of men enlisted in the service of the Navy; as, He is the admiral of the Navy. The United States Navy is under the control of the Secretary of the Navy, with headquarters at Washington. The service is divided into various stations as follows: North Atlantic, Pacific, Asiatic, South Atlantic, and the Apprentice Training Ships. The Navy yards are located as follows: Portsmouth, N. H.; Boston, Mass.; Newport, R. I.; New London, Conn.; League Island; Washington. D. C.; Norfolk, Va.; Brooklyn, N. Y.; Pensacola, Fla.; Mare Island, Cal.


of time there came new ratings to provide for ironclads, and a rule was made that the latter should be rated by tonnage measurement and other vessels by tonnage displacement. First rates included steam vessels of not less than 4,000 tons displacement and ironclads of not less than 3.000 tons measurement; third rates, of steamers of from 900 to 2,000 tons displacement, and ironclads of from 1,200 to 2,000 tons measurement. Our new navy started off on a better system, and has kept to it tolerably well. There has been a simplification of ratings, making displacement the only tonnage standard. navy-bill, s.

1. A bill drawn by an officer of the navy for his pay, &c. (Eng.)

2. A bill issued by the admiralty in payment of stores for ships and dockyards. (Eng.) Navy Department, s. One of the executive departments of the government, presided over by the Secretary of the Navy. [NAVY.] navy-yard, s. A ship-yard where the war vessels of a national navy are built and repaired. na-wâb, subst. [Hind.] A viceroy, a deputy, a nabob (q. v.).

nãy, *næi, *nai, adv. & s. [Icel. nei=no; Dan. nei: Sw. nej.] There was originally a distinction in the use of nay and no; the former was used to answer simple questions, the latter was used in answer to questions framed in the negative. A. As adverb:

1. A word expressing negation or refusal; no. "Therefore Iesus seith to hem, children wer yhe han ony soupy ng thing? thei answeriden to him, nai.”—W'ycliffe: John xxi.

2. Not only so; not this or that only; implying something intensive or amplifying to be added. "Nay, curs'd be thou! since against his thy will, Chose freely what it now so justly rues." Milton: P. L., iv. 72.

B. As subst.: A denial, a refusal. *To say nay: To deny, or refuse. "The stork would not be said nay."-L'Estrange: Fables.

tradiction. *nay-saying, *naye-sayinge, s. Denying, con

này, v. i. & t. [NAY, ade.]

A. Intrans.: To deny, to refuse, to say nay. "Death cruell turneth awaie fro wretches, and naieth for to close wepyng iyen."-Chaucer: Boecius, bk. i. B. Trans.: To deny, to refuse.

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fruit of the vine in any shape was forbidden, and no Nazarite might approach a corpse. The law of the Nazarite is given at length in Numbers (vi. 1-21). Samson (Judges xiii. 5), Samuel (1 Sam. i. 11), and John the Baptist (Luke i. 15) were Nazarites. From Amos (ii. 11, 12) it may be gathered that persons so dedicated to God had an organization like that of the prophets, and among the later Jews the vow was developed (1 Mac. iii, 49; Acts xviii. 18, xxi. 23, 24). [RECHABITE.]

"To vowe a vowe of a Nazarite to separate [himselfe] unto the Lorde."-Numbers vi. 5. (Geneva Bible, 1561.) Năz-ar-ite-ship, s. [English Nazarite; -ship.] The condition or state of a Nazarite.

Năz-ar-It -ic, a. [Eng. Nazarit(e); -ic.] of or pertaining to the Nazarites or Nazaritism.

Nǎz -ar-it-ism, s. [Eng. Nazarit(e); -ism.] The vows or practice of a Nazarite.

promontory; Icel. nes; Dan. nos; Sw. näs.] A nāze, s. [A. S. næs, nes=(1) the ground, (2) a promontory, a headland; specif. applied to: (1) The southern extremity of Norway, near the entrance to the Skager-rack; (2) the eastern extremity of Essex. five miles southeast of Harwich; (3) a headland of Senegambia, to the southeast of Cape Verd. [NESS.]

N. B. [See defs.]

1. A contraction for Latin nota bene=mark or note well or carefully.

2. A contraction for North Britain-that is, Scotland.

*nē, adv. [A. S. ne=not; cogn. with O. H. Ger. ni; M. H. Ger, ne; Goth. ni; Russ. ne; Ir., Gael., & Wel. ni; Sansc. na=not; Lat. ne (in nonne). In Mod. Eng. we find this particle represented in nor, nay, neither, none, naught, never, &c.] Not, never. In Middle English ne is frequently found coalescing with the verbs have, be, and will: as, nam= ne am=am not, nis= is not, nill=ne will=will not, nadde=ne hadde had not, &c.

*ně, conj. [Fr.] Nor.

ně-æ ́-ra, s. [Gr. Neaira, the name of a girl mentioned by Horace (Od. iii. 14, 21; Ep. 15, 11), Virgil (Ecl. iii. 3), and Tibullus (iii. el. 1, 2, 3, 4, 6); used in modern poetry=a sweetheart, as in Milton (Lycidas, 69.)]

Zool. & Palæont.: A genus of Myacida (q. v.), with twenty-two species. It commences in the Jurassic period.

neaf, *neif, *neve, *neive, nieve, *neffe, *neefe, s. [Icel. hnefi, nefi; Dan. næve; Sw. näfve.] "To Percevelle e dynt he yefe In the nekk with his nefe."

"Ne he shal not nay, ne deny his sinne."-Chaucer: The fist, the hand. Persones Tale.

nay-ward, s. [Eng. nay; -ward.] A tendency
to denial.

"Howe'er you lean to th' nayward.”
Shakesp.: Winter's Tale, ii. 2.
nay -word, s. [Eng. nay, and word.]
1. A byword; a proverbial term of reproach.
"Gall him into a nayword, and make him a common
recreation."-Shakesp.: Twelfth Night, ii. 3.

2. A watchword.

"And we have a nayword how to know one another."Shakesp.: Merry Wives of Windsor, v. 2.

Năz-a-rē ́-an, s. [Heb. netser=a branch.] Church Hist. A Jewish sect mentioned by Epiphanius (Hor. xviii.). They aimed at a patriarchal religion in place of a Mosaic Judaism, and rejected the history of Genesis and the Mosaic Law. They were found in Galaaditis, Basanitis, and other parts beyond Jordan. (Blunt.)

of Nazareth, from Gr. Nazaret; Eng. suff. -ene.] Nǎz-a-réne, s. [Gr. Nazarėnos=an inhabitant

1. Scripture and Church History: (1) A native of Nazareth (Matt. ii. 23). (2) (Pl.): A name applied reproachfully to the early Christians by the Jews (Acts xxiv. 5). [(1).] izing Christians of Hebrew descent, so frequently (3) (Pl.): A heretical sect from among the Judain conflict with St. Paul, which arose about the end of the first century, contemporaneously with the Ebionites and at first holding similar tenets. Je Christians, they are neither the one nor the other." rome (Ep. 79) says: "Desiring to be both Jews and They made use of the Gospel to the Hebrews, observed the Mosaic ceremonial law, and to the last retained belief in the divinity of Christ, while the Ebionites ultimately rejected it.

said to have existed in the island of Rodriguez, 2. Ornith,: Didus nazarenus, a species of Dodo, near Mauritius.

Năz-ar-ite, s. [The word, which should have been Nazirite, is from Heb. nazir=separation, abstinence, consecration (?); or=crowned one (?).] Jewish Church: A man or woman set apart by a vow for the service of God, either for a definite period or for life. The hair was allowed to grow, the

The classification of the vessels in the Navy
prior to the construction of the recent vessels was
based on the number of guns carried, but in process
fate, făt, färe, amidst, what, fâll, father; wē, wět, hëre, camel, her, thêre;

Syr Percyvelle, 2,087. neal, *neale, *nele, v. t. & i. [A contraction of anneal (q. v.).]

A. Trans. To anneal; to temper by heat. "Swords and glaiues, in furneis neale they tough." Phaer.: Virgil's Æneidos, vii.

B. Intrans. To be tempered by heat. "Reduction is chiefly effected by fire, wherein, if they stand and nele, the imperfect metals vapor away."Bacon: Dr. Meverel; Touching Metals.

nē-a-lō-tus, a. [Gr. nealōtos=newly caught.] Ichthy. A genus of Trichiuridae. Body incompletely clothed with delicate scales. Two dorsals, the first extending to the second; each ventral behind the vent. represented by a small spine; dagger-shaped spine One specimen only (Nenlotus tripes), ten inches long, has been obtained off Madeira; it lives at a great depth, and comes to the surface by accident.

neap, neep, a. & 8. [A. S. nép, in the comp. tide. Originally scanty, from the verb to nip nép-flod = low tide, as opposed to heáh-flód=bigh (q. v.); cf. Icel. neppr, hneppr-scanty: Dan, knap

scanty, strait, narrow; knap, neppe=scarcely.] A. As adj.: Low. (A term applied to those tides which happen in the middle of the second and fourth quarters of the moon, taking place about They occur when the attractions of the sun and four or five days before the new and full moons, moon act on the waters of the ocean at right angles to each other.)

"The waters

have their neap and spring tides." -Bishop Hall: Sermons; Lent. (1641) B. As subst.: A neap-tide; the time of neap-tide. "High springs and dead neapes.”—Hakewill: Apologie, bk. ii., ch. viii., § 1.

neap-tide, s. A low tide. [NEAP, a.]

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Nē-a-põl'-I-tạn, a. & s. [Lat. Neapolis, from Gr. Neapolis=the New City: nea=new, and polis= a city.]

A. As adj. Of or pertaining to Naples or its inhabitants.

B. As subst.: A native or inhabitant of the city or of the former kingdom of Naples.

Neapolitan-sixth, s.

Music: A name given, apparently without much reason, to a chord occurring on the subdominant of a minor key, and consisting of a minor third and minor sixth.

Neapolitan-violet, s.

Hort., &c.: Viola odorata, pallida-plena. Neapolitan-yellow, s. [NAPLES-YELLOW.] near, *neare, *neer, *ner, *nere, a., adv. & prep. [A.S. near, comp. adv. from neah=nigh; nær (adv.)=near; Dan. nær.]

A. As adjective:

1. Nigh, close; not far distant, not far off; not far removed in place or position; adjacent, at "Thus Satan talking to his nearest mate."


Milton: P. L., i. 192. 2. Not far removed in point of time; close at hand.

"When their deaths be near."

Shakesp.: Sonnet 140. 3. Closely related or allied by blood. "A near kinsman unto Charles."

Shakesp.: Henry VI., Pt. I., v. 3. 4. Touching or affecting one's interests or feelings; closely; coming home to one.

5. Intimate, familiar; closely united by ties of affection, confidence, or intimacy.

"You are very near my brother in his love."

Shakesp.: Much Ado about Nothing, ii. 1.

6. Keeping closely to the original or model; not deviating from an original; literal; not free or loose; not rambling.

"Hannibal Caro's, in the Italian, is the nearest of any translation of the Eneid."-Dryden,


7. So as barely to escape danger, hurt, or loss; close, narrow; as, a near escape.

8. Serving to lead to a place or object by the shortest way; short, direct, straight.

"To catch the nearest way." Shakesp.: Macbeth, i, 5. 9. On the left; left. (Opposed to off in riding or driving.)

"The motion will draw up the off leg into the same position as the near leg, and the horse will go down on his knees."-Art of Taming Horses (1859), p. 77.

10. Close, niggardly, parsimonious; not liberal. "Mr. Barkis was something of a miser, or, as Peggotty dutifully expressed it, was a little near."-Dickens: David Copperfield, ch. x.

11. Characterized by parsimony or niggardliness. "I always thought he lived in a near way."-Steele: Spectator, No. 402.

According to Mr. Smythe Palmer (Folk-Etymology), near in the last two senses is a corruption of A. S. hnedw=sparing, niggardly; Icel. hnöggr; but cf. Close, a., I. 2 (22).

B. As adverb:

1. Close, not far, nigh, at hand.

"Beetles black, approach not near." Shakesp.: Midsummer Night's Dream, IL. 2. 2. Close in point of time; at hand. 3. Closely; in a manner affecting one's interests or feelings.

"Ely, with Richmond, troubles me more near." Shakesp.: Richard III., iv. 3.

4. Within a little; almost.

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is "neere leg'd before"-i. e., foundered in his fore-
feet; having, as the jockeys term it, "never a fore-
leg to stand on.' (Malone, followed by Dyce.)
near-side, s. The left side. [NEAR, a., 9.]
near-sighted, a. Short-sighted; not able to dis-
tinguish objects at a distance. [MYOPIC.]
near-sightedness, s. The quality or state of
being near-sighted; short-sightedness. [MYOPY.]
nëar, *neare, v. t. & i. [NEAR, a.]
A. Trans.: To come near; to approach.
"On nearing the bridge they slightly quickened up."-
London Morning Post.

B. Intrans.: To come near or nearer; to approach.
"And still it neared and neared."
Coleridge: Ancient Mariner, iii.
(q.v.). Belonging to the northern portion of the
ne-arc-tic, a. [Pref. ne(o-), and English arctic
New World.

nearctic-region, s.

Zool. A region comprising all temperate North
America and Greenland. The arctic lands and
islands beyond the limit of trees form a transitional
territory to the Palearctic region. The southern
limit between this region and the Neotropical may
be drawn at about the Rio Grande del Norte on the
east coast, and a little north of Mazatlan on the
In the central plateau it should perhaps
include all the open highlands of Mexico and Guat-
emala. (Wallace: Geog. Dist. Animals, i. 79.)
near-ly, adv. [Eng. near; -ly.]


[blocks in formation]

4. Pure, unadulterated, unmixed.

"The hogsheads of neat port came safe."-Steele: Spee tator, No. 264.

*5. Free or clear of deduction; net. [II.] "It is this surplus which is neut or clear profit."Smith: Wealth of Nations, vol. i., bk. i., ch. ix.

6. Simple and elegant; free from bombast or tawdriness; expressed in few and well-chosen words; chaste. (Said of style or language.)

"The expression humble, yet as pure as the language will afford; neat, but not florid; easy, and yet lively."Pope. (Todd.)

†7. Spruce, finical, foppish.

"A certain lord, neat, and trimly dressed." Shakesp.. Henry IV., Pt. I., i. 3. II. Commerce: [NET, a.] *neat-handed, a. Clever and tidy; deft, dexterous, neat. (Milton: L'Allegro, 86.)

neath, prep. [A contracted form of beneath (q. v.).] Beneath, under. (Poetical.)

neat-herd, *neat-heard, *nete herd, s. [Eng. neat, s., and herd (q. v.).] One who has the care of neat cattle; a cowkeeper, a herd.

neteherdes house."-Barnes: Workes, p. 190.
"So hee departed very angerly, and went to the kinges

*neat-herd-ĕss, subst. [Eng. neatherd; -ess.] A female neatherd; a neatress. (Herrick: A Bucolic;

1. Closely; at a short distance; not far; not re- or, A Discourse of Neatherds.)

"Now more nearly to the walls he drew."
Hoole: Orlando Furioso, bk. vi.
2. Closely; by close ties of relationship or con
nection; as, They are nearly related.
*3. Closely. intimately, pressingly.
"What most nearly appertains to us both."-Shakesp.:
Lear, i. 1.

*4. In a near, parsimonious, or niggardly manner.
5. In a manner approaching to, or not falling
short of, what is proposed.
"As nearly as I may,
I'll play the penitent to you."

Shakesp.: Antony and Cleopatra, ii. 2.
6. Closely; with close adherence to or following
of the original model; as, He copied it as nearly as
7. Within a little; almost.

near-ness, *neare-ness, s. [Eng. near; -ness.]
1. The quality or state of being near or close at
hand; closeness in time, position, or place; near

2. Close relationship or connection; close alliance
by blood or affection.

"Our nearness to the king in love."
Shakesp.: Richard II., i. 1.
+3. Parsimony, niggardliness, closeness in expen-
"Now for neareness Galba was noted extremelie."-
Savile: Tacitus; Historie, pt. i., p. 11.

neat, neēt, s. & a. [A. S. neát neat cattle;
cogn. with Icel. naut cattle, oxen; M. H. Ger. nóz,
nóss; from A. S. neótan, niótan to use, to employ;
Icel. njóta: M. H. Ger. niezen; O. H. Ger. niozan;
Ger. geniessen; Goth. niutan-to enjoy.]

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*neat-I-fy, *net-i-fie, v. t. [Eng. neat, a.; suff. fy.] To make neat.

"The worke of a woman to netife and polish."-Chap man: Homer's Iliad, ii. (Comment.)

neat-ly, adv. [Eng. neat, a. ; -ly.]

1. In a neat manner; tidily, cleanly.
"Wearing his apparel neatly."-Shakesp.: All's Well
that Ends Well, iv. 3.

2. In a neat or tasteful manner; with good taste.
3. With neatness and skill; skillfully, deftly.
"His poem so exactly limn'd
And neatly jointed."

Drayton: To H. Reynolds, Esq.
or language; as, an idea neatly expressed.
4. In neat, simple, appropriate, and elegant style

neat -ness, *neat-nesse, subst. [Eng. neat, a.; -ness.] 1. The quality or state of being neat; tidiness. "Her garden Its pride of neatness."

had lost Wordsworth: Excursion, bk. 1. neatness of a design. 2. Taste, tastefulness; simple elegance; as, the

3. Skillfulness, dexterity, cleverness, adroitness; as, the neatness of a repartee.

*neat-ress, *neat-resse, subst. [Eng. neat, s.; -ress.] A woman who has charge of heat cattle.

něb, *něbb, *nebbe, *nib, s. [A. S. nebb=the face; cogn. with Dut. neb=the bill, beak, mouth; Icel. nef=the nose; Dan. nab the beak, the bill; Sw. näbb. An initial s has been lost; cf. Dut. sneb a bill, beak; Ger. schnabel a bill, a beak.] *1. A face, a countenance.

2. The bill or beak of a bird; the nose. "Beholde she had broken off a leaf of an olyue tre and bare it on hir nebb."-Coverdale: Genesis viii. 11. *3. A neck.

"Take a glass with a belly and a long neb."-Bacon: Nat. Hist., § 27.

ně-bā -li-a, s. [From a proper name. (Agas siz.)]

Zool.: The only marine genus of Phyllopoda (q. v.). The carapace is large, with a movable rostrum; eyes large and pedunculated. There are

B. As adj.: Pertaining or relating to animals of well-developed antennules, antennæ, mandibles,

5. By close ties of relationship, intimacy, or con- the neat kind; as, neat cattle. fidence.

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"Near allied unto the duke."

Shakesp.: Two Gentlemen of Verona, iv. 1

C. As preposition:

1. Close to, nigh, not far from.

2. At.

"At the brink of chaos, near the foot
Of this new wondrous pontifice."
Milton: P. L., x. 347.

*near-dweller, subst. A neighbor. (Keats: Endymion, i.)

near-hand, a. & adv.

A. As adj.: Close, near at hand, not distant, not far off.

B. As adv.: Close at hand; nearly, almost, intimately.

near-legged, a. Knock-kneed, bandy.

This, according to Mr. R. Grant-White, is "the reading of the original." The spelling in the folio

boil, boy; pout, jowl; cat,

neat-cattle, s. The same as NEAT, A.

neat-house, s. A house or shed for neat cattle;
a cowhouse.
neat-land, s.

Law: Land let out to yeomanry.

neat's-foot, s. The foot of an ox, a cow, &c. Neat's-foot oil: An oil obtained from the feet of neat cattle.

neat, *nett, a. [Fr. net (m.), nette (f.); from Lat. nitidum, accus. of nitidus-shining, clean, neat; niteo-to shine.]

I. Ordinary Language:

1. Keeping things in perfect order; tidy, orderly,
not slovenly.
2. Characterized by or indicating neatness; in
perfect order; tidy.

çell, chorus, chin,

"Is all ready, and all things neat?"

Shakesp.: Taming of the Shrew, iv. 1. bench; go, gem; thin, this;

and two pairs of maxill, the anterior of which ends in a long palp. (Huxley.)

něb-něb, s. [An Egyptian word.]

Bot.: The legumes of Acacia nilotica, used by the Egyptians for tanning.

Ně-bras -ka, s. A Commonwealth of the United States of America. A name first applied to a river. It is of Indian origin, signifying "Shallow Water.' Nebraska Territory organized May, 1854. Few set. tlements till 1864. Idaho cut off March, 1863, and present boundaries fixed. Bill to admit July, 1866, unsigned by President Johnson, and another Janu ary, 1867, vetoed. Bill passed over veto February, 1867. Admitted that year. School system superior, school endowments liberal. Union soldiers fur nished, 3,157. Climate: Dry, salubrious, and free from malaria. Temperature averages summer 73, winter 20°. Rainfall cast of 100th meridian, includ ing snow, 25 inches, heaviest in May. At west precipitation falls to 17 inches. Rainfall gradually increasing.

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